Moknine monastire (Tunisia)
Languages : French, English
Date of birth : 22/08/1981
YASMINE SHOP Ksar hellel Monastire
● Presenting the offers available in the market to customers
● Discussing prices and quality with customers
● Authorize payments by cheque
● Buying and selling readymade garments on demand
● Sell merchandise
● Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages 2014-2020skilled construction worker and foreman
Ste Les GrandsTravaux Du Centre
Monastire (Tunisia)
● Install ceramic and marble on all types of floors and walls
● build walls of bricks, columns and ceilings according to the plans presented
● Read sketches and blueprints to calculate materials required
● Follow up the progress of works, inspect safety conditions and solve work-related problems
● Erect and dismantle concrete forms, scaffolding, ramps, catwalks shoring and barricades
● Helps remove rubble and other debris on construction sites
● Mix, pour and spread materials
● Co-ordinate and schedule activities
● Co-ordinate work activities with other project supervisors or managers
● Supervise workers and projects
2008–2014 skilled construction worker and site manager Sté DE Commerce Et De Travaux,Monastire (Tunisia)
● Building and erecting walls and dividing the space with industrial plaster according to thestandards in the plan
● Power machinery or operate equipment used on construction
● Prepare and lay bricks, concrete blocks, structural tiles or other masonry units
● Lay bricks or other masonry units to build residential or commercial chimneys and fireplaces
● Construct and install prefabricated masonry units
● Monitoring workers, motivating, inspecting safety and quality methods, surrounding and educating new workers
● Read sketches and blueprints to calculate materials required
● Estimate materials, labour, tools and equipment
● Lay bricks, stone or similar materials to provide veneer facing
● Perform trade work during home construction, renovation or restoration RÉSUMÉ – TEBOULBI MONCEF
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1995-2002Baccaloreate Diploma
Saîd abou Baker, Moknine (Tunisia)
2022 Certicate of Professional Qualification
-Major : Building
Ministry of Vocational Training And Employment, Monastire
2022 Occupational safety and accident prevention certificate Civil Protection and Accident Prevention Center Monastire (Tunisia) Currently taking courses
career objective
I entered the field of construction since I was young, my father was a building contractor, I became a professional at the age of 18, I simply love this field, I want to gain more experience, I have the confidence, talent and determination to do it Criminal record check
don't have a criminal record
Physical abilities
Handling heavy
loads Standing for a long time
bend, squat, kneel
Possess a driving license: class 1