Houston, TX
+1-936-***-**** ***********@*****.*** linkedin.com/in/wkbrowning2020 GLOBAL OPERATIONS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIC PLANNING CUSTOMER RELATIONS Dynamic, accomplished, bilingual Global OperaMons and Business Leader highly regarded for 15+ years of progressive experience in driving excepMonal results across performance development, interpersonal skills and team leadership with- in the oil & gas, renewable energy and industrial services sector. Respected as a moMvaMonal, influenMal leader and col- laborator who guides team members to achieve performance excellence, driving success with industry leaders like Hal- liburton, Baker Hughes and NaMonal Oilwell Varco. Builds and maintains lasMng relaMonships, driving stakeholder en- gagement and clear communicaMon through a people-focused approach. Out-of-the-box thinker commiXed to making conMnuous improvements in processes and leveraging knowledge of cross-funcMonal roles and business strategies to enable growth.
Oversee the day-to-day activities of the company, ensuring that the organization is managed and performing efficiently and effectively. Establishes quantitative and qualitative metrics, guidelines, and standards by which the company’s efficiency and effectiveness can be evaluated; identifies opportunities for improvement. Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates business procedures. Implements policies SELECTED and procedures that will HIGHLIGHTS improve day-to-day operations.
! Orchestrated Technical Services Group at NaMonal Oilwell Varco, including collaboraMon with Engineering, Opera- Mons, Manufacturing, Product Specialists, and Sales to achieve $42M in annual revenue.
! Spearheaded one-of-a-kind business development strategies at Matuco Ventures for market entry, gaining 2% mar- ket share in only 6 months and outpacing projected gains.
! Promoted due to excepMonal performance at Halliburton, headed all operaMons for Baroid Surface SoluMons Product Service Line (PSL) in MENA region and led a team of 245 to provide superb outcomes under heavy workload. Chosen to start and improve operaMons in mulMple countries, in addiMon to expanding market share an addiMonal 6% in UAE via the buildout of mulMple operaMonal capabiliMes in onshore/offshore projects.
! Headed high-impact conMnuous improvement efforts on Baroid Surface SoluMons technologies, including various technology projects.
- Sales Leadership - Strategic Planning - Environmental Specialist
- Global OperaJons Management - Product Management - CommunicaJon
- Client RelaJonship Building - Business Development - ConJnuous Improvement
- Manufacturing - Employee Development - Team Building/Leadership
- Project ExecuJon - Decision Making Skills - NegoJaJons PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO HOUSTON, TX 2018 – 2020 Technical Director, Global
" Demonstrated outstanding leadership ability in orchestraMng a cross-funcMonal Technical Services Group, including collaboraMon with Engineering, Manufacturing, OperaMons, Product Specialists, and Sales to achieve $42M in annual revenue.
" Ensured flawless development/delivery of Training on Brandt products, including the Competency Management Sys- tem which earned extensive praise and is now considered a company gold standard at a worldwide scale.
" Built out unique systems covering spreadsheets and databases to enable data-driven insights and decision making.
" Offered consistently superior technical support for products in the marketplace as a subject maXer expert. W. Keith Browning, Resume – Page 2 +1-936-***-**** # ***********@*****.*** MATUCO VENTURES DUBAI, U.A.E. 2016 – 2018
Director, Business Development
" Managed evaluaMons of key strategic opportuniMes - including rigorous financial analyses - and assisted in iniMaMves that improved year-over-year sales by 15% against high-profile companies like Philip Morris.
" Spearheaded one-of-a-kind business development strategies for market entry, gaining 2% market share in only 6 months and outpacing projected gains.
" Offered bespoke markeMng presentaMons for product introducMons, inter-organizaMonal communicaMons, and strate- gy implementaMon, leading and working in line with diverse individuals to consistently rise above goals.
" Strengthened lynchpin relaMonships with potenMal partners and VC firms as a principal company liaison.
" Coordinated with external counterparts concerning high-level negoMaMons with revenue impacts of $110M. HALLIBURTON VARIOUS LOCATIONS 2012 – 2016/1997 - 2008 Regional Manager Middle East / N. Africa (MENA): 2014 – 2016
" Promoted due to excepMonal performance, headed all operaMons for Baroid Surface SoluMons Product Service Line
(PSL) in MENA region and led a team of 245 to provided superb outcomes under heavy workload.
" Aligned with mulMple parMes to establish local product and service pricing strategies and technology iniMaMves that improved company profits by 12%.
" Selected to start and improve operaMons in mulMple countries, in addiMon to expanding market share an addiMonal 6% in UAE via the buildout of mulMple operaMonal capabiliMes in onshore/offshore projects.
" Promoted value proposiMon and grew brand presence within strict deadlines.
" Streamlined handling of financials via sojware soluMons. Chief Global Technical Advisor: 2012 – 2014
" Oversaw high-impact conMnuous improvement efforts on Baroid Surface SoluMons technologies, including various technology projects.
" Championed conMnuous improvement of exisMng waste management technologies, working as a subject maXer ex- pert and performing in-depth research on new concepts and trends.
" Sought as a trusted resource by Business Unit OperaMons Personnel in support of Baroid Technology field ap- plicaMons that improved organizaMonal coordinaMon and virtually eliminated reporMng errors.
" Built out unique soluMons for technical issues and supported scaling across 2 divisions.
" Generated bespoke technical content to promote & support Baroid strategies and technologies, and acted as a key liaison with execuMve leadership in recommending strategy and direcMon for technology.
" Coordinated with Baroid Business Development to deliver a holisMc understanding of Baroid technologies in relaMon to their applicaMon in the field and the customers. Regional Manager Western Hemisphere: 2006 – 2008
" Aligned with relevant Business Development and Technology managers to build out local product and service pricing strategies and technology iniMaMves, with efforts cited as crucial to an 32% upturn in year-over-year revenue.
" Streamlined operaMons in Ecuador and ArgenMna to increase profitability by 8%.
" Expanded market share an addiMonal 16% in US, and provided internal consulMng for similar global iniMaMves. Addi$onal Posi$ons: Regional Manager LaMn America / OperaMons Manager Venezuela 1997 - 2006 BAKER HUGHES INC. HOUSTON, TX 2008 – 2012
Senior Manager, Global MarkeJng (UnconvenJonal Oil & Gas): 2010 – 2012 Global Director, Product Line (Drilling Fluids): 2008 – 2010
" Promoted ajer greatly overachieving on goals, headed full-scale corporate strategic planning and generated compet- iMve gap analysis for product lines; established markeMng plans to elevate sales.
" IniMated BHI strategy development process which was the pillar for the corporate strategy, and authored a related handbook to convey best pracMces, common issues, and lessons learned.
" Recommended market/soluMons/customer segments in support of large-scale business expansion.
" Championed comprehensive set of markeMng tools for selected sub-market segment, and later sought as an external consultant to improve markeMng funcMons across mulMple segments.
" Constructed a high-performance global team for UnconvenMonal Resources, using highly efficient approaches. W. Keith Browning, Resume – Page 3 +1-936-***-**** # ***********@*****.*** EDUCATION
Texas A&M University: Bachelor of Science, Petroleum Geology Business Leadership, Mays Business School
" AADE; $Integrated SoluMons Deliver Improved Wellbore Integrity”, 2010
" Oil & Gas Journal; $Control Total de Fluidos Reduce Costos de Perforación y Control de Desechos en Operaciones de Crudo Pesado en el Oriente de Venezuela”, 2004
" SEFLU CEMPO VI; $Cutngs InjecMon: Minimizing Risks through Engineering”, 2006
" SEFLU CEMPO VI; $Ground Control™: The Economics Benefits of Project Management SoluMons to Environmental Issues for Upstream OperaMons”, 2006
" SPE 93935; $EvaluaMon and OpMmizaMon of Solids Control Equipment Systems Reduce Waste Volumes, Improves Safety and Lower Costs”, 2005
" SPE 96775; $Drilling Waste Management: Case Histories Demonstrate That EffecMve Drilling Waste Management can Reduce Overall Well-ConstrucMon Costs”, 2005
" SPE 90025; $Central Waste Treatment FaciliMes (CTRD) Reduce Drilling and Waste Management Costs in Heavy Oil OperaMons, Eastern Venezuela”, 2004
" Petroleum; $Nuevas Tecnologías Cumplen con los Requisitos de las Operaciones de Inyección de Recortes a Largo Plazo”, 2007
" Offshore; $Drilling Zero Discharge Offshore Brazilian an Environmentally SensiMve Area”, 2008 ADDITIONAL CREDENTIALS
TECHNICAL SKILLS Microsoj Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher) / Microsoj Visio / Microsoj SharePoint / Adobe Photoshop / Google Docs / Google Drive / Google Calen- dar Google Plus / Dropbox / Salesforce
LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Portuguese
HONORS & AWARDS Team Challenge BD Academy – Halliburton 2006 Growth Revenue Award Venezuela – Baroid Halliburton 1999 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Business Leadership Development Program I & II, Mays Business School, Texas A&M / Professional Selling Skills / Cross Product Line Discipline Development for UnconvenMon- al O&G / Strategic OpportuniMes Management / Financial Leadership / Strategic Selling / Drilling Fluids Technology / SAP / Environmental Technology / Total Fluids Management / Business AcquisiMon / Solids Control for Drilling / Landmark Petroworks & Stratworks / Log InterpretaMon & Analysis / Subsurface Mapping Technology ORGANIZATIONS SPE / IADC / AAPG
VOLUNTEERISM AIM Family Ministries / IOU Inc.
INTERESTS Family, Snow Skiing, Travel