\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform1{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;}
\f0\fs22 \cf2 \up0 \nosupersub \ulnone Kamlesh Dholakia \
1621 Liberty way trail\
D.O.B. 18th August 1960\
Hi so having move here to Dallas, I was looking at utilising time with a part time role working from home, using my experiences and abilities \
College Education\
English, Maths, Geography, History, Human Biology, Art.\
Achieved Advanced level.\
Work Experience \
1977 - 1988\
Tesco Stores Limited\
Initially started as a trainee department manager and progressive promotions towards store management posts from southern England to Midlands area.\
1988- 1991\
Superdrug Stores\
Total responsibility or daily running of a store.\
1991- 1996 \
Purchased our own business which was a convenience store, in partnership with my wife\
1996-2001 \
Store manager with Toys R Us \
Managed up to 250 employees over various stores throughout England \
Purchased another few businesses with my wife and ran them with staff in locations\
Driving Instructor \
Also trained prospective Instructors to reach level of competency to become self employed instructors \
Early Retirement USA\