Vladimir I Kaufman, PhD
**** ********* **., **********, ******** 60062 ● 847-***-**** ● ******@*****.***
OBJECTIVE: Position as a Systems/Software engineer in area of modern distributed Government and commercial systems
Radar Simulators, Signal Processing Algorithms and Automatic Target Recognition (ATR)
Modeling & Simulation
S/W for Large Distributed Systems
Project Leadership
Digital Signal Processing
Service-Oriented Architecture
Technical Proposals
Pattern Recognition
Requirements Analysis
Network Management & Security
Systems Analysis & Design
Adaptive Antenna Arrays
Replication & High Availability
Performance Modeling
Statistics, Operations Research, Numerical Methods
Verification & Test
Documentation & Presentation
MAJOR PLATFORMS & TOOLS: SunOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, Matlab, C/C++, Java, Fortran, UNIX Shell scripts
Consulting Engineer
Autoliv Electronics Inc, Lowell MA, 2011 – 2012
Responsible for development of high-fidelity signal processing algorithms for automotive safety radars
●Developing new algorithms and estimating expected performance (MATLAB). All steps of signal processing (signal conditioning, object detection, discrimination and tracking). Perform fidelity versus throughput tradeoff studies.
Senior Principal Systems Engineer
Raytheon Company, Woburn, MA, 2007-2011
Responsible for analysis of Raytheon radar simulators, advanced radar models, radar analysis, and the simulator roadmap
●Conducted research, developed recommendations and published several white papers on throughput and fidelity enhancements for the real-time Raytheon radar simulators
●Conducted comparative research on algorithms and SW architecture of real-time radar simulators. Developed and documented recommendations for functionality and parallel software architecture for the future ‘best-of-breed’ real-time radar simulator; performed several trade studies on this issue
●Developed high-fidelity model of coherent radar return from objects represented by scatterers
●Conducted root-cause analysis for system anomalies
●Conducted research on modern parallel programming tools for military applications
●Participated in proposals for new projects including Service-Oriented Architecture for future Net-centric national defense systems.
Lead Research Engineer
BAE Systems, Burlington, MA, 2003-2007
Responsible for development of advanced signal processing algorithms for emerging radar technologies and object recognition
●Developed and implemented mathematical models for DPCA (JSTARS) STAP and Beam Space (Space Based) radar models to include:
oTarget detection in distributed cluster environment
oClutter discreet detection, classification and mitigation
●Estimated ability of Naval Radar to track a target as a function of the sea clutter level, attenuation, multi-path propagation, specular reflection, radar band, and signal polarization
●Developed new bundle-adjustment algorithm for image registration and joint target recognition
●Created high-performing algorithm for HRR-based target recognition and integrated it into several BAE systems test suites
●Published white paper on performance evaluation testbed architecture for a decision-level ATR fusion testbed (SAR, EO/IR, and HRR ATR subsystems)
●As a PI, developed several performance models for a MSTAR-like SAR ATR algorithm which became a part of the FITE AFRL testbed (SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, 2007)
●Designed and implemented distributed S/W architecture for the BAE Systems Sensor Fusion Testbed
oDPCA & Beam Space Sensor Models
oTime server, Platform position & Truth Target Broadcaster modules
oSensor Resource Manager, SRM
oDwell Planning Server
oMultiple farms of Sensor Report Generators, SRG, communicating via TCP/IP
●Designed S/W architecture to take advantage of computing resources distributed over LAN or WAN
Principal Engineer, Technology Office
Mercury Computer Systems, Chelmsford, MA, 2001-2003
Responsible for the DARPA Polymorphic Computer Architectures project (Hardware-independent components-based middleware)
●Converted monolithic Alphatech GMTI MHT application into a component-based application to take advantage of the Mercury HPEC HW
●For the emerging class of Data Exploitation DoD applications, analyzed limitations of Mercury polymorphous RT SCE middleware and defined requirements for new middleware features
●Developed methodology for performance characterization of software components. The methodology uses mathematical tools and resulted in outlining a class of optimal solutions in multidimensional processor/SWEPT spaces
●Developed and documented a high-performance algorithm for automatic mapping of software components to real-time processing resources for the Mercury HPEC architecture
●Wrote multiple technical reports, participated in quarterly Principal Investigator meetings
Lead Software Architect, MediaMall Product
InfoLibria, Inc., Waltham, MA, 2000-2001
Responsible for the product security & management architecture
●Outlined and documented the software architecture for the Deployment Management Subsystem, able to manage large (ISP-wide) product deployment. Secure hierarchical management structure combined with managed object transparency and flexible hierarchy of managing personnel allowing remote management of thousands of deployed units through a set of hierarchical deployment management servers (TCP/IP, SSL, PKI, JDBC, Java RMI, JDBC, CORBA, Apache WEB server, CLI, SNMP, NAT, HTML, Layer 4 and 2 switches). Developed a schema to implement a pay-for-service concept for the company product. The schema called for new network connections, hardware and software development to protect the premium contents from unauthorized access. Built a concept of hierarchical load balancing able to manage the load of end user content requests across multiple server farms within the entire product deployment (RADIUS, LDAP, Load balancing - NECP, Firewall, Divert Sockets, Windows NT, RG2, QuickTime, WMT media servers, Apache WEB Server, NAT)
●As a project lead, designed and implemented a Billing Agent architecture component, which collects the resource-usage data from media servers and interfaces a Billing Mediator architecture component with the data converted to a universal form. Created software specification and implemented a framework for a platform-independent Mediator. The Mediator connects the Agent with any commercial billing system ether via IPDR, or via any proprietary billing system interface. Prepared technical specifications for outsourcing a portion of development and monitored contractor’s development. Extended the product CLI to support the Agent configuration and implemented SNMP support for the Agent monitoring (RADIUS/LDAP, IPDR, FTP, SSL, C++, JAVA)
●Major contributor at technical meetings with the company partners and customers (formulated requirements for new functionality and interfaces). Major role in evaluation of Middleware and selection of SDK vendors
Chief Software Architect/ Systems and Network Management projects
BBN Corporation, Cambridge, MA, 1995-2000
In charge of software architecture for the DoD network/deployment management projects (C4ISR systems)
●Performed requirement analysis and refinement for the Near Term Digital Radio Network Management Terminal (NTDR NMT) project which provided global visibility/control of the survivable mobile ad-hoc tactical network with a dynamic network device clustering. Defined software components and interfaces. Designed Event Service, Status Agent, and GUI subsystems. Identified requirements and designed the universal Network Planning Tool. Defined interfaces between major NMT subsystems. Implemented several software components for the project. Using OPNET, modeled a dynamic clustering algorithm, associated membership and routing policies, multi-channeling, and traffic prioritization
●Performed requirement analysis and refinement for the backbone Korean Military Network Management System (KNMS) project. Defined software architecture for managing a variety of network devices throughout the ROK. The system used CORBA 2.0 for providing global visibility & control of the network via SNMP proxy agents. Designed data-distribution and replication mechanisms, device object service, and devolution-of-control mechanism for the project
●Defined a secure network and software architecture for DARPA JFACC Quality of Service (QoS) research project. The software suite for this project integrates commercial software (Shomiti Surveyor©), freeware (Sun SymbEL software performance tool) and the newly developed software. The integrated software suite monitored JFACC software execution and identified real time bottlenecks in both, network bandwidth and in computer resources. Designed and coded several critical software components, including remote SymbEL agent, QoS server and a remote Agent. Added new protocol analyzer to the Shomiti network frame parser
●Performed preliminary analysis for several new potential DoD contracts, including Global Broadcast (GBS), USAF Tactical Deployment Communications Initial Communications Access Package (TDC/ICAP), Integrated System Control (ISYSCON), Tactical Internet Equipment Management System (TIEMS) Government Projects. Analyzed the Government RFP’s, drafted the system/software architecture, contributed to BBN proposals, and evaluated an anticipated amount of development efforts for each RFP
Senior Computer Scientist
ARCON Corporation, Waltham MA, 1990-1995
Responsible for a system-wide requirements and performance analysis for FAA Data Link Processor (DLP) project (Provide Weather and Aeronautical Services to an Aircraft throughout the National Airspace System)
1.Model-based, multi-sensor fusion and bundle-adjustment for image registration and target recognition, Eugene M. Lavely, Misha Barmin, Vladimir Kaufman, Proceedings of SPIE – Volume 6237, May 2006
2.Score-based SAR ATR performance model, V.Kaufman, T.D.Ross, E.M.Lavely, E.Blash, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, April 2007
Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Lomonosov University (MGU), 1974
Major: Mathematical Models & Process Simulation
MS Magna Cum Laude in Computer Science, Moscow Lomonosov University (MGU), 1970
US citizen, active secret-level DSS clearance
Married, one daughter