Weymouth, MA ***90
781-***-**** *********@*****.***
Intelligence and law enforcement professional with over twenty-one years of combined service seeking a posiOon to leverage experience in intelligence operaOons planning, threat analysis and informaOon collecOon process at the tacOcal, operaOonal or strategic levels. Strong interorganizaOonal leader with a proven ability to collect and disseminate intelligence requirements and promotes team synergy to accomplish the mission. Significant knowledge of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance plaTorms and systems, Adversarial State Actors (ASA) and Violent Extremist OrganizaOons (VEO) operaOonal networks and geo-poliOcal goals within Syria, Iraq and the Horn of Africa. Area of experience specific to the Middle East, including the Levant and Southwest Asia. CREDENTIAL SUMMARY:
• Superior interpersonal communicaOon skills
• Strong leadership experience in training & program management
• Planning and execuOon of intelligence operaOons
• Data mining & disseminaOon
• Threat Analysis
• Granted DoD TS/SCI w/ CI Poly (2012-Present)
Counterintelligence Analyst – InteliTrac
CI/HUMINT AnalyOcal Support Element
Fort Devens, MA
Trusted Referent - Contractor
February 2020 – Present
40 hours per week, Full-Time
Over two years serving as a trusted Counterintelligence (CI) and Threat Intelligence Analyst referent for ongoing operaOons supporOng the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) mission requirements. InformaOon collecOon and data mining to evaluate historical contribuOons that measured threat vulnerabiliOes and conOnued cooperaOon with the U.S. Government. Prepared mulOple detail-oriented intelligence reports, briefings, and execuOve summaries of invesOgaOve findings and operaOons forwarding them to deployed commanders to assist in their comprehensive decision-making process. Currently assigned to provide asset validaOon reports to the Command, Control, CommunicaOons, Computers Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) element supporOng U.S. Central Command.
• Independently conducted 21 wide-ranging background invesOgaOons of foreign personnel working directly with U.S. Forces worldwide
• UOlized mulOple intelligence plaTorms to detect and prevent damaging cyber threats to ground forces overseas prevenOng future kineOc aCacks at their locaOon
• Wrote up in-depth criOcal informaOon reports on findings for Combatant Commanders to make informed decisions on enemy atmospherics and capabiliOes
• Provided “risk verse gain” analysis reports using the standardized alpha-numeric raOng system to determine desired placement and access to maximize source effecOveness
• Extensive threat analysis research resulted in three sources selected for the Biometric Enrollment Watch List for disreputable acOviOes which directly threatened the deployed forces
• Received praise from DIA for knowledge, experience and outlook on informaOon collecOon management and diffusion
• Regularly contributed toward the Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, Disseminate (F3EAD) TargeOng Methodology to assist Combatant Commanders missions with outstanding success Counterintelligence Screener / Insider Threat Manager Task Force – Erbil, Iraq
March 2021 – December 2021
Sergeant First Class / E-7
84 Hours/Week
Supported the Joint Task Force Counterintelligence team with invesOgaOons, informaOon collecOon, screening interviews and analyOcal support for the protecOon and security of Task Force personnel and operaOons. IdenOfied security deficiencies and recommended appropriate countermeasures to deny the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Adversarial State Actors (ASA) collecOon efforts of sensiOve informaOon for Commanders at all echelons to accurately report mission status to Special OperaOons Task Force-Iraq.
• Screened 154 local, other country naOonals and persons of interests for Counterintelligence (CI) concerns receiving highly favorable reviews from task force analysts
• Collected and exploited the digital intelligence of 816 electronic devices using sophisOcated equipment that furnished informaOon to miOgate regional ASA from gaining leverage in the region
• Supported CI Agents and other Intelligence disciplines to evaluate and invesOgate all derogatory informaOon that threaten CoaliOon Forces
• Aided Analyst in tracking day to day acOviOes of ASA personnel to help local forces, locate and neutralize all acOons and intenOons detrimental to the area
• Successfully nominated five individuals to the Biometrically Enrolled Watch List aner invesOgaOon exposed nefarious contacts and acOviOes therefore denying them access to US/CF countries
• Neutralized six direct threats to the Joint Task Force emanaOng from Iran, ISIS and Violent Extremist OrganizaOons in Area of OperaOons
• Liaison with CoaliOon Force Intelligence agencies on threat miOgaOon and criOcal response support against ISIS and Adversarial State Actors
• Provided daily informaOon reporOng on environmental atmospherics for Task Force Combatant Commanders that increased security oversight by 20%
• Commended by Team Leader for entering 62 detail-oriented reports and cables into intelligence informaOon portals in a Omely manner
• ConOnuously mentored four junior Human Intelligence Collectors by providing training and guidance that further enhanced their collecOon efforts
• Independently developed the Task Force tracking and management system of all non-US civilian base support personnel increasing force security by over 63%
• Worked with Foreign Disclosure Officers to help maximize informaOon disseminaOon while protecOng the Force
Company First Sergeant / Senior HUMINT NCO
HHD, 826th Military Intelligence BN
Fort Devens, MA
May 2015 – Present
Sergeant First Class / E-7
Part-Time – On call 24/7
• Supported the Joint Task Force Counterintelligence team with invesOgaOons, informaOon collecOon, screening interviews and analyOcal support for the protecOon and security of Task Force personnel and operaOons. IdenOfied security deficiencies and recommended appropriate countermeasures to deny the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Adversarial State Actors (ASA) collecOon efforts of sensiOve informaOon for Commanders at all echelons to accurately report mission status to Special OperaOons Task Force-Iraq.
• Selected above superiors and peers to serve as the Headquarters and Headquarters Company First Sergeant (E-8 posiOon) as an E-7
• Increased Company overall readiness by 30% from the previous year, cerOfied all 52 Soldiers for deployment
• Instructed six classes on Human Intelligence CollecOon training, Laws of Armed Conflict and the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005
• Senior Enlisted Advisor provided the Company Commander recommendaOons that exceeded mission requirements
• Awarded Meritorious Service Medal for leadership and training excellence from the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Readiness Command
• Developed and mentored two junior intelligence Officers and six Non-commissioned Officers which aided professional development and career progression.
• Consistently received highest raOngs on annual Non-commissioned Officer EvaluaOon Reports from 2012-2021
• Tirelessly provided training experOse and guidance to maintain BaCalion deployment readiness and combat effecOveness
Intelligence Fusion Cell NCOIC
5th Special Forces Group
At Tanf Garrison, Syria
May 2017 – April 2018
Staff Sergeant / E-6
84 Hours/Week – Deployed
Supported U.S. Special OperaOons Command (USSOCOM) from the mulO-dimensional Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) essenOal tasks. Including interrogaOons, source operaOon, screening, debriefing, official liaison, elicitaOon and detecOon, report wriOng, counter proliferaOon of weapons, operaOonal planning and management. Strategically de-briefed Ground Force Command team with daily HUMINT/CI reports, specifically enemy capabiliOes and intenOons to support their operaOonal decision-making process.
• Conducted 196 InterrogaOons of Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) fighters, supporters and associates which furnished intelligence that disrupted their operaOonal efficacy
• Strategically debriefed Ground Force Commander following Syrian DemocraOc Force key leader engagements; produced 160 reports that criOcally impacted counter ISIS operaOons
• 27% of Intelligence InformaOon Reports (IIR) received “Important” evaluaOons from the Joint Intelligence Center for the Central Command
• Chosen to communicate with an ISIS liaison through dark web channels to discuss concessions due to the overwhelming success of the US/CF offensive campaign in the area
• HUMINT Team Leader during combat deployment to Syria; led three junior collectors who gathered vital intelligence against tacOcal, naOonal and DoD level requirements
• Source Handler responsible for the collecOon of intelligence informaOon from six high value sources that aided in the deterioraOon of ISIS across the Middle East and Europe
• Saved U.S. Government $1.2 million dollars annually from recommendaOons based on reporOng and operaOonal requirements while improving overall mission effecOveness
• Produced 107 OperaOonal Cable reports and execuOve summaries for the Ground Force Commander which directly denied ISIS any tacOcal advantages
• Furnished three Intelligence reports on ISIS and Iranian RevoluOonary Guard Corps sonware capabiliOes giving the CoaliOon Forces a strategic baClefield advantage across the Middle Euphrates River Valley
• OperaOonal experOse aided mulOple intelligence agencies in the counter-proliferaOon of weapon systems to ISIS and regional Violent Extremist OrganizaOons
• Exploited and analyzed the digital intelligence of 76 ISIS members electronic devices that provided informaOon to counter their disinformaOon campaigns
• Reported informaOon prevented an imminent aCack against a local refugee Camp and two CoaliOon Forces manned checkpoints saving countless lives
• Screened, veCed and tracked 395 Syrian DemocraOc Force and 17 support operaOons personnel for training and employment increasing force protecOon and regional influence Office of Public Safety
Weymouth Police Department
Weymouth, MA
Senior Patrolman
August 2012 - September 2018
40 hours per week - On call 24/7
Possesses extensive knowledge in the MassachuseCs General Laws and Applied Patrol Procedures. Led in-depth invesOgaOons resulted in the prosecuOon of dangerous criminals. Engaged with the public to address concerns and fostered a beCer working relaOonship with the department. Facilitated and reviewed thousands of reports with aCenOon to detail and accuracy. Responded to risky and physically demanding emergency situaOons in the community.
• Supported Federal and State Law Enforcement agencies in the anermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings with crisis management control
• Conducted 132 invesOgaOons into a wide spectrum of criminal misconduct with over 85% convicOon rate success
• Received praise from the Chief of Police and hospital staff for interpersonal communicaOon skills that prevented a juvenile suicide
• Successfully executed 91 high risk arrest warrants and medically endorsed psychological evaluaOons without serious incident
• UOlized medical training that resulted in the resuscitaOon of 29 individuals from immediate life- threatening condiOons
• Weekly engagement with community members at parks and sporOng events culOvated a posiOve image of department police officers
• Garnered public commendaOon and state news coverage for using personal funds to assist local ciOzen in a dire financial situaOon
• Three Omes elected to manage the Patrolman’s Union budget of $84,000 with 100% accountability during all financial audits and reviews
• Leveraged interrogaOon experience to train detecOves on quesOoning techniques: improved interview capabiliOes and no civil rights violaOons
• Volunteered Ome to work with youth and families as part of the Weymouth Junior Police Academy summer staff that built rapport with community
Platoon Sergeant / HUMINT NCOIC
A Co. 325th Military Intelligence BN
Fort Devens, MA
Staff Sergeant / E-6
February 2012 – July 2019
Part-Time – On call 24/7
Served as Human Intelligence Platoon Sergeant responsible for the training, development, and professionalism of three junior Non-commissioned Officers and 35 Soldiers. Advised Platoon Leader on force readiness, training deficiencies and status of $95,000 worth of equipment.
• Selected above superiors and peers to serve as the Company Human Intelligence Platoon Sergeant
• Served as Company Equal Opportunity RepresentaOve; resulted in zero reported incidences and violaOons during seven-year tenure
• Equal Opportunity RepresentaOve training resulted in Company scoring above the Army wide average during six annual Command Climate Surveys
• Received Meritorious Service Medal from the Commanding General of the Army Reserves for excellence in leadership and training
• Commended by BaCalion Commander for being directly responsible for a 98% qualificaOon rate for BaCalion range operaOons from previous six years
• Leveraged military and civilian law enforcement background to successfully train BaCalion Soldiers on the proper treatment of detainees and prisoners of war
• Used personal Ome to help Soldiers gain employment, improve physical fitness and various other issues to ensure their overall readiness
• United States Army Senior Leaders Course Mar 2019
• United States Army Advance Leaders Course Apr 2017
• Joint Asset Risk Management System Course Apr 2017
• United States Army Human Intelligence Collector Course Feb 2012
• Master Army Trainer – Instructors Course Jun 2010
• United States Army Basic Leadership Course Aug 2005
• United States Army Military Police School CorrecOons Course Apr 2003
• United States Army Military Police School Nov 2001 CIVILIAN EDUCATION:
• Bachelor of Science degree - Criminology, University of MassachuseCs (projected) May 2022
• Contract Procurement – Defense AcquisiOon University Oct 2021
• Associate in Science degree - Intelligence Studies, Cochise College April 2017
• Graduate of MassachuseCs State Police Academy Feb 2013
• Associate in Science degree - Criminal JusOce, Massasoit Community College June 2012 COMPUTER PLATFORMS:
CIDNE, HOT-R, NGT Trident, M3, Proton, BATS, HIIDE, SEEKII, SOMM, CHATS, DCGS-A, PalanOr, CHROME, Cellebrite UFED, InCadence/ARES, Voltron, DataXplorer, TIDE, Google Earth and other intelligence reporOng and database systems
• American Veterans (AMVETS) - Life Member 2008-Present
• Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital - Benefactor 2009-Present
• American Society for the PrevenOon of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) 2012-Present
• Shriner’s Hospitals for Children – Benefactor/Volunteer 2016-Present
• Disabled American Veterans - Benefactor 2018-Present
• Military Intelligence Corps AssociaOon – Member 2019-Present