Cae a
@ sangaviengo*@amailcom
* */** ***** ****** Theethiplays
peru (is) colmbatore
# Skills
rganizing and management
«il Goad communication
© Interests
Reading books, story wring,
sing computer
© Objective
Ta secure a responsible caeer opportunity to fully ullze my
tesning snd sil, wile making a sgneantcontoution tthe
fucoess ofthe comaany
‘> Education
Kengunadu ats and scence cllege
& Area Of Interest
4& Hobbies And interests
+ Reading books
Story writing
Using computer
4 Personal Qualities
+ Efcient leader
Capable of handling teugh stuation.
4& Personal Profile
+ Name sangavi
‘Adios :4/95kutacolony Theetipalayam coimbatore
National tndisn
Religion hinds
Martial status single
Language known: Tami English
4 Declaration
+ Hearby declare thatthe information a
best of my knowledge.
‘Thanking you
n above le tet the