San Jose, CA, ***** *************.*******@*****.*** 203-***-**** EDUCATION
Santa Clara University Santa Clara, CA, USA Sep 2021 – June 2023 (Expected)
● Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.
● Coursework: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Database Systems, Operating Systems, Mobile Application Development.
Sathyabama University Chennai, India July 2016 – May 2020
● Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. GPA: 9.09/10
● Coursework: Computer Networks, Big Data, Machine learning, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures. WORK EXPERIENCE
Associate Software Engineer Ernst & Young, India Jan 2021 – Sep 2021
● Build and developed web applications for insurance domain using Unqork tool.
● Performed code reviews and identified functional gaps in end-to-end application.
● Worked closely with a team in scrum Agile Development.
● Part of training development team to build Unqork training materials for Ernst & Young Japan. TECHNICAL SKILLS
Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, C
Databases: Oracle, MYSQL
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac
Web Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap Technologies and Tools: Docker, REST API, Android Studio, Eclipse, Figma, JIRA PROJECTS
Application to search Local business and Users Nov 2021
• Developed an application which runs queries on the Yelp data and extracts useful information about users and business based on the search criteria.
• Used indexing to speed up the query execution time.
• Technologies used: Java, Oracle Database, Docker, JSON, Java Swing. Special Flights June 2018
• Developed a web application that helps to book flight tickets between different places.
• The search returns the flights with the cheapest fare between the source and destination.
• Technologies used: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL.
Road Accident Analysis Sep 2019
• Developed a machine learning model to predict accidents by using different machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression and decision tree.
• The data can be used for analysis of future inputs and improves the accuracy of the system output.
• Technologies used: Anaconda-Jupyter notebook, Python. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND CERTIFICATIONS
National Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science, Attendee May 2020
• Participated in the NCCIDS Conference and presented my research work on “Content Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Repositories”.
Workshop on Reusing Waste, Eco Club Organizing Committee June 2018
• Coordinated and organized a workshop on “Reusing Waste”. Served about 50 attendees Two Day National Workshop, Organizing Committee Mar 2017
• Organized and participated in the planning and execution of a National Workshop of 100+ attendees. Certificate of Excellence, MIT APP inventor workshop: Nov 2017
• Received certificate of Excellence for building a “Math Logic Application” as a part of MIT APP inventor workshop organized by ICSA program center, Chennai.
Programming Data Structures and Algorithms using python, Certificate of Completion, NPTEL, 2019. SQL for data science, Certificate of Completion, Coursera, 2020.