Bonnie Ann Traxler
Bay City, MI 48706 ( My OO
September 10, 2008
Board of Dentistry
Dental Assistant License 290-***-**** MICHIGAN expirers 8-31-2010 (7-8-1982)
Dental Hygiene License 290-***-**** MICHIGAN expirers 8-31-2011 (6-17-1980)
Washtenaw Community College
Ann Arbor, MI
Winter 1976 through Winter 1977
Graduated April 1977 Associate in Applied Science in Dental Assisting
Delta College
University Center, MI
Winter 1978 through April 1980
Graduated April 1980 Associate in Applied Science in Dental Hygiene
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Talso attended Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, MI for two semesters (Sept
1973 through April 1974) and Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI for two
semesters (September 1974 and September 1975)
. Donald Goeckel, D.D.S.
Bay City, MI
May 1977 through August 1978
Delta College (September 1978 through April 1980) then waited for hygiene license
David Ellico, D.DS.
Bay City, MI
June/July 1980 through June 1981
Group Health Service-Blue Care Network
Saginaw and Essesville, MI
November 1980 through November 1986