Natasha Summary
I have acquired technical knowledge and skills from my course
Seleke as well as practical and business skills from my industrial year in
a cooperate Business in Delareyville NWP. I have used range of
office administration system tools. And have a strong
Contact background in project management and customer relations.
20201 Madibogo Pan, Mahikeng Skill Highlights
2772 Project management Microsoft Office
Strong decision maker Google analytics
Phone: Complex problem Google Adwords
+27 (0-61-410-**** solver
+27 (0-73-072-****
Email: Experience
Office Junior Manager - 06/2019 to 08/2020
Gender & Race: REAGA TOMBSTONE, Delareyville
Female Black Cooperate with Sells and marketing team to create clean
and simple Marketing strategy, intuitive interactions and
Date Of Birth: experiences.
1997/02/19 Develop management concepts and maintain optimal
Office Assistance - 02/2017 to 12/2017
THE COPY SHOP, Delareyville
Office Administration work
Languages Front Desk Work
English Sales and online marketing manager
Setswana Sesotho
Hobbies Grade 12: English, Setswana, Geography, Life Science,
Mathematical Literacy, Agricultural Science, Life Orientation -
Writing & reading
Phatsima High School, NWP
Diploma of Human Resource Management (certificate):
Computer Literacy, Academic Literacy, Commercial Law,
Human Resource Management.
Second Semester: Entrepreneurship, Business Management,
Basic Accounting
Final Year: Finances, Socio-Economics, Work Integrated
Learning Certificate