CELL: ****-************-*******
Mahallah Rehimanpura Zafarwal Road Narowal
Looking for an organization where I can excel & MS Word professionally in vision of my qualification
and experience. Challenging and ground breaking atmosphere along wit diligent and professional team
Will ad as a stimulant and maximum ouput / result orientation.
1, Responsibity in wok
2 Accomplishment of given tsk inte without delay.
3. Challenging in nature and independent assignment handling.
4, Werk with initative
5, Adopability o every kind of situation
6, Best omminicaton skis at an level
1. Name Asch Asa
2 Father Name Muhammad Astra
3. Date of Birth 07-10-1994
4, Naina Pakistani
5S. Marit! Stns Mari
Religion ism
7. NICE 345**-********
8 Language English Urdu
“Mette from Shahid City School Narowal
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Edueation Gujranwala.
Intermediate from Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala
«+ Asajunor Clerk (BS-11) in Punjab Dental Hosa Lahore fom 01-062016 wo dt.
1 Year Epereneof Composing in R.CS (Royal Collegeof eines) Narowal
{25 Years Exprieneof Ofc wrk in Hod As Nava
1. Basie of Windows XP, Vista, Window 7
2) MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Poin!)
3. Internet and E-mail ete
4. Basic of Hardware, Software and Network Solution
5. Undu Word Processing. (In Page)
6 ‘Typing Tutor 6 and Typing Master 10
7. Corel DRAW 12.0 (Graphies Designing)
Would be furnished on request