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Manager Customer

Toronto, ON, Canada
August 05, 2022

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Quiet-thinking Supe<visor,ecognized !or wccess in guiding 1eams and

boosllng Pftl'formonce. Prachcol problem-solver with 0)1.Cellenl Issue and conflict resolutlon skils to dnve leom oriel 01goooo1tonol success Highly ellecllve and knowledgeable In process impiovemenl oriel lnvenloryconttol

lnslghllul Monoger with e)(J)ef>ence d11ecl1ng ond Improving Opefohons ltvough employee mohvohonal slroteglfl and slrang polcy enforcement. P,a!lclent ln besl proctiees, rnorkel l1end1 and,egu1o1ory requrements of Wldustry opel'at,ons. Tolenled leodef wilh Onolvlicol opl)fooch to buslneu planning and doy-lo•doy pioblem-sotvmg Work History

2019 11 Supervisor

2021-11 Abdul Am. Ziggy Used fqv,pmentJ Lid. flobleote, Onrorio

• Cr&oted succenlul work schedvle1 !Of each loom

m&mbef to rnornto1n deadlines ond fully stall sMrs

• Handled custome, complotnls. resolved Issues and odiusted policles to meet changing needs

• Condvcled routine lnspectiOns lo check qualify ond compllonce with e1lobl1shed spec1licotloru

• Set overol vl1ion and piovlded leom leoderVMp

• ldenl!lled uruole Of unheollhlul WQrkploce

coriel1l,ons or hazards to enforce sole work. J)fOCtic:es and piocedvres

2017-06 Manager

2019-01 Ghozo/e Restovronr, Toronto Ontono


• Conl1olled costs ond OPIUTllled spending VIO

restrvctunng of budgets 101' labor. cop1lal onets

Inventory PIJl'Chos1ng and technology upgrades

• Cross.110.ned eKist1ng employees to mOXimile 1eom agility ond perlormonce

• Evoluoted suppliers to mo1nto.n cost controls end 1mp,ove operotiom

• Monitored e)lpend11ures to mitigate rist of overages

• Kepi deloied records ol doity progress 10 ident1ly and correcl oreos needing improvemen1

• Prepared annual budgets with controls to prevent overages

• Evoluo!ed employees' 5!rengths and ossigned tasks based upon e)lperience ond training.

• Resolved stolf member conflicts, actively IMening to concerns ond finding appropriate middle ground.

• Appfied customer feedback to develop process

impi-ovemenls and support long-term businen


2016-09 Post Draguate Diploma In Business

2018-09 Management: Business

Conodore College - 930 Progren


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