Karen Abramic Dilger
Frankfort, IL 60423
To contribute my writing, editing, and proofreading skills to enhance the overall communication efforts of an organization.
(01/10-04/15) Writing and article management for Arate Communications Consulting, a public-relations firm specializing in architectural engineering and design.
Interview engineers and other experts for article research, white papers, marketing materials
Transform technical concepts, terminology into concise, easy-to-understand format
Communicate with clients during editing and revision process for article management; secure graphics, photographs for final publication
Experienced with Microsoft Word, Publisher and Excel
(03/99-10/06) Contributing Editor, (09/96-3/99) Associate Editor for Manufacturing Business Technology, a monthly trade publication covering information technology for business executives.
Responsible for article focus, scope, research, interviews, writing, editing.
Brainstorm and collaborate with fellow editors regarding article direction and goals; layout, graphics, photos, illustrations; gather/design graphics collateral.
Adherence to tight deadlines; quick follow-through on revisions and various stages of
editing, proofreading.
Covered industry trade shows, conferences; displayed ability to quickly digest information, producing sharp, concise news stories, reports
Sales consultant for The Pampered Chef, supplier of kitchen/cooking tools
Responsible for promoting, scheduling, organizing and managing home-based parties
Marketing and management of business channels, including website, emails, social media; phone and text communication
Coaching home party hosts prior to event, post-sales communication
Setting personal sales objectives, goals, enhancing customer service
(Frankfort School District 157-c, Frankfort, 2017-present)
Classroom educator for preschool through fifth grade. Responsible for:
Teaching students fundamental concepts in mathematics, reading comprehension, English language, science and social studies
Interpreting, following and enhancing lesson plans
Maintaining classroom rules and expectations
Fulfilling needs of diverse student population including monitoring individualized behavior plans, adjusting teaching methods to gain maximum understanding
Setting tone and controlling classroom environment using creativity, energy, spontaneity and motivation to maintain student engagement