Eduardo Reyes
***************@*****.*** - 317-***-****
Hands-on iOS development experience for 10 years, with 6 apps published to the App Store.
Skilled Swift, Objective-C, and C++ Engineer.
Skilled with SwiftUI, Metal, UIKit, CoreLocation, CoreMotion, MapKit, Cocoa Touch, Combine, and numerous other Apple Frameworks.
Demonstrated value-add contributer in projects using Agile/SCRUM methodology.
Seasoned developing concurrent mobile solution using Async/Await, GCD, and OperationQueue.
Extensive hand-on experience brewing world-class solutions using modern architectures such as MVVM, MVC, and VIPER.
Skilled worker high educated on industry leading design pattern such as Singleton, Delegate, Observer, Adapter, Factory, Façade, Builder, Decorator, and more.
Well versed in consuming RESTful web services and parsing JSON responses with both 1st party and 3rd party frameworks; familiar with CocoaPods, AFNetworking, RESTKit, Alamofire, Codable, and JSONSerialization.
Hands-on with UIs using SwiftUI, Storyboards, XIBs, Programmatically, and Graphically through frameworks such as OpenGL and Metal.
Experience working with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology and integrating it into iOS applications.
Proficiency in using CoreBluetooth framework to interact with BLE devices and services.\
Ability to scan for and connect to nearby BLE peripherals, and read and write data characteristics.
Highly skilled worker with strong knowledge of Core Data’s intricacies, such as faults, deletion rules, compound predicates, and inverse relationships.
Familiar with local storage solutions like UserDefaults, Keychain, Archiving, FileManager, and CoreData.
Memory and Data Management experience in both Manual Retain Release and Automatic Reference Counting.
Experience with both Git, SVN, and Mercurial for managing source control; worked in environments with continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Travis, and Gitlab CI/CD.
Well versed with Onsite and offshore team coordination.
Experienced in working with SQLite Database, Google Maps API, MapQuest API, GPS Location, In-app billing, Push Notifications.
Strong knowledge in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process, which includes requirement analysis, designing, implementing, debugging, testing, fixing and maintaining applications.
Good hands on experience with Frameworks such as: iPhone SDK, UIKit, MapKit, Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, CoreLocation, Social, XCTest, Alamofire, SDWebImage, QuartzCore, Crashlytics, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AppKit and CoreMotion
Excellent listening skills and interpersonal skills.
A go-getter who starts working right away without needing to be asked.
Have over 40 algorithms committed to memory including QuickSort, Topoligical Sort, and IntroSort.
Excellent understanding of run-time complexity and maximizing algorithmic performance.
Strongly versed in data security with techniques such as encyption, SSL pinning, and TLS.
Capable of building functioning application from the ground-up with little or no assistence (might need designs)
I am the person who works 10 hours when everybody else works 7.5, and I feel great about this.
Programming Languages Swift,
Objective-C, C++, Bash, Java, Kotlin Development IDEs:
XCode, NetBeans, JetBrains, Visual Studios, and Visual Studio Code
Third-Party Frameworks: Reactive-X, RxCocoa, RxSwift, Firebase, Realm, RZBluetooth, Lottie, SnapKit, OpenCV, GraphQL, Facebook, Twitter, and CoverFlow
iOS Tools: Instruments, Swift Packge Manager, CocoaPods, Carthage, Firebase, Cocoa Touch, iExplorer, Terminal
Project Processes: Agile Scrum, Pair, Extreme, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospective, Backlog, Daily Scrum
Consuming Back-End Services: Alamofire, AFNetworking, REST, JSON, Reachability, API Writing, PHP, URLSession, Moya
User Interface: SwiftUI, Interface Builder, Storyboards. Xibs, Auto Layout, Adaptive layout, Size Classes, UIKit, CA Layers, UIView, Animations, Core Plot, Core Graphics, OpenGL, Metal
Troubleshooting and Testing: Memory Management, Instruments, Code Review, Unit Testing, TestFlight, XCTest, Automated Testing, TDD, BDD, Memory Leak Profiling, Malloc Guard, Malloc Scribble, Zombies, Energy Profiler, Time Profiler
Data Management:
SQLite, Firebase Realtime Database, Core Data, MongoDB, Oracle
Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion Sort, Intro Sort, KMP, A-Star, Pattern Matching, Longest Common Subsequence, Longest Palindromic Subsequence, All Subsets, All Permutations, All Unique Subsets, All Unique Permutations, DFS, BFS, Floyd, Kruskal, Djiksrtra, Bellman Ford, Topological Sort, Quick Select, Sliding Window, Pincher-Approach
Data Structures: List, Array, Linked List, Doubly-Linked List, Binary Tree, Trinary Tree, Min-Heap, Max-Heap, Hash Tables, Chained Hashing, Quadratic Hashing, Graphs, Matrices, Characteristic Graph, Ordered Map, Ordered Collection, Unordered Map, Directed Graph, Acyclical Graph, Tries, AVL Tree, Splay Tree, BTree, B+Tree, KD Tree, Depth Buffer, Stencil Buffer
Classes: NSURLSession, URLSession, NSJSONSerialization, NSXMLSerialization, NSUserDefaults, NSNotificationCenter, NSOperationQueue
Push Notifications: Apple Push Notification (APNS), Firebase, PushWoosh, Urban Airship
iOS Frameworks: SwiftUI, Combine, CoreML, Metal, UIKit, UIDynamics, CoreLocation, MapKit, CoreBluetooth, CoreGraphics, QuartzCore, AVFoundation, CloudKit, CoreData, EventKit, Social, EventKit, StoreKit, Accelerate
Senior iOS Native Mobile Developer 2/2022 to Present
Eli Lilly
Indianapolis, IN
The Lilly Together™ mobile app is available for some Lilly medicines and is an easy way for you to enroll and choose the customer support services that work best for you.
Lead developer in charge of user, profile, sign-up, registration, and password recovery verticals.
Lead developer in charge of animations, transitions, and overall-polish.
Utilized SwiftUI, Combine, and MVVM architecture to construct a modern solution.
Broke down figma files into assets (eith PDF or PNG @1x, @2x, and @3x) to build interfaces.
Worked with CoreBluetooth library to intercept iBeacons.
Created custom view modifiers, button modifiers, and views to quickly build interfaces using SwiftUI.
Creted custom layout for re-sizable grid, which places tiles within computed rectangles, using SwiftUI.
Used GIT Command Line, SourceTree, and Tower for version control with GitFlow workflow.
Debugged issues throughout the app using a combination of LLDB statements, Breakpoints, and Log Statements
Performed code reviews and weekly progress reports.
Researched about topics and how to solve related issues within the computer vision domain.
Created a script to run a specific test suite and save results on an external file
Refactored legacy code for Keychain implementation in missing properties
Configured SwiftLint to support custom formatting rules.
SDLC was Agile based
Created support for the SDK through the use of Cocoapods by creating and updating podspec files.
Worked in MVVM architecture along with Builder and Template design patterns.
Used Decodable protocols with JsonDecoders to serialize data to local models in tandum with URLSession for networking and HTTP request handling.
Part of a 7 person mobile team with a lead, 3 iOS devs, and 3 Android devs working directly hand in hand for feature parity and optimizations. Constantly communicated with QA, backend, and product teams on development for progress and resolving issues.
Used OKTA for Single Sign On with token manangement across platforms.
Integrated Core Bluetooth to directly talk to the SmartInjector device to verify that a characteristic could be tranmitted and read.
Used Jenkins for CI/CD pipeline for nightly builds, deployment, integration, and demos.
Worked with Moya SDK for backend network abstractions.
Refactored legacy code from UIKit to SwiftUI.
Worked on and created demo application to showcase SDK usage, architectural patterns, and navigation flows.
Created Bash Scripts for automating testing on the platform for a variety of test suites to directly output results to text files.
Used XCTest and XCUITest to create new unit and automation tests, raising overall code coverage to above 85%.
Developed prototype app for processing camera feed and scanning prescription bar codes.
Developed prototype app, which was a Teteris-like video game.
Developed prototype app, which simulated a mouse running through a maze to get a piece of cheese.
Senior iOS Developer 10/2019 to 2/2022
Sandy Springs, GA
We Have the Meats™. Wait. Now, you have the meats. Order online from participating Arby’s restaurants — right from the app.
https://app HYPERLINK ""s HYPERLINK ""
Feature lead, in charge of the “Bag” section of arby’s app, which was entirely re-written using SwiftUI.
Feature lead in charge of framework management for the Arby’s app.
Created a custom easter egg for the internal version of the Arby’s app, which was a simulated game of put-put.
Feature lead for the holiday coupons and offers sections of the Arby’s app.
Administered the transition from Carthage to Swift Package Manager for 3rd party and internal frameworks.
Utilized XCode IDE to develop the app in Swift 5 with MVVM architecture.
Modified existing code functions in Swift, programmed new features and functions using Swift language, and added modularized components with a reactive approach utilizing SwiftUI and Combine.
Applied MVVM design patterns for modular and testable code structure.
Developed animations in SwiftUI using matched geometry effect, transitions, and curves.
Built a custom re-usable image downloader, which efficiently adds, cancels, and throttles downloads based on hashables and two tweak-able priority parmeters.
Introduced and enforced consistent programming styles using SwiftLint.
Utilized URLSession to fetch RESTful API calls and decode data via the Codable protocols.
Utilized Keychain to securely store each user’s login information.
Created all views programmatically using a combination of SwiftUI and UIKit (Hosting View Controller)
Added accessibility support to several sections of the app as part of an ADA audit response.
Created custom parallax scrolling functionality.
Wrote extensions to many native swift components such as array, set, and dictionary.
Wrote Unit and UI tests with XCTest and XCUITest to meet managements demands.
Created custom rendering scene by configuring a Metal pipeline.
Used the shader debugger to analyze and inspect data loaded into metal buffers across multiple render passes.
Created, stored, and utilized custom sampler states, depth states, and pipeline stated in Metal.
Added OpenGL style matrix functions to the simd version of matrix, matrix_float4x4.
Debugged oldschool UIKit views using View Hierarchy tool.
Utilized Confluence to document the flow of the features using a flowchart
Utilized JIRA for intaking, tracking, and managing tasks.
Won a bi-weekly hackathon using my Metal demonstration ap.
Senior iOS App Developer 10/2017 to 10/2019
Floor & Decor
Atlanta, GA
You can manage everything you need for your jobs. With the PRO Premier app from Floor & Decor, you can view your orders, download receipts, check in-store inventory and locate stores. HYPERLINK ""3 HYPERLINK ""1176
Created initial prototype of this app, as a contractor, which is now being built by a team of 16.
Broke application down into frameworks, modules, and main-line code.
SDLC used for implementation cycle was Agile-based.
Used MVVM architecture design patterns Singleton and Delegation.
Programmed mainly in Swift and worked with some Objective-C legacy code in a hybrid codebase.
Worked with Storyboards, Size Classes, and AutoLayout constraints for orientation handling and support for various iPhone and iPad devices.
Refactored multiple UI layouts based-off wireframes to heighten the user experience.
Consumed RESTful web services with AFNetworking and used NSJSONSerialization to parse JSON object in network communications.
Used modules to house the majority of the critical code and implemented them in the code base via CocoaPods.
Made use of MapKit, CoreLocation, and CLLocationManager for in-store locator and nearby directions for map display features.
Sent push notifications using Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).
Analyzed and optimized the UI and the backend interface code for efficiency and performance.
Added animation between UIViews and custom scene transitions for better user experience.
Utilzed Ubertesters platform for testing builds, and Charles proxy to assist in debugging through display of data in browser, and use of Postman to test web services.
Utilized Jenkins for continuous integration testing.
Worked with Core Bluetooth to connect to external hardware.
Used Git and SourceTree for version control
Debugged issues throughout the app using a combination of Instruments, LLDB statements, Breakpoints, and Log statements
Provided weekly demos, which management would sign off on.
Developed custom tile swatch layout animation, which used UIAttachmentBehavior to allow the user to drag tiles around on the screen.
Implemented pinch-to-zoom on profile picture import sequence.
iOS Application Developer 02/2016 to 10/2017
Southfield, MI
The first all-in-one Detroit Transit System application. There is no longer a need to download multiple transit apps taking up valuable real estate on your mobile device to navigate around Detroit. Find routes and stops for DDOT, Smart, Fast and People Mover all in one simple application. HYPERLINK ""d HYPERLINK ""120 HYPERLINK ""6 HYPERLINK ""979871
Developed uiversal application, which works on both iPhone and iPad.
Worked with SMEs and stakeholders to advise on iOS app design and recommended technologies.
Built app using Swift 3, Xcode, Interface Builder, and Storyboards.
Designed and implemented UIs per specifications: UINavigation, UIButton, UITableView etc.
Implemented Storyboards and auto-layout throughout the app.
Designed and built flexible UI using Auto-Layout with complex interactions, animations, drop-downs and expandable input areas.
Utilized Bridging Headers to integrate Objective C classes into the Swift codebase.
Used Swift extensions to enhance the functionality of native and custom structures and classes.
Worked hands on with UIKit Framework for the application.
Integrate BLE technology to provide location-based notifications to users as they approach their destination.
Implement BLE connectivity to allow users to easily connect with nearby transportation services or vehicles.
Use BLE beacons to help users easily locate their parked cars in a crowded parking lot.
Add support for BLE-powered payment options, allowing users to pay for their ETA Detroit rides using their smartphone or wearable device.
Worked extensively on table view controller and created customized table where required.
Implemented JSON to get display the items on the respective views.
Implemented Custom Table View and Worked on push Notification for Richpush message.
Parsed data and displayed them in cells by implementation of JSON web services.
Helped design the flow for the application with UI components and controllers to be used for Category View.
Interacted with Backend team to display the correct data format in devices.
Performed Code reviews, unit and integration testing and debugged using Charles Proxy/Firebug.
Performed thorough analysis and debugging in X-Code.
Designed and engineered UI components within agile environment.
Worked on GCD to build a responsive UI and implemented background threads.
iOS Mobile Application Developer 11/2014 to 02/2016
Stride Health, Inc.,
San Francisco, CA
Stride is the FREE mileage and expense tracking tax app that helps you save thousands on your tax bill, all year round. It automatically maximizes your mileage deductions, imports expenses, helps you find money-saving write-offs, and makes filing a breeze.
Project managed using Agile/SCRUM methodologies.
Developed with a light MVVM approach to facilitate testing and reduce the bloating on the code base.
Worked on the migration from Objective C to Swift.
Made use Alamofire with Cocoapods to handle HTTP Requests to the API.
Used Jenkins for continuous integration alongside HockeyApp.
Worked with Google Maps API to show the destination routes.
Used push notifications to display user achievements and milestones.
Made use of auto layout, constraints and stack views.
Made custom subclasses of UI elements to enhance their feel and look (UIButton).
Used a Test-Driven Development style while developing features.
Used UIViewControllers, UITableViewControllers, custom UITableViewCell with Interface Builder to design and develop user interface.
Worked with UIKit with UICollectionViews and UITableViews creating custom designs and cells.
Implemented UIScrollView to show the information about the usage of application.
Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance.
Used instruments to prevent memory leaks.
Made Use of UINavigationController and UITabController, and create a container with UIViewController, and used constraints to layout the UI.
Invoked RESTful web service data to retrieve information using Alamofire with JSON parsing using JSONSerializaiton into NSObjects.
Utilized the full Atlassian Suite with JIRA for task management, Confluence for documentation, and BitBucket for source control.
iOS Developer 09/2012 to 11/2014
Fidelity Investments
Boston, MA
The Fidelity trading app provides users with account access, stock watching, bidding, trading and tracking..
Programmed in Objective-C using Xcode IDE.
Participated in Agile/Scrum development processes, assisting in task tracking and assignment in JIRA, managing the backlog, and tracking issues.
Utilized MVC design pattern for modular and scalable development in iOS mobile apps.
Designed custom iOS user interface classes to be used in the application, created views and linked outlets using Storyboard, based off wireframes.
Developed code to tie different view for portrait and landscape orientation.
Implemented native iOS solutions that communicate with RESTful web services as fully functional prototypes for offshore development teams using Objective-C.
Worked closely with the design team to implemented prototype and proof-of-concept apps based on design specs provided via Photoshop for demonstration and evaluation purposes.
Designed and implemented custom interactive controls using native iOS to solve complex interface usability issues.
Designed and implemented native iOS solutions that utilize RESTful web services for integration with back end processes.
Worked on RESTful web services technologies to support the iOS mobile app.
Used Git extensively as versioning tool for the iOS mobile apps development team.
Integrated third-party libraries for iOS using Cocoa Pods.
Tested fixes using XCTest to ensure success.
Used Jenkins for continuous integration and followed a test-driven development (TDD) process, including Unit Testing and Automated Testing with XCTest; and TestFlight for functional scenario testing.
Stored and accessed data via CoreData configuration.
Built a game which was similar to Fruit Ninja using OpenGL ES.
Built a library of algorithms, which was shared with college students.
Bachelors - Computer Engineering -