Previous Jobsite References
Clovis Army Reserve Building Clovis, CA
Medlin Construction Group in 2000 $14,055,306 job as Project Superintendent Corps of Engineers
USARC/OMC/ECS Facility, Ft Sam Houston San Antonio, TX Medlin Construction Group in 2002 $12,792,639 job as Project Superintendent Corps of Engineers
Dyess AFB Fitness Center Abilene, TX
Medlin Construction Group in 2003 $13,000,000 job as Assistant Superintendent Corps of Engineers
Ft Hood Vehicle Maintenance Facility Killeen, TX
Medlin Construction Group in 2004 $14,267,211 job as Assistant Superintendent Corps of Engineers
US Customs and Border Patrol Protetction Station Eagle Pass, TX W.G. Yates Construction in 2006 $11,862,500 job as Project Superintenent Corps of Engineers
Crime Lab of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX
Hamman Construction in 2010 $1,500,000 job as Superintendent for Site Contractor PN:08-003-0405 GC: Marshall Company
Public Water Line Improvements, Padre Island Corpus Christi, TX Hamman Construction in 2010 $1,000,000 job as Superintendent of Site and Underground Utilities Eurban Engineering 42290.00.000
Mary Ellen Burlanga Middle School Corpus Christi, TX Hamman Construction in 2011 Superintendent of Site Work GC: Journeyman Construction, Inc. 42290.00.000
Volkswagon of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX
Hamman Construction in 2011 Superintendent of Site and Underground Utilities GC: KJM Commercial, Inc.
McBride Lift Station Force Main Corpus Christi, TX Bridges Specialties in 2012 $2,500,000 job as Superintendent City of Rockport Force Main Rockport, TX
Bridges Specialties in 2013 $3,000,000 job as Superintendent City of Rockport Lift Station Rockport, TX
CAS Industries in 2014 General Superintendent
Medio Creek Bridge Beeville, TX
CAS Industries in 2014 General Superintendent
Plains Refinery Three Rivers. TX
JE Construction in 2015 $2,100,000 job as General Superintendent