Joey James Haire
Wiorenouse Ditibuton
concrete Worker
General Lator
Work History
+ Cochran Concrete
ro arian To 01/2022
Job Til: Fuser. ver
‘utes: Resientiicommerdl pouring o concrete slabs, dre ways, parking los
+R Lumber
From G7/2019 To 082020
ob Tile: Yardman, der frit operator
Dues: Yaraman umber yard serng customers wth umber needs, detvery to residents, fort icensed, dt ceed of lumber on boon tuck,
+ 2F industries
From 04/18 To 08/20
ob Tile: Machine OperatorFottt
‘utes: Mactine operator waking wih brake rotors for vehicles, frit, Inspection, assem
+ caterptar
rom g2/2017 Too72019
ob Tile: Fort Operat”Moteral Handler
‘Dues: Cent toni driver loading and woadng tucks of of docks. Staging, scanning, and other dsibution dues.
Education &Training
gh senoot
(Oslalned igh schoo! diploma.