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Telecommunications Engineer, Project Manager

Panama City, Panama, Panama
August 07, 2022

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Erick Córdoba – ******@*****.*** – ****-**** *

Address: Panama, Villa Lucre

Phone Number: +507-****-**** / email: ******@*****.*** ERICK ITIEL CÓRDOBA AGUIRRE



ID: 8-795-2155

Nationality: Panamanian

Date of birth: April 11, 1986


Apply the knowledge acquired in the most efficient way; contribute to the development of the company where I work and society.



UFINET – June 2021 - Today :

Position: External Plant Supervisor / Project Manager FTTH Main activities:

Cable Burial Project in Obarrio (external plant supervisor) Creation of an underground network with about 80km of fiber optics Migration of more than a thousand active services from the aerial fiber optic network to the new underground fiber optic network.

Elimination of more than 50km of fiber optics from aerial lines Supervision of personnel in the field

Direct contact with end customer, private company, apartments, government entities Project under supervision of ASEP

Construction of common area pedestals

Adaptation of dozens of connections to buildings and shopping malls. FTTH project in Don Bosco (Project Manager)

Underground installation and area of about 60km of fiber optics for FTTH Installation of more than 300 CTO's with splitter for FTTH Contact with end customer

Independent Engineer - Duration: 2016 – 2021

Position: Business Administrator

Main activities:

Own business manager. Ital Studios

Responsible for presenting digital service solutions for private and business clients in digital marketing, web design, network design, cloud services, e-commerce, In charge of video surveillance network services, LAN and Wi-Fi networks, residential and business. Technology Solutions Advisor

Developer of marketing strategies for private clients Supervision of collaborating personnel

CLARO PANAMA - Duration : August 2016 – October 2016 Position : IT consultant hired by Logytech Mobile S, A. for Claro Panama Main activities :

Reordering information in Oracle database platform Erick Córdoba – ******@*****.*** – 6212-9032 2

CABLE & WIRELESS PANAMA - Duration : 2011 – 2014

Position : Project Engineer / Product Engineer

Main activities :

Design and implementation of the Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) Expansion of 3G nodes of the Mobile network

Project Coordinator, VoIP networks

Establish the flows and processes to follow for the implementation of the products Product Development with GPON technology

WENPAN, S.A. (WENDY'S PANAMA) - Duration : March to June 2010 Position : Computing and Technology Projects Supervisor Main activities :

Implement the Digital and Audio Menu system

Macros and VB developments with Excel

Improve the IP network in the administrative offices of the company CABLE & WIRELESS PANAMA - Duration : January to July 2009 Position : Professional Practice as a Project Engineer in the Project Coordination department

Main activities :

VoIP Projects / Virtual Switchboards / Analog Centrals Tecnology University of Panama – IT Department Duration : March 2008 Position : Macromedia Studio 8 course assistant (Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks) Tecnology University of Panama – IT Department Duration : Sep. 2006 Position : Excel course assistant

Tecnology University of Panama – IT Department Duration : March 2006 Position : Flash MX and Fireworks MX course assistant Tecnology University of Panama – IT Department Duration : Sep. 2005 Position : Flash MX course assistant


2019 - 2020


ENAE Business School

Master in Digital Marketing and Business Management Tecnology University of Panama (UTP)

Electronic engineering and telecommunications

Studies with UTP and IFARHU Scholarship

1998-2003 Colegio Adventista Metropolitano

Bachelor of Science and Letters with Computer

Instrumentation. - Graduated in chapter of honor

1990-1997 Colegio Adventista Metropolitano

Primary studies


Spanish (Native)


Erick Córdoba – ******@*****.*** – 6212-9032 3


Experience in implementation of fiber optic networks and FTTH

Knowledge of external and internal fiber optic plant work, work at height, work in confined places

Ability in personnel supervision, delegation of functions, assignment of tasks

Business administration and commercial management

Experiences in e-commerce digital marketing solutions,

Ease in handling equipment, applications, tools and technological programs

Experiences in programming languages such as java, css, html, php

Experience in managing photographic equipment, video and lighting

Experience in photo and video editing

Experience in Private Driving



Patsi Delgado MH Congelados Manager / Tel: 387-9933 / Cel: 6812-6675

Víctor Cadavid National Forestry Director . Mi Ambiente / Cel: 6584-3877 REFERENCES


Amal Odeh English Teacher / Tel: (507-****-****

Juliana Rivera Engineer / Tel : (507-****-****

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