Md. Rezaul Hoque
*. Name _: Mad. Rezaul Hoque
z. Father’s Name : Md. Obaidul Hoque
3. Mother’s Name : Masuda Begum /
4. Permanent Address : Vill: Barahi Govinda, P.O-J oylaskar
P.S: Dagonbhuiyan, Dist: Feni
5. Present address . : Same As Above
6. Date of Birth — : 01-01-1980
7. Marital Status : Married
%. Height «he oe
9. Weight :57Kg
11. Nationality : Bangladeshi.
12. Contact No :017**-******
13. Edueaticnal Qualification :
Nameef Exam. Group Division Year of Passing Borad
S.8.C Huminities - ae 1995 Comilla
HS.C Huminities _ a 1998 Comilla
a4. Experience : Bangladesh Army 18 Years. New retired .
AE cecsstvsotelecetcsencicnnyety . Signature -