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AI Engineer, AI Researcher

Ben Nghe, Ho Chi Minh City, 710000, Vietnam
March 01, 2022

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I am an Computer Science degree undergraduate s tudying i n University of Science

VNUHCM. My professional specialzation i s AI and deep-l earning and I accumulate considerable experience working i n this field by j o i n i ng the AI challenge and conference. I ’m currently l ooking to s tart a new j ourney to apply for an i ntership i n a practical company as a AI engineer .

After v i s i t i ng the Wisdom Robotic website, I noticed that you’re l ooking for somebody with hands-on experience and AI, machine-l earning background. Therefore, this i s a well-fitted position for me to apply for and i t will be a great experience and honor to become a part of your company .

Here are a few accomplishments I ’m proud of :

• Submitted a paper to an AI workshop .

• Achieve a h i gh rank i n a c i t y AI competition - AI Challenge 2021 . Currently, I am a researcher i n computer v i s i on field i n university l aboratory. I would l i ke to take a forward s t ep to i ntern for an engineer i n a practical compan y Anyway, I am l ooking forward about this position . Thanks,

To Tuan A n

**********@****.*****.***.v n


To Tuan An

Hi, my name i s


• Good command of

English - I ELTS 7 . 5

• +2 years experience i n

Python, C++ programmin g

• Good understanding of

machine l earning a l gorith m

• Familiar with Pytorch

f rameworks with many

python l i braries: numpy,

pandas, matplotlib, . . .

. Experience with data

preprocessing, analyzing

and v i sualizing tools:

Excel, Tableau .

. Good knowledge of L i nux

and Docker environmen t


Immediate Algorithm

certificate Big-O Codin g

Top 10 Advantech

I nnovations


University of Science,

VNUHCM, Ho Chi Minh,

V i e tna m

V i e t Nam National



+84 94422026 1



MediaEval 202 1

FakeNews: Corona Virus and Conspiracies

Multimedia Analysis Task 202 1

SHREC 202 2

Fitting and recognition of s imple geometric

primitives on point clouds 202 2

An A I workshop f ocus on news and media event, i n which FakeNews t ask t a rget on detect f akenews about COVID conspiracie s

. Applying NLP with a multi-model decision method to c l assify f ake and real COVID news. Details i n t h i s paper: ( h t t ps://


The purpose o f t h i s t ask i s to c l assify and generate geometric p r imitives on 3D point c l oud s

.My method i s upscaling points and fi t t i ng t h rough PointNet to c l assify geometry, t hen applying supervise l earning to calculate p r imitives



The a im o f t h i s challenge i s applying a r t i ficial i n t e l l i gence on V i e t namese scence-t ext recognition and detection.

• Our t eam use detectron2 module to detect t ext on t he g i ven data, t hen u l t i l i ze a LSTM model - V i e tOCR to recognize t ext meaning.

• A l l t he works a re packaged i n a Docker image to be assessed. G i t hub l i nk: ( h t t ps:// g i t V i e t namese-Language-Detection-and-Recognition) PROJECTS AND AWARDS



Tuan An



AI & Data Science 2021 - Presen t

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