Ayman Fayyad, DDS
To obtain a position as a dentist/or managing dentist in a successful, motivation, and collaborative environment with a strong team dedicated to providing the highest quality dental care.
University of Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA
● Resident at the Advanced Education in General
Dentistry (AEGD) Certificate degree July, 2006
Case School of Dental Medicine, Cleveland, OH 44106
● Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (D.M.D) degree May, 2005 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48822
● Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology May, 1999 Continuing Education and Experience—
● 07/2021-Current Associate Dentist at Dental Care Team. Grand Blanc, Michigan o Performing Associate General Dentist responsibility at private dental offices o Performing general dentistry discipline treatments.
● 07/ 2014- 06/2021 Associate Dentist in the East Bay, California. o Performing Associate General Dentist responsibility at private dental offices
● 03/ 2020- 06/2021. Volunteer at University of Pacific. San Francisco, California o Shadowing and providing assistance to Hospital Dentistry team at Sutter Hospital Ayman Fayyad, DDS
● 10/ 2016- 12/ 2019 General Dentist at County Sheriff’s office o Working with Santa Rita Sheriff’s Department in organizing dental visits and treatments for more than three thousand inmates.
o Treating and/ or referring urgent dental cases including jaw and facial fractures, facial lacerations, and other trauma cases.
o Supervising dental assistants at the clinic
● 07/ 2013- 04/ 2014 Managing Clinical Director at Aspen Dental. Bourbonnais, IL
o Managing clinical responsibilities for Aspen Dental clinic o Performing all Prosthodontics treatments for geriatric patients
● 07/2011- 06/ 2013 On-call Associate Dentist in Northern California o Associate dentist performing general dental discipline o Providing short term/ long term coverage
● 07/ 2006- 2010 Co-Owner of Pinewood Dental, Orland Park, Illinois o Performing general dentistry discipline
o Performing minor orthodontic treatments
o Managing staff and daily business matters
● 05/2008-06/2011 General Dentist Associate at Dental One Partner, Livonia, MI 48150 o Performing general dentistry discipline
● 08/ 2005- 05/ 2006 University of Pacific, San Francisco, California o Performing comprehensive treatments; including Implants and full mouth reconstruction
● 07/ 2003-04/ 2005 Free Medical and Dental Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. o Provide free emergency dental care and education to individuals with limited resources and access to care.
● 05/2000-07/2000 Kinesiology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan- o Research assistant at the Kinesiology Department; working on a research related to the effect of activity level on hormonal production in humans.