Albion,Yallahs,P.O ST.Thamas
Tel: (876) (849-2316)
Aim: To work in a productive environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to the enhancement of the company as well as myself.
Schools: Dunoon Park Technical High 2014-2019
Yallahs Primary School 2008-2014
Education: CSEC English Language(III) Social Studies(III) Mathematics(II) Industrial Technology(II) Visual Arts(III) Technical Drawing(III)
Customer Service Certification Pending
PSRA certificate
Work Experience: Office Assistant, cashier, sales representative, customer service representative Dunoon Park Technical High
Involvement: Interform Netball Dunoon Park Technical High
Extra Curriculum: Reading
References: Dunoon Park Technical High School 8 Cawley Road, Kingston 2-187*-***-****)