Indianapolis, Indiana 46219
Objective: Data Management/Analysis
Summary: Apply Analysis and programming to optimize product/production processes.
Technical Skills:
Basic (various)
Capability Maturity Model
CERs (cost estimating relationships)
CMS (configuration management)
COBOL74 — timesharing and 4800
lines of batch ( JCL) source code
DOE (design of experiments)
Earned Value Tracking
Function Analysis
HP 1000
ISO 9000 Compliance
Loral SBA100 bus analyzer
McCabe Complexity Analysis
MS Office 4.3 products
Netscape Navigator use
Novell Netware use
Pascal - PDP 11 training - tested Pascal
from VAX/VMS environment on EP/ES
aircraft platforms.
Personal Software Process (PSP)
PRICE H (hardware cost estimating)
QDR (Quality Deficiency Reporting -
time sharing COBOL with batch
REVIC (s/w cost estimating)
Software Q/A
Software Testing
Statistical Sampling Plans
VAX/VMS environment on EP/ES aircraft
Visual Basic for Applications
Windows 7,3.11,95,97
Word 6.0
Y2K (year 2000) testing
8080 Assembly language
Employment History:
Physicist (1961 — 1981)
Maintained calibration history on 14,000 items of calibration equipment using Honeywell DPS8
FORTRAN/GMAP/SORT/MERGE — batch (JCL) and time-sharing.
Developed process control program to determine when change in calibration process occurred, resulting in change of calibration accuracy from near 0% to about 98% (all automated).
Developed process control program to detect individuals or groups of equipment with significantly higher or lower failure rates than the overall class, resulting in similar increase in calibration accuracy.
Produced MIS reports, workload scheduling programs, and workload projection programs (Honeywell FORTRAN/GMAP/SORT/MERGE — batch (JCL) and time-sharing).
Developed and documented new measurement techniques.
Determined calibration workload based on probability of equipment failure, resulting in savings of $225,000 per year.
Workload optimized based on available manpower resulting in equipment accuracy increase from 90% to about 98%.
Corrected temperature calculations to allow proper calibrations to new IPT68 temperature scale (International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968).
Duties and responsibilities included:
Investigation, evaluation, and making recommendations pertaining to:
(1) The technical adequacy of measurement equipment, systems, and standards; especially, in the areas of
temperature and electrical measurements.
(2) Proposed engineering changes or revisions of test methods, procedures, and instrumentation,
(3) Correlation of testing methods and techniques to assure compliance with calibration standards.
Support of the development of measurements and capability for the Metrology Laboratory through investigations of measurement standards and facilities requirements, calibration
procedures and techniques, and technical direction to and training of lower
grade personnel.
Theoretical analysis of measurement techniques through computer programming of mathematical models and analysis of the data produced by the physical system using statistical designs and techniques.
Developed RF Q standard measurement program and procedure to calculate measured values independent of measurement circuit.
Tested (and enhanced) HP1000 calibration software.
Technical memoranda and Procedures:
NAFI TR 1270 FORTRAN Program for Standard Cell Data Reduction
MET WP-001 Q Measurement, a technique of Q meter calibration in which the absolute value of the Q standard can be determined and then used to calibrate the Q meter.
MET WP-004 An examination of the reported constants of Platinum Resistance Thermometers which were calibrated at the Eastern Standards Laboratory.
MET WP-015 Conversion from the International Temperatutg Scale 1948 to the International Practical Temperature Scale 1968 for Platinum vs. Platinum 10%
Rhodium, Chromel Alumel, Iron Constantan and Copper Constantan
LCP-IIL-002 Unsaturated Standard Cells (calibration procedure — revised)
LCP-IIL-004 Charge Amplifier, UNL-CV608RMG-6 and UNL-C608RMG-6 (Unholtz-Dickie charge amplifier calibration procedures).
LCP-IIL-005 Voltage Amplifier, UNL-610-RM-3, and UN L-610-RMG-3 (Unholtz-Dickie voltage amplifier calibration procedures).
LCP-IIL-006 Shock Monitor, ENB-2708 M2 (Endevco shock monitor calibration procedures)
LCP-IIL-009 Q Meter, BOA 260-A, Q standards. BOA 513-A and 518-A and inductors, BOA 103-A (Boonton Q meter, Q standards, and inductor calibration).
LCP-IIL-031 Kistler Charge Amplifier Model 503.
MET-CP-002 Computer Programs for Metrology Requirements (A listing of 21 programs of which 20 were written by Mr. Loker and one revised by him)
SV-03 Pomona procedure for the MB-M3 Vibration Monitor (calibration procedure - revised).
Mathematical Statistician (1982 — 1992)
Analyzed and managed data for approximately 2,000,000 lines of code/data on production items.
Analyzed design of experiment data to determine optimum production techniques. Determined unexpected result that current soldering techniques were producing printed wiring board quality better than with proposed standard
process. Used time-sharing FORTRAN -
code available for one experiment.
Station POC (point of contact) for DOE (design of experiments) and statistical sampling plans (FORTRAN source code available from printouts).
Wrote procedure to send inspection data from the HP9845A to the DPS8 mainframe for processing with our tolerance analysis s/w. Updated most of this s/w to include trend analysis (regression).
Using VAX/VMS FORTRAN simulation programs, designed customized sampling plans for production units with different quaLity levels specified for major, minor, and critical defects.
At home — programmed Sinclair Z- 80 (8086 processor) to test statistical weighting theory developed at work. Wrote assembler for Z-80.
Incorporated statistical weighting theory in COBOL74 batch mode (JCL) indicator charts.
Used Honeywell DPS8 GMAP/SORT/MERGE/ASSEMBLY to report statistical indicator data (before weighting charts were developed).
Used CMS configuration management software on the VAX to import Ada code for static testing.
Used dBASElll+ software to report training costs.
Used Honeywell DPS8 time-sharing COBOL for Quality Deficiency Reporting (QDR) system.
Used VAX/VMS Sort/JCL for production data process control programs.
Developed Quality Cost program to report scrap, rework, and normal processing production costs for corporate-wide distribution using COBOL74 with Honeywell DPS8 JCL and MS Chart. Listing of 4800+ lines of COBOL74 source code available.
Tested Pascal software used in mission computers and multi-purpose displays on the EP/ES surveillance aircraft. Pascal code was compiled in a VAX/VMS environment and downloaded to 9-track magnetic tape, which is tested, copied, and distributed to the fleet. Normally with one other engineer, was responsible for testing and monitoring the maintenance of about 5 of the 25 subprograms controlled with Pascal. This included representing software quality assurance (SQA) in requirement definition meetings and code
walkthroughs with the development contractor both on site and at the developer's site.
Mathematical Statistician (1992— 1994)
Tested system s/w at the Patuxtent River customer site. One task was representing SQA in the development of the hard disc system to replace the 9-track tape drive and the memory storage unit. The requirements were that the disk system was to simulate operation of the
tape and memory units so the Pascal software would think it was continuing to communicate with a tape drive and memory unit. This meant That the requirement definition had to be complete - the new unit had to be able to handle all requests made to the former system. So
the message traffic handled by the former system had to be completely specified. To this end I was tasked with identifying the bus traffic with a Loral SBA bus analyzer and verifying that it was in accordance with documented requirements. As might be expected, I encountered traffic which I couldn't identify in the documentation. So a successful transition from an actual tape unit/memory extension unit to an emulated system was impossible to
assure because the performance requirements weren't completely documented.
Cost Analyst - temporary assignment
Participated in source selection for AH-1W helicopter cockpit upgrade. Developed parametric cost estimating relationship for technical aircraft equipment using Excel.
Found approximately 22 defects in company proposal resulting in eventually canceling contracts, saving government approximately $800 million.
Found effective cost for different types of infrared RADAR allowing best source to be identified. Developed Excel database with product cost and features. Wrote Visual Basic macros to report various product features using Excel 5.0. Under the Excel MACRO pull down menu are modules to hide and unhide columns, adjust border weight, clear formats, etc.
Under the Excel REPORT pull down menu are macros to report on each product
characteristic (including cost). The product characteristic being reported is highlighted in red letters and column widths are adjusted to highlight the characteristic selected. The reports
may be demonstrated to users with Excel loaded on their PCs (floppy or possibly by E-mail.) This program received a commendation from NAVAIR in Washington.
Prepared cost estimates using REVIC (for software) and Price H (for hardware).
Hughes Technical Services Company 1-4/1997
Staff Engineer
Responsibilities: Software Quality Engineering - attend code walkthroughs and review documentation changes. Perform software testing. Update requirements and test procedures.
McCabe - This program was run for about 10,000 lines of Ada software. At this time the program only analyzes about 1/3 of the code. It displays structure charts without any special documentation effort. It formulates test plans to cover every part of every line of code and represents a baseline for evaluating our current test plans. Two high risk modules have been flagged with extremely complex logic. Several others have been identified in the caution zone.
Year 2k problem - acted as engineering POC for reporting vendor software to Information Technology. Also reported CNE460 programs and internal software from previous experience. Also identified possible high-risk navigation software from database developed in the Cost Department. This includes several Hughes products as well as other military vendors.
Currently developing s/w inventory for MV-22 and interviewing project managers for compliance.
MV-22 - approximately 5 months in training, testing, and updating test programs. Unfortunately there was no problem tracking system.
Between assignments - develop personal software process for C programming and time estimating procedures. Provide statistical analysis of development data to optimize the estimating process. Software QA (Quality Assurance) concepts have not been formalized very well because the terminology has been confused (along with some of the statistics) so efforts are being made to eliminate some of the confusion. This effort is also being supported by reviewing our quality manual and attempting to relate it to the Hughes Common Software Practices documentation. Note: configuration managers must not only know how to count lines of code but how to categorize them.
Software Test Engineer
Maintained approximately 170 Software test procedures. Performed year 2000 testing for same software.
In dry run of 20% of test files, located 20.9% errors in test cases. Also found 0.5% software errors. Documented defects for 30 test files. Also wrote MS DOS Qbasic programs to identify all test cases by number. Tested on VAX/VMS using Xwindows.
Conducted software audit, which found ambiguous data formats that were corrected. Also found incorrect positional calculations and ahead-or-behind schedule messages. Used FTP program to transfer data to/from VAX/VMS and PC.
Wrote C programs to search code and data directories for year 2000 software audit. Also C programs to list software structure (functions,subroutines, etc.) Also to solve statistical problems for the Personal Software Process course. This course covers the Capability Maturity Model. Also used Earned Value Tracking to
evaluate progress on the problems. An Excel data base was developed for recording and analyzing times, and for proper computation of number of lines of code (found incorrect formulas at various places in the textbook). Imported Excel charts and graphs in Word 6.0 report.
Worked on a SUN UNIX system using SOLARIS to develop capabilities with the McCabe Complexity Analysis technique.
Used MS Project to write status reports for Y2K testing.
Began training in C++. All lectures viewed on videotape. About 50 of 90 homework problems completed.
Completed training in tailoring software Q/A plans and procedures for ISO 9000 compliance.
Reviewed software test plan template and working instructions.
Reviewed Functional Analysis for use as a quality indicator.
Post-employment: C++ programming:
C++ DOS utility s/w:
Findm searches all C-drive directories for all occurrences of a keyword or phrase up to 80 characters similar to SS8. The files/directories to be searched may be customized.
SS8 searches a directory (all files) for all occurrences of a keyword and displays a window containing the keyword, and identifies the directory/filename and approximate location in the file.
BRD displays files in a specified range. It uses the MS DOSKEY s/w (arrows) to repeat the input \ Ww without having to re-enter ie entire
BRW is similar to BRD except it runs from windows without using the arrow keys.
Findm searches all C-drive directories for all occurrences of a keyword or phrase up to 80 characters similar to SS8. The files/directories to be searched may be customized.
SS8 searches a directory (all files) for all occurrences of a keyword and displays a window containing the keyword, and identifies the filename and approximate location in the file.
Other C++ S/W:
Y44 searches all C-drive directories for anagrams of the root word entered. If you don’t want all the computer lingo and you have dictionary files you can customize the files/directories to be searched.
Other programs have been written for anagrams. One program finds all possible letter combinations for a word, and eliminates nonexistent first three letter combinations. Another program only transposes the first 6 letters so that an output file can be referenced without seeing the possible combinations fly by too fast to read. For more than 6-letter words the output file (A drive) starts to chew up disc space so this keeps the program output reasonable. A special
algorithm has been developed to eliminate duplicate sequences without any sorting and matching when there are duplicate letters. Another program allows the user to specify where to start the display and fills the screen in columnar format. Instead of entering words, a sequence of numbers may be entered. The output then represents all possible unique sequences of the numbers entered. This has been applied in cathedral bell ringing by printing the program output for the ringers to follow (includes myself). The findm
program will be adapted to find all anagrams on the C-drive or the selected files/directories. Another application being considered is chess - finding the best sequence of all possible moves.
Invention: Anti-Skid Device
Needing mechanical drawing professional for patent application
Proof of concept model built and successively tested
Demonstration model needed with test bench.
Previous patent attorney unable to properly document physical principles involved.
M.S., Physics; Purdue University
B.A., Physics/Math; Wabash College
Professional Development:
Pascal training 3/6 to 6/12/1980 by Professor Charles Swart, instructor, as stated on the certificate). This training was done on our PDP11 system.
Design of Experiment Seminar
Deming Seminar
Regional Re-employment Center Training:
MS Access 97 - 12 hours completed 9/30/98
MS PowerPoint 97 — 8 hours completed 10/2/98
From recommendation, 1971, by C. E. Kuonen, director of Metrology laboratory:
With the growth and development of the Metrology Laboratoryox, Mr. Loker’s activities grew and evolved in the direction of theoretical analysis of measurement systems, computer programs for analysis of data, the reduction of tables of temperatures vs. volts/resistance etc., and statistical designs of measurement and analysis. As such, this function has provided the Metrology Laboratory with a significant segment of laboratory operation.
Mr. Loker’s endeavors are manifested chiefly in three ways: as a consultant, a developer of measurement techniques, and as an analyst. As a consultant, he provides advice and counsel and makes
decisions and recommendations, which are related to the success of the overall NAFI support to the fleet. As examples, Mr. Loker has provided consultations in the development of the NAFI volt, the interpretation of temperature tables in terms of the new International Practical
Temperature Scale of 1968, and analysis of data and analysis of measurement techniques.
In the area of development of calibration procedures and measurement techniques, Mr. Loker has prepared local calibration procedures for the calibration of Q standards, inductors,
accelerometers, and related systems instruments and devices.
In the area of analysis, Mr. Loker is contributing a unique need to the Metrology Functions at NAFI. As evidenced by the computer programs written such as program number F4-01-70-23A and B, Quadratic Interpolation Polynomial, and Method of Divided Differences, also program number F4-11-69-12, Orthogonal Interpretation Polynomial, and other equally unique programs, Mr. Loker is providing methods and techniques of data analysis which
were not available before. This capability is a result of individual effort on the part of Mr. Loker. He has shown personal initiative in the development of new programs which contribute directly to NAFI capabilities in the total area of measurements. An example of Mr. Loker’s contribution as an analyst is: reports of calibration for Platinum Resistance Thermometers as received from the Eastern Standards Laboratory Type II (ESL) were compared to previous reported values and found to be outside the acceptable limits. An analysis was made of the method used by ESL to obtain the reported values. It was found that the ESL computer program was in error. Program correction information was related to ESL and the proper computer program was then written. This effort had an effect upon the entire Navy Calibration program as related to temperature calibrations of standards. An indirect effect was that due to the use of the proper computer program, errors found in the International Temperature Tables were brought to the attention of the International Commission on Temperature and new correct tables were published. Thus as a result of Mr.
Loker’s investigation, not only the Navy temperature program was effected but the National and International temperature programs were effected as related to Platinum Resistance Thermometers. ESL directed a letter of appreciation to NAFI as a result of Mr. Loker’s action. In all of the
activities and contributions made by Mr. Loker, as evidenced by the visible results
outlined previously, these activities have been made with little direction or supervision. Mr. Loker has demonstrated an attitude of cooperation and helpfulness in meeting emergency requirements, in providing special programs for data analysis and in providing many of the more routine but nonetheless necessary requirements of the Metrology Division.
Commendation for Quality Cost system (12/87 per Branch Manager Lee Coy): Mr. Loker, Math Statistician GS-12, has single handedly made a significant contribution toward the development of a quality cost system to meet the Branch 414 corporate objective. He has demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of the different NAC computer data systems, ability to program the computer and to relate the data recorded to the NAC manufacturing process. Mr. Loker's ingenuity has resulted in quality cost reports that will allow managers at all levels to identify problem areas, develop corrective actions, and better plan the use of manpower and facilities. Mr. Loker's accomplishments during this past year have definitely exceeded the normal expectations for a Math Statistician, GS-12, and NAC will reap long-term benefits in the form of increased productivity and higher quality products.
Commendation from NAVAIR Washington for developing Excel macros to report product costs and features for
F/A-18 equipment procurement. Rejected by official management because it was unauthorized and done on temporary assignment as cost analyst.
Awards for calibration workload program and Quality Cost program.
American Physical Society
Community activities:
Science fair judging
Volunteer teaching at John Marshall High School
Hosting foreign exchange students