Jayasri T Gill
Web: www. ARTClubITServe.net
Career Summary: -
Developed QuickBook(core) that was sold and patented by INTOIT.
Developed a flexible Mechanical Proactive simulator for the mechanical industry for Indian Research& Development, IIT(Delhi)- that has been wrongly used with NJ led justice internal division.
Around 22+ years of experience in all phases of Project & Product development life cycle that includes System Study, Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance, Re-Engineering, and Documentation
Sound knowledge of different phases of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Have been a part of team visiting client sites to gather requirements and off shoring.
Good knowledge in Core Java, JDK and Object-Oriented Concepts.
Conversant with J2EE Design Patterns.
Good experience and knowledge in applying design patterns. Implemented MVC, Singleton, Business Delegate Design patterns.
Strong understanding and experience in Adobe Flex and Com OpenGL with the 3d effect development with gaming projects.
Good knowledge in SOA, OOA (Object Oriented Architecture) and GAP analysis and design.
Have knowledgeable experience in Magic Draw, Sun One Studio. UNIX, LINUX.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
As my profile was misused in the way of running a scam game- with a ticketing Mech Simulator (my previous experience @ I.I.T. Delhi, India), I have taken a little bit of off time and worked with my freelancing career, in the meantime.
Technical Skills:
Operating Systems Windows XP, UNIX, Linux
Java Enterprise Technologies J2EE, JDK, JDBC, Servlets, JSP and EJBs, JSF, Jasper report, EXTJS
Microsoft toolkit Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Configuration Management ClearCase, SourceSafe, Hudson
Databases Oracle 11i/11g
Internet Technologies HTML, XML and JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, JQUERY, dojo, Rich Faces, JSF, iLOG
Java IDEs Eclipse 3.2 and JDeveloper Kit9.0.3, NetBeans
Defect/Bug Tracking Tools Jira and Remedy
DB Access Tools Toad, PL/SQL Developer
Performance monitoring App dynamics
BPM Peoplesoft
Front End Java, JSP, ASP, Java Script,, Node.Js, React.js, Angular.js . HTML5,CSS, XML, net
Education: -
Ph. D. (equivalent): Fluid Dynamics (Computational)- as is considered for Industrial Research Scientist, India
Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India- 1992-1994.
M.S. - Master in Science, Mathematics, Computer Science specialization
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India- 1989-1991.
B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, (Honours)
Calcutta University, Calcutta, India- 1984-1988.
Professional experience:
Art Club IT software services, Bellevue, WA Jun, 2018- 2021
Java Architect
1) Indian Restaurant- Chaat Corner, Kent, Wa Jan’16 - April, 2016
2) Flexa soft tech, Bellevue, WA ( an Automation of a Warehouse software) July, 2018- March, 2019
3) developed the web site for
Art Club It Serve, Bellevue, Wa.Date: January,2020-Septembet,2021
Platform- Java, C++, Power BI, SQ plus, Oracle, HTML5, .net, Java script, XML, Web services.
Team site, Life site.,Spring Boot, Microservices, Maintenance.
Worked on documentation, graphics designing, Model updates.
Worked on framing the EDD, based on the automation project
Used Java, Spring framework for development infrastructure.
Used Lambda functionalist.
Worked with Spring boot and Microservices.
Delivered solo applications as tools.
Developed Spring boot apps server, to deliver the custom application.
Used Synonyms, key words, for rapid prototyping.
Worked with power Bi, for the front end.
Worked as a graphics designer, web developer and as a painting artist for the local small-scale companies.
It has a template of the designs that the customers can pick up and that works with the company.
Platform: Adobe, Eclipse, Java script, Node.js, Minute.js, PHP, HTML5, Oracle.
Updated with Kotlin, Docker, Jenkins.
Updated with App Dynamics.
Developed custom web sites, Upgrading.
Developed internal automated warehouse project, that maintains auto security, auto inventory, Auto employee management,
Paintings of Art, and Graphic design.
Worked with Tean site, project collaboration.
Worked with Life Site scope.
www.ArtClubIt Serve.net – my personal or business site.
Worked with Team site development.
Visa Project (contract job): May, 2013- Dec, 2013
Java Lead and Architect
Worked on Wealth management system of Visa card holders.
Updated the visa card processors are inputs with either from the bucket or from the new input of data for the criteria of Visa card Processors.
Applied card holders’ credentials update in a periodic manner
Updated the system with the user sent alert on recent transactional activities in the mobile set or emails. Added features for the Card holders updating of the funds with commit of any transaction with the underlying financial institutions approval with the setup scheme,
The Risk Authentication validation is made with the rule’s engines of VRM. The SCS stores the credentials for rapid checkout from the tray.
Updated the two-way alert system, that sends alerts to the users and to SCs- in order to update the credit database of users.
Updated the VRM blocks, for any unapproved transaction where otherwise it passes through.
Platform: IBM Rad, Web Sphere, ClearCase, Spring MVC,IOC, ILOG, Google tools, Enterprise Scheduler, JAVA, J2EE, Oracle 11g, XMLJava Script, POSTGRE SQL,AJAX, HTML5,CSS3,.
YALE Univ. project / Connecticut August, 2012- Dec, 2012
Java Lead developer Duc
Analyzed the existing student course Management application (CIM) and teaching Fellow Systems(TFS).
Contributed as a senior developer for Yale project group.
Developed Business objects in core Java in IntelliJ IDE. The BOs are designed for implementation of specific business controls.
Applied JSF for UI development and Camel for integration.
Applied iLOG for performance tuning of Spring server.
Applied Spring configuration with Hibernate configuration management.
Developed and applied Spring Batch script on production support.
Maintained the student database record update on fixing issues.
Integrated Spring Ant, Maven, XML parser plugins into the core project.
Fixed tester specific bugs with code modification in Java Spring modules and in Spring controllers.
Contributed to bug fixing in deployment architecture system.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, Swing, Apache Camel, Flex, IntelliJ, JSF,J2EE, JDBC, OOPS,UML, Business Object, JIRA, Spring MVC, IOC, SQL,Oracle, SQL server, PL/SQL.UDB, SYBASE; Maven, Ant scripts, Subversion, Unix, Linux, Windows.
Magellan Healthcare/ Richmond, VA Oct, 2011- Apr,2012
Java Lead Developer & Sr. Architect
Developed Business objects in core Java in NetBeans IDE. The BOs are designed for implementation of specific business controls.
Applied Spring MVC for web services in establishing communication among inter- communicating, distributed modules.
Generated state and federal government specific report forms with layout design and template development with UML.
Used Jasper report for the object oriented report development.
Applied JSF for UI development.
Worked on the servlet development on integration of new modules.
Developed Business object for report handlers. These BOs are responsible for database transaction query according to the business process handler.
Applied updates in to the database with Jquery.
Managed Hibernate ORM for mapping of the objects to relational database in ORACLE or SQL server. Managed different phases of report generation and Java object development in subversion and in Clearcase for easier access and code control.
Managed defect control with Debugging.
Applied Web Methods for web services.
Applied AJAX iframe work for new UI development. The UI modules are integrated into the CRM in phase wise development.
UIs can handle requests that is processed through the BOs and in turn, generated reports on client specific request.
Resolved issues of business flow control through defect analysis and reviews.
Conducted internal training and presentations to Magellan Operation group
Applied RESTful web services for intermodule communication.
Maintained Web Logic server codes and Hudson code controls and management.
Applied iLOG for performance tuning.
Used Apache camel for integration of modules, ioc for inversion control management.
Developed and integrated UI in Java Script, AJAX, PHP, CSS style sheet, Java scripting.
Maintained Maven, Subversion repositories for regular updates and project of deliverables in daily and weekly updates schema.
Ant scripts are developed for production control.
Applied JIRA work flow control to manage modularized workflows and updates.
Implemented the plan for the rollover of this project to production floor.
Developed the Java deliverable product with leading of my team in the module specific time frame.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, Java Script, J2EE, NetBeans, JDBC, OOPS,UML, Business Object, Eclipse, NetBeans, JIRA, Spring MVC, IOC, CAMEL, Struts, Hibernate; JSON, JQuery, Rich Faces, TDD, JUNIT, AWS, Unix, Windows.
Verizon Digital Media / Edison, New Jersey Aug, 2011- Oct, 2011
Java Delivery Lead Architect
As a key team member, designed and developed Spring Sprint modules. Developed core JAVA LIM modules in Eclipse IDE, with a tight scheduled time frame. Verizon digital media updates with every sprint development phases.
Maintained Agile Sprint with Hudson builder for Spring moduler updates.
Monitored the sprint development team work for digital media subscription management and for video stream controllers. Verizon video displays range in between linear and live streaming for the Verizon subscribers. Spring MVC framework manages the distributed framework of modules development.
The inter module calls are deployed and consumed through SOAP and Restful web services.
Redefined the architectural framework of development with pre-existing developed modules Established sprint Light Weight Framework for inter module communication for the Verizon digital media distributed development framework.
Participated actively for the deployment and QA processes during the first message, processing release of Motorola client Verizon of North America Release.
The front end is designed in CSS, AJAX, Java scripting and in XML layout for deployment through web services.
Checked In codes are maintained n Hudson and in Maven repositories.
Applied Microsoft .net frame work and C# Visual studio for developing of core play ready video deplorer servlet upon, validated web client request.
Implemented the plan for the rollover of this project to the Verizon production.
Documented and presented the sprint product and technical documentation in the final stage of the sprint development life cycle.
Maintained iLOG for performance tuning.
Collaborated with similar size of offshore team of developers with a synchronous control of development cycles. Attended off-time scheduled meeting to accomplish this communication, training and knowledgebase sharing for identical modular development.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK,J2EE, Eclipse, NetBeans, JDBC, OOPS,UML, Business Object, Eclipse3.2, Agile Scrum, Spring 3.2( IOC, Batch scheduler, Camel, MVC, IOC, SOAP services), Web Logic,, Agile Scrum, JUnit, ILOG,TDD; Microsoft Visual studio and .net, C#, UNIX, shell scripting, reporting scripts.
ING, NA Project / Hartford, Connecticut Feb, 2011- Jun, 2011
Team Principal developer with offshore developers
Responsibilities: -
Worked as a team lead developer and coordinator for the ING, TCS group of developers based on offshore. The offshore team of developers team is engaged in modular development of ING products and services.
Integrated the phase-wise developed JAVA modules with TDD unit testing and integration. After integration phase is successful, the modules are deployed on ING production floor.
Validation and documentation of the products and related issues are made on a regular basis and for any clarification. Technical specification and end user documentation are developed on periodic updates.
Developed Technical Specification document for the current & next version of the ING Retirement services and for ING GUI interfaces modules.
Worked in ING client business requirement analysis and architectural design document development and met with the ING Business Intelligence team in order to develop ING tech spec.
Offered handful business solution improvement solution with additional version control of the distributed modules and their integration. Used Eclipse, JBoss server to develop unit modules.
Once the n-tier system is developed, used Struts and Spring framework for establishing web service deployment. Developed and enhanced inter woven Xml document for SAX and Dom parsers to parse the requested web service consumables.
User interfaces are developed for ING Retirement services in DHTML, CSS, AJAX and with queries in JQuery toolkit. JSON request is processed and updated in Apache web server.
Web services are deployed and called through Soap and Restful web services.
Applied quick database handler updates in Hibernate ORM.
Applied Java Script Front end for Form functionalities.
Enhanced application support processes with internal ING product managers
Applied web methods and web services across the application distribution.
Performed batch schedules and developed Ant scripts for batch tools. ING Batch process updates the database transactions and process updates at regular intervals.
Designed, developed and managed module support and technical documentation with presentation of material to the client ING.
Implemented software releases and patches on the user acceptance and production environments.
Performed defect analysis on the real time issues in the production environment. Ran scripts at required batch production intervals.
Environment: UI, Eclipse, NetBeans, JBOSS, JAVA core, JDK, Java Script; J2EE, JDBC, OOPS,UML, Business Object, SAX and DOM parser, Eclipse, Agile, Cap, JUnit, Struts 2.0, Spring 3.2, Hibernate4.3; Oracle, SQL Server, Pl/SQL, POSTGRE SQL,DB2; SOAP, REST, JUNI, TDD, web services, web methods, web Logic, Apache, Apache Camel; HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, JAVA SCRIPT, Shell scripting, Spring Batch, Spring Batch Scheduler, Perl, Python, UNIX, Windows.
Payment gateway, ELANCE Web Project May, 2010 – Dec,2010
Role Lead Developer
Analyzed and developed the payment processor module.
Integrated the module with inter-dependent modules in distributed framework.
Did unit testing and deployment of the gateway across the Elbuso clientele.
Test the payment gateway for the banking system as chosen by the client.
Designed and developed interfaces to exchange accounting data of funds transfer between client and other partner systems using middleware software.
Evaluated new technologies and tools to use for the development, in close co-ordination with the Project Manager. Worked as an independent developer for implementing the payment gateway module into Elbuso web site.
Worked with Flex frames in order to enhance imaging of the application.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, J2EE, JDBC, OOPS, UML, Eclipse, Agile, Spring, Hibernate; Oracle, SQL Server, web services, web sphere, Apache; HTML5, PHP 5, Flex, DHTML, JAVA SCRIPT, Jasper, XML, CSS, GWT, EXTJS, Google Apps, Perl, Python, Unix, Windows.
Emailer-Skin client -Elance project Web Project Feb, 2010– May, 2010
Module developer, Software Engineer
Responsibilities: -
Designed and developed emailer-skins, which comprises of pre- developed adobe flash images and such image files- png, jpeg, trf . These emailer-skins can be selected in the templates of custom email account and for custom web hosting client services account.
Analyzed, designed and managed the technical architecture of the CRM module.
Designed the functional specifications and architecture of the web-based module using Java Technologies, PHP technologies with HTML5.
Environment: Image processing, ASP.net, Oracle, UDB, OOPS, web services, WebLogic, Apache; HTML5, PHP5, DHTML, CSS 5.
Medicare project -Elance client Web client, -New York May, 2009- Feb,2010
Software Engineer
Conducted analysis and design of the workflow development.
Worked on a prototype development with technical documentation.
Developed the Medicare system for the client in NY.
Designed and developed the user interfaces.
Implemented the module and offered CRM maintenance training to the client’s support.
Environment: CSS, XML, HTML5, PHP5, DHTML, Apache server.
LONGJUMP Medicare project -Elance client -Web Project Jan, 2008- Apr, 2009
Software Engineer
Responsibilities: -
Developed the Java scripts for inpatient controls, hospitalization and outpatient controls.
Worked on Java script, HTML, XML development on Longjump platform. The Longjump architectural frame offers solution development with customized scripting for the client requirements. With the script lets are developed for the patient care system. The patient care system develops the solution building with advanced coding and deployed framework for the solution.
The inpatient care system is schematic with the patient’s assignment to the doctors; the patient assignment to the nurses and the patient assignment to the wards. Each ward has the minimum number of doctors and nurses assigned.
Developed the modules and integrated these modules into the main patient-care system.
Designed and developed new user interfaces with GUI interface development.
Implemented the module and offered CRM maintenance training to the client’s support.
Developed the technical and customer training documentation of the single server patient care system after process finalization.
Environment: Long Jump platform, JAVA core, JDK, J2EE, OOPS, JDBC, ORACLE, SQL Server, Business Object, Java Script, Web services, web sphere, Apache; HTML5, PHP5, DHTML, CSS
Architectural Client, Web client Feb, 2007- Jan, 2008
Software Engineer
Responsibilities: -
Conducted analysis and designed the workflow development.
Developed a prototype for offering of Architectural service; made technical documentation.
Analyzed software requirement and developed software design.
Designed and developed the user interfaces with CAD and Adobe Flex.
Designed and developed the backend databases in Oracle, SQL.
Offered the post CRM maintenance, Client training and user manuals development support.
Environment: CAD, Flex, HTML5, PHP5, DHTML.
Gaming Software Development Project California Mar, 2002 – Aug, 2005
Software Engineer
Responsibilities: -
Managed the entire SDLC, starting from the scratch. The three core games are-
A Basketball game; A GRE module testing game; a Chess game.
The Basketball game can be played online with any player, with Lan managed selected players or, with the single Computer player on 1-on-1, 2-5 players on each team.
After the players are chosen for the Basketball game, the initial markup of the GUI appears on the screen. The players scores on the basis of the live playing strategies of gaining points. The actions are ranged from Dribbling to Hooping and making of the passes. The most scoring team wins the game. The game continues until a specific user chosen time frame.
The Chess game is designed to play online, on LAN with another player or. with the computer itself. The Computer player AI is configured with the best possible moves that the player can select the next move, in the given situation and with the applicable set of strategies.
Developed the GUI interfaces in JAVA and in C++ classes for the projects. The object-oriented architecture provides the necessary reusability of core classes and of the required derivatives for providing a defined algorithm of each of the three games.
Applied Adobe Flex for the video effect in development.
Applied OpenGl for 3D Graphics.
Designed the screen shot images with Adobe Photoshop and with CAD; the UML design provides the easier understanding of the design framework for the work flow of development.
Designed and developed the backend databases in Oracle or in Access depending upon the volume of data transaction and of the operation bottleneck..
Developed the user manuals and support documents for online and PC gaming subscribers.
Environment: Image processing, tools, JDBC, OOPS, UML, Java Swing, J2EE, Java core, C++, Visual Java, Visual basic, Oracle, Access, Crystal Report, Adobe Flex, OpenGL, PHP5.
Verizon Project from APN software, Fremont, CA Apr, 2000 – Mar, 2001
Software Project lead, Sr. Consultant
Responsibilities: -
Worked as a key SWING developer for the Verizon data solution. The Swing components are maintained in a library of components. With the OOPs architecture, components can interact with each other with the corresponding dependability. Components are reusable and can be updated with version control
Managed the Verizon team onsite developers with the development job distribution . Modified and suggested support on confliction and defect analysis.
Maintained regular schemas of database resources. Offered support for the backend development and JDBC-ODBC control handlers.
Collaborated with the onsite testing team for the application with organized meeting schedules.
Collaborated with the onsite XML developer team for data encapsulation and formatting.
Developed the swing component tools for GUI interfaces. Swing components can also interact with the middle-wire C++ class libraries for any issue of the component support.
Integrated the swing components in GUI libraries, with other predesigned swing components. The base libraries can provide the base component for refining the existing component or to construct a new component on the JAVA server.
The backend data base is maintained in Oracle and in Sybase database.
Identified and analyzed the requirement for updated version of the Customer management software apps. from version 6.0 to version 7.0.
Developed the design documentation for the product enhancement.
Organized meetings with the client on a regular manner for requirement analysis, product presentation or for confliction management.
Developed the user documentation and imparted training to clients and testers on each release of deployable components.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, J2EE, JDBC, OOPS, UML, Swing, C++, ORACLE, SYBASE, SQL Server, UNIX, Linux, windows, XML, Clear case, Source safe.
Kashyap Radiant Banking Project / New Delhi, India Dec, 1999– Mar, 2000
Software Project lead
Worked as a key technical lead for the Simulator project. and managed the mid sized team of developers, onsite.
Developed the servlet and enhanced the Remote service calls for processing the client request.
Developed the entire life cycle of the project starting from design to development, testing and finally the implementation of the banking software application server.
Organized meetings with the client on a regular manner to gather requirements.
Coordinated with the database team for GUI call and maintenance.
Developed the user documentation and imparted training to clients and testers.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, J2EE, JDBC, RMI, OOPS, UML, Servlet, RMI, JDBC; ORACLE, SQL server, UNIX, Windows.PHP5
ProActive Simulator(Mechanical) Project / New Delhi, India Dec, 1999– Mar, 2000
Software Project lead
Worked for the research scientist position, in I.I.T./ Indian Research & development.
The project was to develop a mechanical simulator, that will handle the client request for the manufacturing industry.
The proactive simulator is a flexible sized simulator, that can handle any industry- Small,
Medium, Large scale manufacturing request.
It will take that input material selection and can run the workstation routines, in order to output the request, the specific industry handles.
In the end, the simulator had to system of contract employees payroll distributing operation.
Ny constraint could be defined and could be handled by the operation.
Any type of database could be handled.
IRD implemented it for Bharat Electricals and for Titan by 2000.
Developed the entire life cycle of the project starting from design to development, testing and finally the implementation of the banking software application server.
Organized meetings with the client on a regular manner to gather requirements.
Coordinated with the database team for GUI call and maintenance.
Developed the user documentation and imparted training to clients and testers.
Engaged project thesis training, research oriented training for the simulator software.
Environment: JAVA core, JDK, J2EE, JDBC, RMI, OOPS, UML, Servlet, RMI, JDBC; ORACLE, SQL server, UNIX, Windows.PHP5