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City Corporation Management Specialist

Dhaka, Bangladesh
October 20, 2022

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Curriculum Vitae


Proposed Position for the Project

Unicef job












•Member Bangladesh Economic Association

•Member Bangla Academy life member (Cultural organization)

•Member officers’ Club Dhaka, Elite club

•Chairman, School Management Committee( Baily Road Dhaka ) 2003-05



Degree Obtained, stating date and subjects

Rajshahi University

Masters of Arts in Economics 1977 -1979, second Class, Special subject Regional Economics,Agricultural Economics

Rajshahi University

BA Hons in Economics, 1974-1976, Second Class, Trade Money & banking Economic Theory. Economic History Public etc . Finance SSC &HSC both second class 1979-1973

Central Law college, Dhaka University

L.L B, 1987 3rd Class(1985-87) Law subjects







Project Management: Formulation, Appraisal, Implementation, Monitoring&. Evaluation

15 December 1980- 10January 1981, 25 days

Project Implementation Bureau now renamed IMED& BangladeshManagement Development Center now BIM,Bangladesh

25 days


Formulation of Development Project”

9May1984-19 may1984

Academy for Planning & Development, Bangladesh

10 days


Financial Management”

October 1985 Feb –March April1986 30days

Academy for Planning & Development, Bangladesh

3 days


Project Monitoring in the Livestock Sub-Sector”

29may1991-1 may 1986 2 days

Department of Fisheries & UNDP Project, 1991, Bangladesh

2 days


Post Evaluation”

10 October 1994.- 15 November1994 One month

Evaluated Pabna Agriculture and Rural development Project

Asian Development Bank &IMED, M/O. Planning, Bangladesh

one month


Project Appraisal and Evaluation

03September2006,14September2006 10days

Bangladesh Institute of Management, Bangladesh.

10 days


Project Management &implementation

12-13April 2008

Department of livestock services

Two days


Public Procurement Management 2006

18 March-5 April 2007 15 days

IMED and Bangladesh Institute of Management,Bangladesh

Bangladesh 15 days


Procurement of goods Works and services

09Sept 1996 -18 September 1996

IMED and Academy for Planning Development, Bangladesh


10 days


Population Development

Se9 10 19 sept 1988

Planning Commission Bangladesh

19 days


31 march 3022


One day


Word perfect

18 July 28 august 1993,6 week

Bangladesh Computer Academy Bangladesh



MS Word,Lotus, Dbase

1st August1996 Sept,1996 2months

Informatics Computer centre, Bangladesh



lotus, 1995.

1st April 30 April1886 one month

Computer Center, Dhaka. University, Bangladesh



Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point

3september 2006- 7September 2006 five days

SLDP-2, Danida Project & Department of Livestock Services Bangladesh



Database Management

5 May 2010-30june 2010,50 days

Grameen Star IT Education,Bangladesh




25 October -30 Deecember2016,Two months




General English

5January200826.February.2008,50 days

British Council,Bangladesh



Elementary French

March1994- June 1994 4 month

Alliance Francaise Bangladesh


Other Training



“Poultry Project Preparation, Management Monitoring & Evaluation”

1st January 1989 28th February 1989 two Months

Institute of Poultry Management, Pune India



“Project Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation”

March 7th1990- August1990,6 months

University of Philippines, LOS Banos, Philippines



Agribusiness Development &Management

5November 15November 2008 9 days

Agricultural Institute of Technology, Bangkok Thailand.



Health Planning &Management

4-13 March2019

HII PM New Delhi,


8. Language&Degree of proficiency




















9. Countries of Work experience


10. Employment record



[starting with present position list in reverse order]




[e.g. January 1999]


[e.g. December 2001]


[e.g. 05 years]

Brief description of the duties

Employer 1 Local Govt Engineering Department

Monitoring &Evaluation & Knowledge management Specialist Haor Infrastructure & Livelihood Improvement Project & Climate Adaption & Livelihood project IFAD

30 th May

Till to date

One month 15 days

Monthly Progress Report (Physical & Financial) 2. Quarter report of the Project. 3. Project Half yearly report 4. Data collection for preparing Annual Report (2019-20 pen from Component Heads/PMU 5. Component wise format re-edited 6. Contract registrar update (monthly)/ICP 7. Update the status of project targeting and outreach (monthly) 8. Cash forecasting and financial update report WORKS: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT . KM action plan prepare for FY 2 Project Half yearly and showcasing. 6. Prepare Project documents ( 3.) Prepare Annual Report 4. Promotional Materials development plan 5. Project case study and Success story prepare and showcasing. 6. Prepare documents on project lesson learned . Knowledge Management and communicate the best practice and lessoned learned to the IFAD Asia network, Newsletter of LGED and IFAD Achievement Action Plan Climate Adoption Report,Log frame prepared Presented on Best Practice Youth Development & Knowledge Management edited number of case studies Presentation of Monitoring & Evaluation & Survey for District Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Conducted a Survey KAP. Feedback to management

2 Emploter 2 Yousuf &Associated

Evaluation Specialist

March June (Home based )

5 months

Impact evaluation report direction ofCase studies & FGD

Employer 23Y Oprajoj

Financial Specialist

24 march

30 june 2021

2 months

Prepared report on Annual Analysis (comparative/descriptive) of budget allocated to NPoA of the National Strategy for Adolescent Health 2017-2030for advocacy purposes towards the parliamentary caucus and lobby to the government. achievement the report, Submitted to Plan International through Apajo Bangladesh

Employer 3.MO Finance

Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator, SEIP, NSDA MO Finance

1st September 2019

August 2020

One year

•Development of Quality AssuranceManual

•Monitoring of skills training providers to ensure quality training following competency standard,

•Development a robust a monitoring and Evaluation guideline/compliance system of NSDA,preparation of action plan for NSDA

•Development of M&E and MIS framework to know the progress of National action plan of NSDA

Skills Quality assurance Manual, ME framework development of guideline

Achievement: Development of Quality Asurance

Manual, Monitoring Guidelines Monitoring of skills project facilitated Implementation Skills Development Organization Prepared ME guideline for Industry council

Empoyer 4.Yousuf & Associates

Position Economist,

Home based December 1918

April 2019

More than 4 months

Impact Studies 14 Universities, served as a team member submitted to IMED MO Planning achievement : the impact evaluation report, assisted team leader, collect and review of secondary documents; develop implementation plan of the assignment; participating in preparation of Inception Report; providing orientation training to the supervisors and field investigators, supervising data collection activities, conducting discussions with various stakeholders of the project, participating in data processing and analysis, assisted the team leader in writing and presenting reports at different stages.

Employer 5.Mo Local Government, RD&C

Technical Expert & Project Coordinator, (Specialist/ ) EU Support to Health &Nutrition to the Poor in Urban Bangladesh ( EU)

January 2018

August 2019

Twenty Months

•Prepared delivering services report of NGOS activities, Build up a mechanism for the involvement of Municipalities for monitoring of the implementation for sustainable of the project activitie

•Taken Initiatives to Reach Marginalized and Disadvantaged Adolescents and Youth, especially Girls supervised ngo works by PMU

•Coordinate with the Programme Associate, Finance Officers and other technical officers on project related activities

•Schedule regular meetings with implementing partners including government counterparts as required

•Support the Health coordinator Specialist in coordinating and preparing for all donor requirements related to the projects.

•Coordinate closely with the DGHS mis cervical cancer team to plan, implement and monitor activities

•Prepare reports, proposals, briefing notes, technical documents, monitoring report to health services division

•Plan and implement a specific community-engagement intervention on climate adaption submitted to EU

• Change Management Module developed for Promoting Youth Leadership and Participation and organized training for them

•Built Capacity for education Health & Wellbeing ( Family planning & Maternal health) Livelihoods, Access to employment, Fair & safe work conditions,

• Idea generated for change management and support networks

• Arranged negotiation with EU for delivery services of NGOs

•Prepared Human Resources Development on ME System/HMIS Achievement :1 module on Change Management & Planning,Monitoring, Evaluation & RBM prepared forpourashava/Municipalities/City corporation leaders and officials

2 Monitoring system developed for municipality officials

Employer 6.Department of Forest

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Consultant) Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection Project) )(W.B)

January 2015

December 2016

Two years

ME System:

• A total 36 sub projects recommended for implementation approved by World Bank Observed data collection and analysis, maintenance of the project's M&E database, communication and reporting, and data and information storage. Focus group discussion documented their reaction. Monitor the status and progress of project implementation based on the different reporting formats, the Results Framework and the M&E Plan. Identified and supported any revisions to the project results framework and M&E Plan. Assessed the adequacy of the proposed project inputs, activities, and outputs in delivering desired project objectives/outcomes.

Baseline data Reporting

• Ensured that baseline data is available, including for the terminal review processes of the project. Prepared 1st Technical Progress Monitoring Report 2015 and Annual Progress reports is prepared on financial (in collaboration with the fiduciary team) and physical activities. Prepared Social safeguard and environment RBM monitoring report prepared for 36 sub projects.,

•World bank safeguard policy framework reviewed, suggested of sub-projects incorporating those

•Number of officials trained on resource management

•particular those within EARD. The main report

Capacity Building

•Improved and changed in qualitative and quantitative capacity of BFD and partner institutions and relating these to conservation and protection outcome

Home based assignment: Preparation PCR/ ICRR in December 2016

Employer 7.IMED M/O Planning.

Position: Logical Framework Expert (Consultant) Enhancing Institutional Capacity of

1st January 2017

30 May2017

5 moths

•Developed comprehensive logical framework formats/templates for the projects in pilot sectors including Agriculture,infrastructure and social sector.

• Reviewed the existing logical frameworks and conducted the needs assessment through a participatory process

• Prepared simplified and standard templates for logical frameworks. for IMED and Agriculture relevant line agency officials.

•Developed monitoring tools and techniques suitable for IMED officials while trained IMED Officials

• Provided Sector based monitoring Manual

•Organized workshop programs for 100 Officials on the logical framework andRBM course.

Achievements :Developed comprehensive logical framework formats/templates for the projects in pilot sectors includingAgriculture,infrastructure and social sector. a total 100 officials of IMED Planning Commission Mo Agriculture Education & Indusrires trainedon Log. Frame& RBME, conducted the needs assessment

Employer 7 MO LGRD & Cooperatives

Resource Management Specialist (Specialist), Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (ADB Assisted)

10 July2014

15 November2014

5 months

•Reviewed &updating of guidelines on the urban healthcare and health services. Recommendation of urban Primary health care and public health services.

• Frequently Monitor of project activities (Mother &children care unit established byNGOs

•Developed robust monitoring system for Health Sustainability fund

Capacity Building &Resources Mobilization

•Provided orientation and training to relevant stakeholders on the guidelines and provided regular technical services to LGD/PMU in their implementation. Setup monitoring system and reporting on contributions to the urban health sustainability fund and changes in allocation of the development block grants. mobilized resource for stakeholders Developed, maintained and implement the strategic and annual work plans for Resource Management mobilization, consistent with the overall CPD and

•Developed and maintained a database

Resources listed during the resource-planning stage include monetary resources, staff, essential equipment, and advisors or mentors. We take into account the start-up we entrepreneur reviews the necessary resource list and makes plans on how and where to acquire each resource. Prepared funding arrangement for resource mobilization,

stakeholders consultation /workshop

•Planned & conducted necessary stakeholder’s consultation /workshops to collect required inputs for preparing guidelines for UPHC Sustainability Fund

Skills : Resource mobilization, health Sustainability Fund .Achievement : Robust ME System For Health Sustainability Fund, Prepared guideline for Health sustainability fund

:Employer 8 MO Education

Monitoring &Evaluation Specialist(Consultant)Skills and Training Enhancement Project (W.B)

From 1st March 2012

30 November 2013

20 months

•Conducted baseline surveys. The Project (STEP) supported development of a strong monitoring and evaluation system, where information on institutions were widely disseminated and used by policy makers to improve project design. Workshop organized for principal of Polytechnic institutes on ME, log frame

•Developed component wise ME Framework following the objectives

•Frequently visited field level offices for improving the project activities

•Consultation Group discussionand documentation. Planed& prepared guidelines on ME. Conducted stakeholder’s consultation /workshops. Prepared Result based ME for the project, Created good network with development Partner

•Organized training in M&E for component staff and stakeholders .

•Prepared M&E report, Progress Report for the project. Submitted to Project Management

•Designed monitoring system of education Projects in Bangladesh, helped ME Dept. for designing monitoring system. for all activities

•Organized four workshop for 90 officials of Technical Institutes of sub Project officials on monitoring, Social safeguard

•skilled labor and staffs of managerial positions through BGMEA and BKMEA. Monitored 50 institutions (42 public+8 private-approximate) participated which supported training programs of a minimum of 360 hours within a duration of six months or less. Monitored a total number of 22000 participants / student received training and job placement Consultation Group discussion and documentation. Plan & conducted necessary stakeholder’s consultation /workshops to collect required inputs for preparing guidelines and endures their acceptability to stakeholders. Prepared RBM for the project Enhanced report generation of the official using Database, prepared a financial plan incorporating resource management

•Created good network with development Partner. Number of workshop organized and conducted stakeholder workshop, prepared social safeguard& Environmental monitoring report

•Workshop Organized Monitoring learning workshop. Served as a workshop facilitator, developed communication strategy, short brief on beneficiary’s success Provided finance pilots in the TVET sector in Bangladesh.

Skills : RBME,design of ME framework ME formatdeveloped MIS system

Achievements: Developed Robust M & E System developed qualitative and quantitative data collection and prepared report, preparation safeguar report

Employer 9 Mo Education

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant

Sept 2011

February 2012

6 monyhs

•Designed and implemented field surveys and other socio-economic research activities Prepared Semi-Annual Report&EMIS

•Developed an overall ME framework for the project and Management Information system and informed the management for corrective action

•Prepared Inception report and work plan

•Prepared Monitoring &Evaluation Guideline for Department ofSecondary and Higher Education, developed 5 news letter and one video document

•Monitored &, promoted regular testing, enabling teachers to gauge a student's progress throughout their schooling,

•Prepared AWP and in particular design the revised log framework

•Developed monitoring framework for project output and outcome indicators for 6 projects

•Promoted a results-based approach to monitoring and evaluation emphasizing outcome and impacts (RBME).

Employer 10.Mo Finance

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Consultant),Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework & Strengthening Financial Accountability (W.B assisted)

September 2010

sepust 30 2011

One year one month

•Prepared the Report on Medium Term Budget Framework, Prepared results framework with quarterly progress and reviewed component wise Disbursement position with help of Financial Management Specialist

• Assessed project files and developed facilities to collect quantitative or qualitative data and reviewed, analyzed.

•Prepared an outline of a ME Training Manual for the officials and organized training for stakeholders

•Provided guidance and make recommendation regarding strategy and Management of the project and provided information and analyzed the resource allocations,

•Reviewed budget and planning process of the information produced by monitoring project report and identified and reviewed the target.

Prepared the Report with good indicators

•Medium Term Budget Framework Analyzed the macro - economic variables and consistent with MTB Priorities. Assessed project files and developed facilities to collect quantitative or qualitative data and reviewed, analyzed. Prepared an outline of a ME Training Manual for the officials. Provided guidance and make recommendation regarding strategy and Management of project and provided information and analysis of the resource allocations, reviewed budget and planning process the information produced by monitoring project report and identified the target.

•Developed some indicators for Process to improve efficiency of public Spending in a project. Implemented the database designed to check the information produced by monitoring project report and identify the target,


•Monitored Budget Execution accordance with clearly articulated MTBF. Monitored Central agencies Budget Management at Line Ministries down to Department level to improve in process. Developed a system that supported better allocation and use of

•Developed some indicators for Process to improve efficiency of public expenditure

Skills : preparation of Mid term Budget framework, indicator of Macro economics implementation on PFM

Achievements : Analyzed the macro - economic variables with MTB Priorities.

policty prepared for the implementation of 12 component

Prepared Quarterly, Semi Annual Report, developed M& E training manual, Prepared RBME

Employer11.Local Government Engineering DepartmentGED

Monitoring Specialist, (Consultant) Proxy Means testing Administration, a wing of SEQAEP (DS&HE)Project,(W.B )

July 2009 to


One year


•Prepared LGED Citizen charter at the request of Additional Chief Engineer (planning) LGED

•Field visits to collect data for the development of schools

• Conducted survey by enumerator and led them

•Organized workshop for enumerator on Data collection

• prepared work plan of projects, organized.

•Prepared database for students and processing capacity, helped Project Director for resources mobilization

•Collect inputs to prepare/ update Project’s Operational Manual, prepared Quarterly Progress Reports

•Prepared a monthly & quarterly report of performance and submit it to PD,,Secondary Education Quality and Enhancement Project .

• Arranged workshop for enumerator on data collection

Achievements : Mobilized of resources, Compliance Reports from stakeholders and submit to Ministry of Education and World Bank.,organized workshops

Employer 12 . Fisheries &Livestock

Chief, Planning & Evaluation Cell, (Employee), Department of livestock Services

July 2006 To

June 2009

Four Years

•Prepared minutes of Monthly Coordination meeting attended by All Project Director

•Developed database for using and maintaining record &feedback to Management.

Field visits & Monitoring

•Paid field visits for appropriate action to resolve issues, Assisted the preparation of Sect oral Reviews

•Conducted regular program field visits and internal surveys and/or exchange

•Designed the programmed monitoring and evaluation tools in line with Strategic Planning as well as with Results-based principles, approaches and tools

•Provided guidance on monitoring and evaluation internal policies, procedures and practices to poverty alleviation programmed team and

•Hired firm for validation and midterm term survey report

•Prepared formats for reporting to know the financial and physical progress where inputs, activities

•Established a coordinate with the projects for achieving better results

•Prepared poverty reduction and social strategy paper presented in the Seminar

•Organized study tour for Fishery and Livestock officers’ under Integrated Fishery and Livestock project

•Developed ME plan

Developed MIS for 25 projects to know the progress

Capacity Building

•Trained in staff concerned with monitoring staff of other development projects / members of the monitoring and evaluation unit, find out innovative practices, impact of success factors and introduced of the improvement in the field of monitoring and evaluation

Liaison with all Project Development Partner

•Maintained liaison in other projects officials as well as divisions and HQ offices.

•Supported rigorous impact evaluation, working with expert / consultants using standard methodology

•Development of all necessary submissions for livestock-based solutions (including technologies to be deployed and the resources required), and grow the portfolio of projects (both grant and loans) that take up those technologies.

•Mobilize all actors across the value chain and designing and implementing wide-scale farmer extension models, including through innovative use of ICTs.

•Facilitate the implementation of these value chain activities in all target countries and participate in the monitoring of progress made towards achieving value chain and TA

• Maintained coordination with Ministry, Respective sector of Planning Commission and IMED

•Number of projects evaluation

Skills : Indicator of evaluation, MIS system report generation economic review

Achievements: validation and midterm term survey report,ME framework monitoring Procurement plan for IMED report generation, development of data base Change management

Employer 13.&Associates Consulting Firm

Micro Credit Specialist, Adviser,


January 2006

30 June 2006

Six Months

Identified individual or group-based approach is justified. Prepared Impact Evaluation Report for Participatory Livestock Development 11 funded by ADB, engaged by IMED, worked for Implementation Monitoring& Evaluation Division Mo Planning

Skill gathered knowledge on Impact evaluation

Achievements : prepared Impact Evaluation study, developed questionnaire for stakeholder

Employer 14Managing Director a subsidiary organisation of Mo Finance PKSF

Project Coordinator, (Consultant) (with lien ),

Financial Services for the Poorest (IDA) PKSF

From 1st November 2004

October 2005

One year

•Supervised the Process monitoring and Impact Evaluation including data cleaning, data analysis and report preparation of the FSP project.

•Prepared withdrawal applications for disbursement from IDA;

•Provided financial oversight on program Operation

•Prepared TOR for Process Monitoring Specialist., a firm for Impact Evaluation

• Financial management of the project

•Implementation of project components that included beneficiary selection, group formation, trade selected (Skills development) savings mobilization, Credit disbursement, Credit recovery, Reimbursement of IDA credit and grants and Management of Disaster fund.

•designed process monitoring

skills : development of NGo capacity beneficiary and trade selection, reimbusment of IDA Credit Achievements : Disaster management fund, data analysis Report Generation, monitoring report of IGA, capacity built up for NGOs

Employer 15.Mo Fisheries with Water Development Board

Project Coordinator, (Additional charge)Command Area Development of Teesta Barrage Project Phase


30ctober 2004

Two years

•Prepared Monthly Quarterly Monitoring, Annual Report in IMED Format, M O Planning

•Module developed for Leadership Management and arranged training Training of micro enterprise for women and Evaluation

• Project Administration including financial Mangement (AWP. Monitoring Gudeline Procurement Plan )

•Organized Project Launching & leadership Management workshop

•Prepared guideline of resource management for the stakeholders.

•Provided training and grant to 2000 poor beneficiaries (Rangpur Division) to establish small scale enterprises, duck farm, goat and dairy farm

•Coordinated with Water resources Division & Water Development Board

Skills :Micro enterprises, Micro finance guideline

Achievements : organized Leadership training coordinated with Ministry &Organization,, Preparation of Monthly Quarterly Annual report, developed coordination system with Water Development Board &Ministry

Employer 16.Department of Livestock Services Mo F&L

Position: Assistant Chief, (Employee) Planning &Evaluation Cell, Department of livestock Services

December 2000

To December 2002

Two years

•Prepared PRSP (Agriculture Thematic group) & Technical working group /2003. Prepared monitoring report

•Prepared an Impact evaluation report as member of the team for Pabna Rural Development project,1998while I received training in Post Evaluation Course arranged Jointly by IMED M/O Planning and ADB

• Developed a microfinance credit guideline for ngos, aas committee member

•Attended project administration Audit workshop under ADB Project organized by ADB

•Gathered experience of Project processing . Project planning& implementation

Skills Project planning Implementation, indicator of poverty alleviation, micro finance

Achievements: preparation report of monthly, quarterly Seni -annual

17 Employer Bangladesh Election Commission

Deputy Chief, (on deputation) Consultant Development& Research Cell,

Jan 1993 –

Jan 1993 – March 1993

THREE Months

•Prepared work plan &Monitoring Report for two projects played role as a . Project director

•Estimated Cost of National identity Card,1993. Prepared Draft PCP on Electoral Training Institute. Data base prepared for National ID Card &Reviewed election rule

Skills: election rule, Idea generation of ID Card Achievements : Report generation of training, Prepared PCP on Election Institute

Employer 18.Mo Fisheries & Livestock

Research Office, Department of Livestock Services

August 1980

December 1987

Seven years


•Monitoring, Annual Report in IMED Format M O Planning,

•Gathered ability to support the Project Management

•Monitored project expenditures and assisted in preparation of the financial reports.

Skills IMED Report Preparation

Achievements : prepared IMED Monthly Quarterly Annual and Procurement Monitoring report


I have been engaged with different aspects of Project Management (Monitoring & Evaluation) and implementation of poverty Alleviation & Micro Financed projects since 1980s in numerous capacities. In doing so, I have served more than 29 years in the Department of Livestock Services of Bangladesh Government in different capacities and have been involved in project processing for approval with more than fifty projects. and served as consultant for 10 years I have published several books &Articles

•Gathered Computer skills as mentioned

•Contributed in designing and implementing field surveys and other socio-economic research activities;

• Number of project evaluation

•Team work

• Provide result focus

• Proposal initiated for preparing various committee

•Prepared minutes of the meeting organized by Planning &Evaluation cell, Department of Livestock services

• Prepared monitoring Planning for all projects implemented by DLS

•Prepared number of training modules and guidelines

•Created team to have the right mix of skills, experience, personality

•contributed to the development of monitoring and reporting processes anda central database as well as the identification of appropriate methodologies to support project monitoring and provided skilled training to stakeholders

•Developed mechanism to identify methodology of sources of data, it analysed

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