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Customer Service Graphic

Medford, OR
August 17, 2022

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AA in Graphic Design

Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and

Advertising with an emphasis on

Graphic Design


Typography, layout, and composition

Remote from Medford, Oregon

Dear Talent Acquisitions Department,

I am honored to have this opportunity and I thank you, so much, for your time. Meet YOUR new Design Artisan; comes complete with a sense of humor and alot of compassion (batteries not in- cluded but, with coffee, alot can be accomplished)! I would like nothing more, in fact, than to work with others who understand the joy of building up others. There are many who can just “do the JOB,” however, you will quickly learn that I always rise above to make a difference wherever I go. I try to leave everything I touch better and more beautiful than the way I found it; with, perhaps, even humor sprinkeld in there along the way. I strive to be a truly innovative artisan, an adaptable, vibrant, and diverse professional with IRUZDUG WKLQNLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQDO DQG WDVWHIXO GHVLJQ WDOHQWV LQ WKH $GREH DQG 2IƓFH VXLWHV WKDW PDNH PH D WHFKQRORJLFDOO\ FDSDEOH DGGLWLRQ WR DQ\ WHDP UHPDLQ ŴH[LEOH SURDFWLYH LQ P\ DWWHQWLRQ to detail, and humble enough to be a quick study. I work well within a team as I am acutely aware of just how collaborative design is, and while I seek to connect with others, I can work independently as well.

KDYH DQ H[WUHPHO\ VWURQJ ZRUN HWKLF P\ WLPH PDQDJHPHQW VNLOOV PDNH VXUH HYHU\ GHDGOLQH LV met, and I am thorough; always working with the highest standards. Being a selfstarter, who loves WR ODXJK DQG GHVLJQ LV WKH FRUH WR WKH VXFFHVV RI P\ ZRUN ŴRZ :KHQ, DP RQ WKH MRE WKH MRE JHWV done!


, ORRN IRUZDUG WR DQ LQWHUYLHZ WR GLVFXVV KRZ P\ TXDOLƓFDWLRQV FRXOG EHVW ƓW WKLV SRVLWLRQ I would be happy to complete a video introduction of myself if that makes this easier. Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Kind Regards,

Tressa Joy Bowles

RE: Tressa Bowles

Graphic Design Artisan

I have been an artist and designer for over 30 years and through this I have been in customer service, marketing, and administration so I have a skill set that covers all of these areas.

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