Stream : Mechanical Engg.
C a r e e r O b j e c t i v e
Seeking a position that utilizes my skills in my area of competence and enriches my knowledge, which gives me a chance to manage and balance both my academics and work culture.
E d u c a t i o n a l Q u a l i f i c a t i o n
Y e a r
S c h o o l / U n i v e r s i t y C GP A/ P ER C E NT A G E 2017 - 2 0 2 0
B.Tech, Mechanical
VR Siddhartha ENGG college
7 . 6 3
2 0 14-2016
I n t e r m e d i a t e
Uma maheswara jr college
2 0 13-2014
P S N C H i g h S c h o o l
8 .8
P r o j e c t
Abstract: Aerodynamics is the study of forces generated by motion of air on the surface of an object aerofoil is used to lift the air plane. In this project design and analysis of aerofoil shape is put forward in a significant aerodynamic problem. The project deliberately strives to redefine the aerofoil shape to give more lift than the conventional aerofoil. By using inverse method approach computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in ANSYS workbench software is used for achieving this. The airfoil designing is a critical task due to various dependent variables in design process. This deals with simulation of new airfoil section design and comparing it with a standard baseline airfoil. The calculations of lift force are done for constant air stream velocity. The conclusions are drawn from the simulated results obtained after analysis which will be useful in design of airfoil. Flow changes have been recorded for these aerofoil shape and the results are arrived for finding the best aerofoil that can be advised for aircraft application. Duration :November 2019 -- March 2020
I n t e r n s h i p
Abstract :Visited COCO COLA and observed the process. An air compressor is a device that converts power (usually from an electricmotor, a diesel engine or a gasoline engine) into kinetic energy bycompressing and pressurizing air, which, on command, can be released inquick bursts. There are numerous methods of air compression, divided intoeither positive-displacement or negative displacement types 1.low pressure air compressors(LPACS), which have a discharge pressure of150 psi or less. 2.medium pressure compressors, which have a discharge pressure of151 psi to 1000 psi 3.high pressure compressors(HPACS),which have a discharge pressureabove 1000 psi.Due to adiabatic heating, air compressors require some methods ofdisposing of waste heat Generally this is some form of air or watercooling, although some (particularly rotary type) compressors may becooled by oil (that is then in turn air-or water-cooled) and the atmosphericchanges also
considered during cooling of compressors.
A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The fluiddoes not necessarily
boil. (In North America the term "furnace" is normallyused if the purpose is not actually to boil
the fluid.) The heated or vaporizedfluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating applications,including water heating, central heating, boiler-based power generation,cooking, and sanitation.
Duration : 4 weeks
T e c h n i c a l S k i l l s
• Software packages : AutoCAD, CATIA, NX, Ms office, Pro-E, ANSYS.
• Operating System : Windows.
Co- c u r r i c u l a r A c t i v i t i e s
• I am an NCC student with B certificate in college.
• Acted as a Cultural Event Volunteer at college Fest .
• .
I n t e r p e r s o n a l S k i l l s
• Adaptability.
• Competitiveness.
• Ability to rapidly build relationship and set up trust.
• Ability to cope up with different situations.
• Leadershp qualities, Confident and Determined.
P e r s o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Name : M. Prasanna
Father's name : M. Anandarao
Gender : Female
Date of Birth : 19 jun 1999
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English,Telugu and Hindhi
D e c l a r a t i o n
I here by declare that above furnished particulars are true to the best of my knowledge. Place :: Chirala (AP)
Date :5thNov2020 Matte Prasanna.