Eric Tang
Palo Alto, CA *****
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 2021 - 2025
● BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering
● Relevant Coursework:
Differential and Integral Calculus
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Concepts of Mathematics
Intro to Electrical Computer Engineering
Integration and Approximation
● Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris
Von Neumann architecture, logic gates, assembly languages COURSE PROJECTS
Mechanical Engineering:
● Truss Analysis: Used CAD and laser cutting to design a truss that is intended to break at 40 lbs
● Mobot: Used mechatronics and controls(proportional – integral – derivative controller) to code a mobile robot to navigate a path with obstacles as quickly as possible
● Well Driller: Designed for a pedal powered well driller Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science:
● Hell Bullets: A game where a player controls a character and shoots at enemies while trying to dodge numerous enemy bullets
● Uses breadth first search, caching, and the model-view-control paradigm
Electrical and Computer Engineering:
● 555 Timer: Used a 555 timer to use potentiometers to turn a servo and control the pitch of a speaker
● Glucose Sensor: Used Op Amps to build a circuit that interfaces with a test strip to measure glucose content of a sample liquid EXPERIENCE
Intern, Stanford University Vision Imaging Science and Technology Lab June 2020 - January 2021
● Created digital models for camera simulation using Cinema 4D RELEVANT SKILLS
Eric Tang
Cinema 4D, Python, Solidworks, 3d Printing, Laser Cutting, Java Languages: Native: English, Mandarin, Japanese