Sidney Williams
Houston Tx 77086
Seeking employment as a welder.
Flex Decks- Houston Tx. MlG Welder 6/2017-Present
Welded metal components together to fabricate and repair. Executed the daily operations of building
maintenance decks for military planes, helicopters, and jets and assisted in welding aluminum deck parts
together. Completed measuring, marking, welding, grinding, and buffing of parts. Cleaned and
maintained work areas. Successfully operated overhead crane, forklifts and more.
Klose BBQ Pit- Houston Tx. MIG Welder 7/2015-10/2016
Welded metal components together to fabricate and repair. Executed the daily operations of BBQ pits
and smokers. Assisted welding metal parts together and repair broke, cracked and damaged parts.
Positioned and clamped together components of fabricated metal products. Cleaned and maintained
work area. Successfully handled project orders.
Joe’s Fab- Houston Tx. Combination welder 5/2014-4/2015
Welded metal components together to fabricate and repair products such as flow valve, barrels, skids,
pipes, tubing, plate and more. Welded metal parts together using both gas and brazing welding, and any
combination of arc welding process. Performed related task such as thermal cutting and grinding.
Successfully handled overhead crane and forklift.
Accuweld INC. Houston Tx. Combination Welder 8/1996-6/2013
Welded metal components together to fabricate and repair products such as shut off valve, inlay block
square tubing, round tubing, pipes, plate square bar, round bar, angle iron, channel iron, beam and
more. Welded metal parts together using both gas and brazing welding, and any combination of arc
welding process. Performed related task such as thermal cutting and grinding. Successfully handled
overhead crane and forklift.