To work in an environment whic
and skill with others and participate myself
the company.
* Position General Helper
* Company : CRC Company
« Expetience ; 2 Years
« Position z General Helper
« Company ; Rpitic Company
* Experience : 1 Year 4 Months
¢ Excellent Communication Skills
© Dependable, self-motivated. flexible. able to take on responsibility quickly and has
the ability to assume expanded responsibilities.
e Very sincere and hard working
« [fficient and well behaved person.
« Matric
* Nationality : Pakistani
© Marital Status Married
e Sex ; Male
Date of birth O1/JAN/1998
gti eis ps acs es Is
e Passport No, XV4138032
e Date of issue : 19/NOV/2021
e Date of expiry
") ¥ Bs
e English
hereby declare that the above given information are true and correct to the best of
my Knowledge and Belief