George Griffith “Griff” Harris Jr.
Hillsboro, Texas 76645
I would like to take this time to introduce myself, George G. Harris Jr. (Griff). I am from Hillsboro, Texas. I taught 25 years in the special education field in a behavioral setting. I have retired and am looking to return to the classroom. I have lived in Hillsboro, Texas since 1983. Before that, I grew up in Burleson Texas.
The objective(s) that I have tried to develop with any student is that learning is a high priority. We as educators must be developing new skills to use to intervene with all students. We must also use a high rigor of education for all students. No student, even you and I, learn in the same way. An educator’s job is to develop strategies to help them learn, especially in the world of testing. I am not a proponent of one test per year to determine a student’s growth. Growth should be measured throughout the year.
I was a typical ADD student. It was hard for me to concentrate. So I know where many of these students are facing. So my job as an educator is to develop skills so they can learn.
Developing an assessment for the student is one of the main issues that must be done. Collaborating with all individuals is key since they have a vital role in the education of the student. If tutoring or encouragement were what is needed that would be great but there are many who need more interventions. This is where additional strategies must be implemented.
While developing these strategies we must look at behavior and instructional needs of all students. Having worked closely with administrators and teachers in developing instructional strategies is paramount for all students in the school setting. During this stage we must take the whole child’s learning needs; special education, inclusion, whole class learning, assessment, TEKS, and etc. while delivering the message.
Educators must also be open to asking themselves if they are doing the best they can to increase learning for the entire class/students. When doing so there are factors that we must consider such as cognitive skills, motivational strategies, and learning styles. This is why we must have differentiated learning. We are all lifelong learners, students’ teachers, and myself included. This is one area I would like to increase in my educational portfolio.
Building a rapport with the client is mandatory. If one can’t that puts the development harder to accomplish. Behavior rears its head at times and this is another obstacle to overcome. With some students each day is a new day to develop more approaches that will enable the student to be successful.
Differentiated instruction is vital in learning. You and I don’t learn the same. Hands on are best for me. Integrated technology, computers, Ag classes, woodworking classes may be the niche for many students. I have had students that were placed in these classes and their knowledge increased tremendously. I was available to help in these classes. But within the sphere of the learning process there must be monitoring of the growth for the students.
I know this can be done. Because many students I have been associated with have made these progressions.
Griff Harris