Tamara L. McGogney
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LEGAL SECRETARY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE Maintain and update client files for Attorneys before their hearings. Complete Summary Appeal applications for clients, update their information in the Legal Edge database and generate the Summary Appeals bi-monthly reports in Word document. Correspond with Court Reporters to order services for all felony cases, and maintain Case log in Excel database to ensure payment of invoices. Order language interpreters for clients who need assistance with speaking English. Other miscellaneous job duties.
2017 - 201.8
VARIOUS TEMP ASSISGNMENTS, INTEGRATED STAFFING GROUP, INC. Temporary clerical assignments with Allegheny County Elections Department and Public Defender's Office.
AUGUST 1992 - 2OI5
CREDIT MONITORING ANALYST, PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. Analyze and spread financial statements for Corporate Banking clients, per lending obligations. Monitored various financial ratio covenants for Corporate Lending Officers to ensure compliance with lending agreements. Brief loan documents to input in the CPMS database. Trained new hires and performed quality control functions to ensure accuracy. Assisted with the daily log-in of work flow for the department. Worked on various projects as needed along with other miscellaneous duties.
JUNE 1991 - AUGUST 1992
COLLECTIONS CLERK, PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. Generated various monthly accounting and charge-off spreadsheets from information pertaining to delinquent and repossessed customer accounts. EDUCATION