Destiny Serrano
Resume for job
my Name is Destiny Serrano am Hispanic Italian and African American speak more than one
language English, Spanish, And Sign Language am 20 years old did 2 years in college and
only had 2 jobs in my life and hope to have and achieve everything in the world.
Job Title: Burlington Coat Factory Location: 707 6th Avenue New York, New York 10010
Position: Stocking Clothes, Cashier, Customer Service
Date Started: 06/26/2017
Date Ended: 08/24/2018
Job Title: Burger King
Location: 146 Delancey Street New York, New York 10002
Position: Food distributer, Cashier
Date Started: 04/06/2018
Date Ended: 09/23/2019
JobTitle : Marshalls
Location:197 East Houston
Position:Cashier/Sales Associate
Date Started :11/24/2020
Date Ended:01/23/2021