William Tune
P.o. Box ***
Cooter Missouri
●Drive heavy equipment such Bobcat, Backhoe, Forklift, Frontend loader, tractor, and tractors with scrapers.
●Good at construction
Kackley Welding, Rives Missouri-Welder 573-***-****
May 11,2018-September 1, 2018
●Built duck blinds
Bryant Farms, Holland Missouri - Farmer 870-***-****
September 1, 2018- still hired part-time
●Drove tractor, bobcat
●Mantinced bailer and haycutter
Tenaris Hickman, Blytheville Arkansas - Shipper 870-***-****
January 21, 2019 - April 24, 2019
●Cleaned yard
●Threw boards
●Built boards.
Copledge Farms, Braggadocio Missouri - Farm Hand 870-***-****)
Only a part-time job due to lead on another job
●Drove tractor
Ketchum Farms and Partnership, Hornersville Mo - Farm Hand 870-***-****
February 1,2020- August 4,2020
●Drove Tractor
●Disked fields
●Field Cultivated
●Ran dirt pans
Senath Hornersville High School- High School diploma
August 2017- May 2018
Went to KCTC vocational school got certified through ARI for welding
Certified through ARI
(References upon request)