Mihir Palav
240-***-**** ● College Park, MD ● ******@***.*** ● LinkedIn
Data Scientist 2020 - 2021
Ekatvam Innovations Nashik, IND (SaaS Startup)
Executed technical and business development of the product by building backend algorithms, and web applications, and assisted the android development team. Collaborated with various stakeholders to achieve a data-driven robust agri-tech water level monitoring solution to assist them in making critical decisions. Key Accomplishments:
● Implemented Dashboards for data visualization for multiple stakeholders in the Indian Rural Ecosystem.
● Built a recommendation algorithm, which provides results based on economic, geographic, and various factors.
● Extrapolated data from various data sources like NASA’s OPENDAP Servers and government data sources.
● Generated datasets by scraping data from the web using beautiful soup and ParseHub.
● Awarded as The Most promising solution at AIM-ICDK Next Generation Water Action Plan.
● Awarded as Second Runner-up at AICISB Grand Idea Challenge. EDUCATION
University of Maryland, College Park Master’s in Data Science and Analytics Expected Dec. 2022
● Covid Data Analysis: Performed brief research on whether covid rates had a correlation with other factors at a country level like the happiness quotient of people.
● Movie Month predictor: Based on input such as release time, budget, and buzz, predict how much a movie will earn in its speci c genre in any month.
● Member at DESI UMD, which is an organization led by the Indian community at UMD. Organized various cultural events around campus.
University of Pune, KKWIEER Nashik Bachelor’s in Computer Science
● GPA: 8.8/10
● Text to audio-video conversion: Attempted to map text descriptions to video representations to get a better pictorial understanding of the textual context along with audio. Awarded as one of the top 3 nal projects in the Computer Department.
● Tra c Sign Classi cation: Implemented a tra c sign classi er on pre-labeled images to identify tra c signs.
● Mood Classi er: Developed a mood classi er, which based on the input image would classify someone’s mood into 5 classes.
● English to Shakespearean English: Implemented a Natural Language Processing algorithm to convert input sentences in English to Shakespearean English.
● Core committee member, Debuggers Club. Organized expert talks, mock interviews, quizzes, and more. SKILLS
Programming Language: Python, Matlab, R, Java, C, C++ Library & Modules: Pandas, Scikit, TensorFlow, Natural Language Processing, CNN, Dask, Beautiful Soup Cloud & Database Systems: AWS Relational Database System, AWS Elastic Cloud Compute, AWS Lambda, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, NASA OPENDAP
Web Development: Django Flask, Fast API, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap CERTIFICATIONS
● Crash course on Python: O ered by Coursera and Google Career Certi cates. Taught about foundations in order to write simple programs in Python using the most common structures.
● Machine Learning for All: O ered by Coursera, taught by Marco Gillies at London University. Introduction to machine learning techniques.
● Crash course in Data Science: O ered by Coursera, taught by Je Leek at Johns Hopkins University. Focuses on the role of data science in various contexts, and how statistics and machine learning a ect data science.
● Introduction to TensorFlow: O ered by Coursera, taught by Laurence Moroney. Implemented a basic neural network in TensorFlow.
● Image Classi cation with CNNs: A guided project o ered by Coursera. Implement Convolutional Neural Networks in Keras with TensorFlow backend for image classi cation.
● Image Data Augmentation: A guided project o ered by Coursera. Focused on various methods of creating more data if the image dataset is small.
● Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow: O ered by Coursera, taught by Laurence Moroney. It touched upon the basic concepts of NLP.
● AWS Fundamentals: O ered by Coursera, taught by Amazon experts. Introduces various AWS cloud services like S3, RDS, and Lambda.
● Technical Support Fundamentals: O ered by Coursera and Google Career Certi cates. Introduced how a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist is.
● Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS: O ered by Coursera, taught by Yaakov Chaikin. Introduction to basic AngularJS and various MVVM concepts.
All certifications at this folder.