Sonya Hall
Atlanta, Georgia *****
Qualifica on
Offering a background with years of experience in the areas of Loan Processing, Data Entry, Customer Service, Closing Coordinator and Implemen ng Policies and Procedures. Completed specialized training in Reading Matrix, Calcula ng Debt-to-Income Ra os and Reviewing Appraisals and Updated Trid Guidelines.
Computer proficient (Word, Excel, Calyx, DU and Encompass so ware, (NMLS cer ficate 2022). Professional Experience
The Mortgage Calculator (Remote)
Sr. Processor/Customerservice (2021-2022)
Maintain constant communica on with customers and loan agents via calls on updates and/or changes to loan, while reviewing Credit docs, AUS and Calcula ng of Income.
Worked on Encompass so ware with a full pipeline to included, FHA, VA, USDA, Purchases and Refinances. Clear and sign off on condi ons prior to underwri ngs final approval while monitoring loans to ensure compliance with all federal regula ons.
Guaranteed Rate (Remote)
Sr. Processor/Loan Representa ve (2020-2021)
Worked closely with clients to ensure loan approval and reviewed ini al and final closing Disclosure. Conducted in-depth review of incoming documents including tle, credit reports and bank statements. Review residen al loan applica ons to verify that data is complete and meets establishment standards, type and amount of mortgage, debts and credit history. Georgia Rental Assistance ( Atlanta,GA)
Sr. Processor (2019 – 2020)
Process, verify eligibility and select appropriate members applica ons for rental assistance. Providing excellent customer service with tenants and landlords thru online portal, email and phone. Determine and verify income, assets, ci zenship and other required documents, while maintaining required client records. IMBC Lending, ( Remote )
Sr. Processor (2017-2019)
Maintained accurate records on all transac ons and funding of loans for pipeline reports, worked closely with loan officers and Underwriters to obtain borrower documenta on. Customer service daily to include customers,lenders and real estate agents to close loans. Analyzed all files with adherence to internal review policies and procedures while ensuring the company is protected against errors, omissions or poten al borrower default.
Educa on:
Perimeter College, Atlanta, Georgia Business studies Lanier Technical School, Gainesville, Georgia Data Entry Cer fica on