Highly organized and efficient
Underwriter. Able to carry a
very heavy pipeline of loans.
Extremely organized and
detail oriented. Overtime is
not an issue.
Volunteer work includes:
Central Illinois Humane
Society, Midwest Food Bank,
Calvary Christian Academy
and more.
205 E SOUTH ST., HUDSON, IL 61748 309-***-****
UNDERWRITER III• GUILD MORTGAGE/RMS • APR 2020 – PRESENT Underwrite Conventional, FHA, USDA, state bond loans, manufactured housing, new construction loans and
condominiums. Review conditions and clear loans to close. Review of appraisals. Training on Jumbo and VA started but not yet completed due to high volume of pipeline.
UNDERWRITER • EQUITY RESOURCES • JAN 2018 – MARCH 2020 Underwrote conventional and FHA loans. Reviewed conditions and cleared loans to close.
UNDERWRITER • COMMERCE HOME MTG • JULY 2016 – NOV 2017 Underwrote conventional and FHA loans. Reviewed conditions and cleared loans to close
UNDERWRITER • ADVANTAGE LENDING • OCT 2010 – JULY 2016 Sole Underwriter for company. Successfully completed FHA test case completion with HUD. Underwrote conventional and FHA loans. Reviewed conditions and cleared loans to close. Assisted with transition to a paperless system. Assisted with the search for investors, technology, etc. that would benefit the company. EDUCATION
Courses completed include Certified Credit Examiner, DE Underwriting, Due Diligence in FHA/VA Underwriting, Tax Return Analysis, Appraisal Review and Valuation and more.