P.O. BOX *** BLOOMSBURy. NEW JERSEy ***** l-***--r^"-tt25-r
ATTN: I"lurnan Resources
Sceking a lull tinte positron as a Customer Sen ice RepresentativerAccounts Parable./Management/Retatl EDIiCATION
Phiilipshurg Iligh School
Phillipsburg, Nerv .[erse_v 08865" Junc I 981
I Bus i ne ss,'C ene ral C ou r se s f
ll orldtdt EJttitItonal .\c^'ttes
P h i I lips brrrg. N et Jersel' 0686 5
Computer Sofn,are. June 2001
. . ., Work Very Strong Working organized $Customcr,ell knou,in a ledge busy.and service a team of methodical Windorvs. and environnteut. nterpersonal worker. Microsoft skills. Word atrd Data Entn..
: i.xT,lliHlfi i
.i:Jl;[Hs environment/dispatching
' ( a.hicr/( rcdit ( ards Frperrente
Prottssional Erperience
Jordan's Plumbing Compan.v
P.O. Box 535
Bloomsburl-. New .lersev 0880,1
1 -908-479-l 723
Oflice Manager. 10/2004 - present
Koegel Plumbing
Route 22
Lebanon. N.J. 08833
1-908-***-**** 01t2003 _ 09/200i
Ofl-rce Assistant/Customer Sen ice
Smith Sanitation
Roure 173
Bloomsbur,r'. New .lerse1 0880-t
908-***-****-**/1987 - 08/1995
Secretary'/Cr.tstomer Sen i ce,'Dt spatcher
Carden State Truck Plaza
Route 173
Bloomsbury, Nerv Jersel" 08804
908-***-****-**/1981 _ 1987
Cash rer/Restaurant