**fi) tlarsh Grcve l-ane
tuuthpoG lrlc 28461
OB.IECTIVE: My goal is to make a difference in the lives of others. Continuing my education and expanding
on my experience as a Registered Nurse will render me the skills and knowledge
to provide the best possible care to my patirsnts.
' Basic Gardiac Life Support Certified.
. Medication administration skills
. Proper patient idertification and recognition of allergies ard $ential crms sensitivities.
. Ensuring patient understanding of prescriptions, vital signs are within apprryriate pararnetels
as indicated and assssing ptient response to treatment-
. lntrarnuscular and subcutaneqrs injecfions wilh prqer disposal of sharps
. Dispensing medications orally.
. Administratirqg intravenous fluids and ensuring rute of flow, administerirq intravenqts
piggyback as urcll as M loc* flushes and remorral.
. Foley catheter insertion.
. lmplernent JCAHO required standards for unit maintenance, docrmentatim ard appropriate medical
terminologry and abbreviations.
. Ensute proper CDC and OSHA guitldines for hand washing, universal precautiqrc, transmission
based precautions and appropriate disarding of all blo-medicatwaste.
. UAS certified.
June fr14- Harch 2!020 Arehcarc Seniorlife Staten lsliand, ilY 10304 HomeCare RH Coodindor
. C.oordinated. manaqed. plannd all aspects d Medbal Care and Horne Care needs.
Gml of prqlftm being to help participank stay in their homes and community, avoid Nursing Home placement.
. Responsibilities include but not limited to : SemiAnnual/ROC UAS assesments,monthly
pm visits to participants horne to,nanqe medications, deve@ a Plan of Care, supervid and ducated
l'lome Heafth Aides, assessed and implemented environmental safety .Provided wound care, IIWSC inffions,
actrte assesments including vital s(;ns, face 1o face education and phlebotony.
. lnterdisciplinary Tem - prticipded in dai$ nreetings to discuss and impbment partircipants medical,
ernctional and psychological needs.
Ibcember 2fi18 - July 2Ot3 lndependent Living Associatoil, lnc. Brooklyn, }{Y Std RI{
. Goordinator of Medical Care - Coordinating medical care.
. Follor up of clients'care in Audiology, Dentistry, Neurology, Ophthalmolqy,PhysicalTherapy
and Psychiatry as they relate to medications, clioical interventions, and clients'rsponses and behaviors.
. Reertification of staff udro are Apprwed [tedkEtion Administration Personnel (AMAP).
. Supervise and review blood pressure, menstrualcycle charts, mdication administration, hepatitis and
and PPD status, pharmreutical interventions {i.e. The Formulary), fist aid r€surs, prenrention and
control of comrnunicable dismse and client hygiene.
. Planner - Report directly to the Clinical Coordinator regarding State regulation rcguirenrects for
cornpliance consisting of decisions for presentation to the lnterdisciplinary Treatnent Team to
ensure wnpliance to those regulatinns that are specific to rnedical I nursing care.
. ln Servlce Trainer and Educator - Update and irnprove all ernplrryees'knouledge and sills in
such areas as the controlof communicable disease, FirstAid, CPR, administration of medication,etc.
. Liaison between the Residents and Clinie, Hcpitals, and Specialists - Coordinatethrough liaison
41$0 Xlarsh Grcve l-ane
Unit 42AT
SouffrpoG HC 28481
flarch 2068 - EEcember2&18 Richmand University *ledical CenEr ER ilurse
Psychiatric Emergeney lleprtnent
. Perform assessment and implement immediate care of patients in triage setting"
. Render ernotional support wfrile ensuring patient and staff safety and uyell-being.
'Administer PO and lM medication.
'Appty restraints as n*ded for continued palient safety rehabilitation.
. lr(erdisciplinary coordination with Physicians and Social Workers to provide optional
care and discfiarge plannlng.
" Provide extensive and ongoing patient/family teacfting"
l{ovember ?:WT - June 2014 Long lsland }leat$r Care lnfision l{urse
. Perform asses$nent otpatients in a home care setting.
, Perform Hi-Tedt skilled nursing including lnfusien Therapy, cafreter care, blood draws, and .
patient education related to self-administration of lV medication therapy-
complete all necessary papenuork for all care provided"
August20{E -Ar.lgust2fil7 $@n lsland University Hoepital Hediel Surgical Unit
'Assess. Plan, implement and evaluate patient care for pr*lp, pmt-op, ante parturn,
post parturn and general medical patients.
. Read and execute physician orders-
. Evaluate and prepare neoesary patient information, lab values and test results for pre-op
. Participate in interdiscifrinary planning and care for patients.
. Medication administration, pain management and enteral feedlng induding TPN and PPN.
. Responsible forwound c€rre on various types of wounds: diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, bums and surgical wounds.
. Perform blood and product transfusions.
. Perform Continual Bladder lnigation.
' Perform physical asse$sment and post-partum care follo*ing delivery.
glucose monitoring . Collect srecimens. insertion of !\fs, insertion of catheters, perform blood
and ensure institution of proper safety preeautions,
. Facilitrate copng during tirnes of need; provide cornfort and reassurane in times af disfes.
' Provide patients with pnvacy and resped for dignity and promote seff-sufficiency.
. Consistently provide patients with encouragement and empathy thrcughout all interaciions.
rr September t9B3
1979 - June Our Ladyof Perpetual HelpH.S. Regents Diploma
rr August 2(XI3 - June 2&16 CUNY College of Staten lsland AA.S. in Nursing
REFERETICES: Professional and perscnal remmmendationsfumished upon request.