[Jo b Title ] driven to manage c o sts and e sta b lish strate g ic, mutually bene fic ia l partnerships and re la tio nships with use rs, vendors and se rvic e pro viders. Ambitious [Jo b Title ] who c re a te s strate g ic a llia nc e s with o rg a nization le a d e rs to e ffe c tively align with and suppo rt ke y business initiatives. Builds and re ta ins high performanc e te ams by hiring, de veloping and motivating skilled pro fe ssio nals. Innovative e xe c utive and marketing pro fe ssio nal e xp e rie nc e d in high-volume, multi-unit, re ta il and b usiness o p e ra tio ns. De sire s a high-le vel po sitio n in a pro fe ssio nal c o rp o ra te environment. Ac c o mplished Exe c utive with demonstrated ability to de liver mission-c ritic a l re sults. Pro je c t management
Le a d e rship/ c o mmunic a tio n skills
Pro duct development
Pro duct line e xpansion
Business o p e ra tio ns o rg a nization
Ne w product delivery
Employee re la tio ns
Se lf-motivated
Customer-o rie nted
Customer-o rie nted
Pro duct development
Pro je c t Manage ment:
Initiated [project] whic h re sulted in [p o sitive o utc o me]. Human Re so urc e s:
Spearheaded new [program] program whic h inc re a se d re te ntion. Operations Manage ment:
Managed [o peration].
Ha ndled all func tio ns re la te d to [program].
Staff De ve lo pment:
La unc hed well-re c e ived program o f professional development c o urses fo r a ll sta ff.
Me ntored and c o a c hed e mployees re sulting in a 12% inc re a se in p ro d uc tivity.
Ac c o untable fo r [b usiness are a ] inc luding o verall c ustomer satisfac tio n. Created new re venue stre ams through [a c tio ns]. Captured 55%+ market share with new pro duct quic kly bro ught to market. Stre ngthened c o mpany's b usiness by le a d ing implementation o f [project]. De veloped and directed stra te g y fo r launc h o f new product that be c ame # 1 in the market plac e 11 months afte r launc h.
1984 Associate of Arts: Busine ss Management
Valleyhead 䠉 Lenoxx, MA, USA
Coursework in [Course Name]