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Data Entry Customer Service, Administrative, Manager, Sales, Loans

Ayer, MA
Remote work
October 19, 2022

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Mary Alice Elliott

* *** ****nc Rmd APT ***

l\r'er- ildA0l4x2


Fmeil: mary magoon@ydloo-cm

Work Experience:

F.dcnl Brrrer of Prirors

P-O- Boxtfll

l\yer- hd"A 01432 Udtd SHes

5n0f 3-220f 8 (Medicrlly Rctired)

Selry: f,tlr026-00 USD Pcr Ycer

Horrs pcr wcdr: 4O

Hc.ffi hhretil Tctlritier

IDrticc, Aorphlrcds rd *cled SLIs

Assembles, analyzrs, codes and indexes medical records. Performs medical rccord rcviews, conducts accountability checks, collect and records medical data to be used for statistical reports; keys certain medical data in Senay computer; prepares BOP rcquirod [dodical Trmit Fqurs; proccsscsro$* farnodical rmrdsAmavuiey s)urosri: €sbli$csdicat recordsfor ncn zlmissiorrs qrircs" mmitas md rorm for thc modial rmds ntich ry1i ftmc paitm tffi in from dhcrBurca irr<iturtirrrE- ns&esFwEr.liqtrEitirnofall imiagadqdgoirySry modiol m*oriafl adtrassribdrcpoffis" Rcryms:blc fr ductirv adis ctcrtr mffi- l\@ *ith dl othcr qretti<mt insritrilin €ry -lovscs. imhcut is dagsd with responsibility for maintaining security of the institution. The staff correctional rcsponsibilities precede all others required this positbn atrd arc performcd on a regular and recuniqg b6is. Specific oorrectiooal re+onsiUititis include orsiody and sryervisirn of mmates rcqmdiry lo cmcrpncics md insitlim A*rtmm" prticfpatg in fpg md cscryc @oh" md assmins mrrediml officer pffi *t€n ncctssf,y- Wc ac rcquircd o shaterbnrr irrrm ffi vignl scachcs of irmr*s work md linftrg rens fm oomrfud- and is respmsilCc fr emneAr$ rtxpmdng to q institrilim,Emcrgr rcics, tilc ac trained to use physical oontol in situatiurs wtere nsoessarJi, suct as in fights anong inmdes, assaults on staff, and rios or escape attempts.

Srpcrriror: Jerir Trc (9lt) TlGt5lf

Otey b codect fib Srpcrriror: Ycs

fbdcrel krcer of Prim

P.O. Box 880

Ayer, tvIA,01432 Unit€d States


Sderp S"-f .l9fl IJISD Frr Ycer

Hours per wcck: 4{l

Unit Secretery

Drtic" A,ccolplislrcrts erd Rchd Stlfs

Hadliq routinc ftryirics frm bdr srtrild inm*rs proviling te.'hnbt rssirrry ul m*ering grqirc reading ttc gencral oafiure of orrdiml trqpmsi Pror,ided asqiornca to gaffmhers. and qa-rr= indcpendo@ of a1 uch pu*lim in ficoffie- Respmdstorurircrcqucsts fu'infanaio sdas sl*rsofnepfrtr sEmsofrclrrsr ad simikinlirnain readlly available from files. Determining whether or not to release the information based upon the nature or degree or sensitivity of the information ad thc requesers authori{ to r€ceive the information Pnovide timely FOLA/PA responses to the public ilMcs ad ahcr hr cnfawt parhcrs- Rtrior ad el}re rcqu€sts and infum the srycrviu of ugcrlt rndtErs. FiIfug all FOIilPA rcq* in arqri*c stims ofthe Ccrtrat File- Rrciver distribues. ild routrs irwningliorltgoirE mrerymAma scrcrnsmwcirl priortodi*rfunin to6crytrufircgtrrsnhcr- Prcpcioguririu"ar*'mmfmee supervisor's sigrdl.Ee. Prlepding release pryerwor*, detainer pryeffiorlq transfer orders, md other pqerrvork for inmdc's release. Maintain subject matter files and records that relate to the work of the unit Maintains Bureau of Prisons program sla[cmflitr zlministdived qulaory requirEfftrtsild crffialtrIcsrdil trdcr- rcdedgnairnarclrefrrom ahalfr4r, housc. Fcrformiryorccrinal rerymsUtit*sto imludc o*oQrmdspervi$m ofturracsulmitordcrlics rcrymdinglo oftrgrncics ad insriftilim .li{ErrrcFs pddpeiry in fog ild €st+e pmoh ad assrqing amesriml pcrs nb n€Gsil!: Traincd o$er wuris ad adEd frthc,{mi* Itrdcrs w#Iy- Cmdrgod msi irevhs of ftc irnndts 6 needed. Types of softwarc used in the office: Microsoft Wond, Microsoft Excel, Adobe and Word Perfect Supcrviror: C-erric Huntot (9ltfi9Gl322l

Olny to cortect tlb S4crvisr: ycs

Afrorn€y Jamee Vrn Bunn

Fitchburg, MA

Fitchburg, MA 01420 United States


HouG porseok:40

Secllt ry

Dutlss, Accomplbhmentl and Related Skllle:

Generil s€cretarial and administrative duties. Answering the phone, processing incoming and oulgoing mail, preparing the deposils' and Uookf*ping. preparing financial reports, budget reports, a atcounting data. Receirrc payments from dients and process those payments- OrOering arfi maiirtenance of supplies and equipmdnt. Preparing doorments such as; wills, real estate packages, fusts, civil matters, ard criminal matters.

gupervbor James Van Buren (97&3+5-0321)

Okay to contactthb SuPewhor: Yes

I ntornal Revenue Serylco

Fitcfiburg. MA United States

ozno0i, -05run6

HouE porwgok:40

Data Tienscdber

Dutieo, Accomplhhmontt ild Reltrd Skilh:

provid6 quality iervice to ttle tagayers, by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibililies. Proofreading the papemork for.any enors, o,ice eiror free, the inbnriation is dnterid into the computer system. Ensuring promp( aM eficient servbes to the taxpayers. This was a seasonal temporary position.

ilew England t etch.ntl CorporaUon

Agawam, MA United Statas

O,U:1005 -OA2(fi6

Houc perweek:40

Loan Origlnatol

Duuos, Accomplbhmenb and tutrbd Skills:

Preparing the loan fiom the beginning stage of the application, to the dosing prooess. Afier completing the applicatbn in the encompass system, I would then send the epplication and qedit report through loan seardr, to find the best hnder for the dient. One I cfiose the best lender, I would speak with the dient. After they accept, I would order the appraisal, and get the necossary dod.rmeflE from lhe dient. t.lext, I would send out the good talth estmate and the dlsdosures to be slgned. Once they ha\re been slgned, I would send evBrythhg to underwd0ng. During the entire prooess, being in contaci with the client, lender and tho attomey's ofrce. I would abo meet with reGral sources on a regular basis. I also did telemarketing and was responsible for obtaining leads and refenal soures. Trying to build steady rebnal sources, and coming up with marketing techniques to atlrad new customeB.

Supervlsor: Mark Czepiel (41 &7Ee35m)

Okay to contac{thE Supervbor: Yes

WorcebrJuvenlle Gourt

Worcester, MA United States

1011998 - 0412005

Houc perwrek:40

Seslom CbrIrC$o Coodlmtor

Dufie8, Accomplbhmentr .nd Related Sklllr:

SupeMsing the employees in the office and reEponsible for baining all the employees. Responding to administratirre and technical questions fiom upper level management. Providing technical infomation to other agencies. Contac{ person br all matters regardrg the other employees in ttle office, and resolved any issues that arose. Contading agency headquarters for guklance on HFutraining policies and procedures. Responding to questions regarding employe€ benefits and personnel questions, scheduled stafi meetings an<t faining progrems. Providing information to management on the performance of other employees and training requiremenb needed br the olher employees. Handling issues regardirq performance, the hiring of new employeee, recruitment of ner', employeG and the dismissal of employees. Conduding trainirB sessions on new technology lo co-workers. Maimained a traddng system br incomirB and ouSoing conespondence. Goneral secretarial and administrative responsibilities elabd to the operation of the court. Preparcd criminal oomplaintB ard dert magistrate hearings. Processed paymenb and daily <leposits. Prepared the trial list and required files br the court sessions. Processed the files an6r courl room activity. Providing assistance in tte maintenance of time and attendance sheets br pesonnel. Handled time sensitive and confidential cases. Resource person for our ofice. Processed incomirry and ou$oing mail. Answered all incoming calls, and assisted the person with their guestions. Providing assiEtance to the attorn€ys, litigants, law enforcement personnel, and the general public, with foms, applications, or any other questions they may have. Atend the @urlroom sesslons, ard asslst tiE Jrrdge wlth tho s€sslon, and record rvhat happ€ns ln court. Superubor: Sue Leppala (97&34$7620)

Okay to contactthb Superubor: Yes

Fltchburg Dldrict Court

Fitcfiburg, MA United States

0311998 - 10fi998

Hours porwsek:40

Procedurec Clerk I

Dude3, Accompllrhmentr end Related Skllls:

Gen€rat secretahal and administrative responsibilities Glated to the operation of the court. Processed small daims, and preparcd smaill daims cases for court. Review all documents that come into court, and doqrments that get mailed out. Called the small daims list in court, and prepared the necessary documents afier court. Customer service to the general public, attomeys, and litbants. Responsible forthe switchboard backup. Supervlsor: Carmen Boisvert (97&34*21111

Okay to contactthh Suporubor: Yes

Leasecomm Corporatlon

Waltham, MA United Strates

02t1997 - 0311998

Houe perweek:40

Legal Clerk

DuUes, Accompllchmentr and Relatod Skllls:

Processed civil suits, and prepared the suits for court. Responsible for the evaluaiion of d€linquent ac@unts, and deciding hor to pursue further adion in regards to the colleciion of the account. Handle time sensiti\re cases that are in danger of being disnissed and need immediate aclion, Settlements wilh the defundanfs or their attomey. Handled the preparation of necessary memorandums and documents for court. Researcfiing the laws and whether or not legal action can be taken against the crrstomers. Preparing the necessary documents for court. llartet Besket

Fitcfiburg, MA United States

05r{994 -W1997

Salary:9.00 USD Per Hour

HouB porreok:40

As.btant Omce manager

Duues, Accomplbhment! and Relatod Skllls:

Cashier, customer seNice, ched< cashing, and data entry. Responsible for accounting and bookkeeping. Secretrarial and adminiskative duties, and providing assistance to th€ manager.

Supervieor: Chris Elkins (978-34t5882)

Okay to contact thb Superubon Yes

Buqer Klng

Leominster, MA United States

08fi989 .05fi994

HourB porweek:40

Shit Supervlsor

Dudes, Accomplbhments and Related Skllls:

Cashier, customer service, inrrentory control, and accounting. SupeMsed eight to ten employees, and provided assistance to ihe manager. Responsible for derical and food service functions, and bookkeeping, Education:

Fbhor Colbgo Fitchburg, MA United States

Associale's Degr€e 05/1 997

Crodlt3 Eamed: 66 Semester hours

faJon Parabgal Honoe: Magna Cum Laude

Job Relabd Training:

FLETC Training in Georgia- completed S17-07

CIMS Certification- 6-25-1 0

Case Manager Training Course 6-2$.10

FEMA- 100, 200, 700, 800 series - 4{6-09

Completion of ICS 300 training - 11-10-10

Firearms training ewry year

Dislurbance Control faining every year

Command Center faining quarterly

Self deftnse training every year

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