Vo Duy Hung
097******* ********@*****.*** https://www.linkedin.com/in/hung-vo-1695a9181/ github.com/HungVoCs47 Education
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology - OISP (HCMUT) Sep. 2020 – Present Bachelor’s degree, Computer Science
• Orientation: Artificial Intelligence
• Weighted GPA: 7.61
Real-time gender classification Convolutional Neural Network
• Detect gender refers to an individual’s personal and social identity throught the individual’s image
• Real-time gender detection using webcam (Male/Female)
• For further references: Gender Classification
Movie Recommendation System and Sentiment Analysis Cosine Similarity, Naive Bayes Classifier, Flask, SQ
• Filtering and providing suggestions for any types of movies which are required
• Sentiment Analysis of IMDB Movie Reviews
• Deploy Machine Learning Model using Flask and update the Model using new data stored in SQLite
• For further references: Recommended Movie System Real-time Handwritten Digits Recognition Multi-layer Perceptron
• Read image of the Handwritten using webcam and convert the data to MNIST format
• Predict the digits (0-9) of the real-time Handwritten image
• For further references: Handwriting Digits Recognition Programming Skills
Languages: C++, Python
Algorithms: A* Algorithms(DFS, BFS, Shortest Path algorithms ), Dynamic Programming Frameworks: Flask, Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn (basic) Tools: Git
Machine Learning Knowledge
Model evaluation: K-fold cross-validation, grid-search, F1-score, regularization, gradient descent, drop out, XGBoost Supervised learning: KNN, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machime, Naive Bayes Classifier, Multilayer Perceptron(MLP), Evolutionary Algorithms Unsupervised Learning: K-Means, Decision Tree, Principal component analysis(PCA), Hierarchal Clustering, Random forest
Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)
Machine Learning Course - Mentor: Dinh Quang Vinh