Linus Fernandes
Mumbai, India
+91-22-266*-**** (Residence),
+91-992**-***** (Mobile)
Highly motivated, team-oriented professional with more than 14 years developing software and consulting.
Strong problem-solving, analytical and leadership skills.
Implements IT solutions successfully.
Quick learner with high intellectual curiosity.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Independent thinker.
Research oriented.
Interested in process improvement, analytics and data science.
Seeking management experience including strategic, financial, Project and Product Management roles permitting learning and growth.
MBA from Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) with emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Finance.
MBA Final Project: A Business Plan, Project Plan, Market Research Plan and Valuation of a T-commerce solutions provider.
Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI)(expired) and ITIL Foundation certified.
Passed CFA Levels I and II.
oMBA, Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM)
oM.Sc (Computer Science), Dept of Computer Science, University of Mumbai.
oB.Sc (Stats), St. Xavier's College, University of Mumbai
oCFA, CFA Institute, Passed Levels I and II
SUN Certified Java Enterprise Architect (Expired)
ISEB ITIL V3 Foundation
Certified Associate in Project Management CAPM (Expired). Familiar with PRINCE2 methodology.
Advanced PMP Training
IBM-PC and compatibles
Windows XP/Vista/NT 3.5/NT 4.0/2000/3.11/95, XENIX, AIX, LINUX,Termux, ArchLinux on Termux
Java, C++, MS Visual C++, C, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, XML, C#, VB.NET, VB, T- SQL, UML, WSDL, WADL, XSD, XHTML, TCL
JAAS, JSP, JSDK, JFC, JAVAMail, Domino JAVA API, JNDI, JAXP, JDK 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6, MFC, Windows SDK, XSD, Struts, Eclipse API, JBuilderX OpenTools API, M-Stor, Yahoo Address Book API, Hibernate
Visual Cafe, Visual Age, WSAD, Kawa, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Liquid XML Studio,Vim,Emacs
Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm for UML, Together, Enterprise Architect
PVCS, CMVC, VSS, MS-Project,Git
Video For Windows Development Kit (VFWDK)
ORACLE 7.0, MS-Access, DB2, Lotus Notes, SQL Server 2000, MySQL, Ipedo, HSQLDB, CacheDB, PostgreSQL, Maria DB, Sqlite, Mongo DB
WebSphere, JBOSS, JAVA Web Server, Lotus Domino Server, JSWDK Reference Implementation, Pramati, WebLogic, JRun4,Express
SSADM, OOADM, UML, Extreme programming, BPM, Agile, Scrum,Open Source
CORBA, Client/Server, Internet/Intranet, SOA, EJB, RMI, XML-RPC, SOAP, SDO
Rabbit MQ
Github Contributor (Part-time)
Mumbai, India
Jan’19 – Present
Wrote up issues to open source projects including Programming Mistake Detector (PMD) and Checkstyle---static code analysers for Java.
Maintained learning repos at for Java, NodeJS, C, C++, Open MPI, Open MP and Bash Scripting.
Blogging/Site Development
Mumbai, India Oct’09 – Mar’16
oWrote and self-published articles on architecture, management and sports. Curated quotes for 'Quite a Quote'.
oPublished sports articles on fan sites BleacherReport, SportsKeeda and The Roar.
oPromoted blogs online via Facebook Pages/Advertisements/Groups, BleacherReport, SportsKeeda, The Roar, Apple News and Reddit.
oAuthored four books available on Amazon Worldwide:- Those Glory Days: Cricket World Cup 2011, It’s a Petting Sport, IPL Vignettes and Poems: An Anthology.
oApplied SEO practices for blogs.
Member of Mumbai ToastMasters, Mumbai (
Oct’08 – Sep’09
Positions Held: VP Membership
Jul’09 – Sep '09
Outlined and implemented new internet marketing / member experience.
Initiated online members area for club members using the Ning platform.
Initiated blog for Mumbai Toastmasters using the Wordpress platform.
Set up Free Toast Host site to transact club business. Handled web-site updates.
Corresponded with and, coordinated membership renewals.
Market Research questionnaires/surveys from members via QuestionPro platform.
Presented 7 Projects (Speeches) from Competent Communicators (CC) Manual.
Revived Mumbai Toastmaster finances using break-even analysis of fee revenue as against projected membership growth method.
Application Architect (Undergoing Full-Time MBA)
Mumbai,India May’06 – Sep’08
Built a Java Mail Client.
Authenticated users via Yahoo! Login And Address Book API.
Applications Produced: Java Mail Client, Java UI Framework, Yahoo! Address Book API
Technical Architect – CFC (Countrywide) India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
Jul’05 – Apr’06
Architected and designed software solutions for the .NET platform.
Set out coding standards.
Interfaced with internal customer for requirements analysis.
Automated unit testing.
Application Domain: In-house software solutions for Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) structured products for Country Wide Securities Corporation
Project Lead – U.S. Interactive India Pvt Ltd. Mumbai, India Oct’04 – Mar’05
Translated customer requirements into concrete design documents.
Analysis, Design & Development, Automated unit testing.
Designed and built surveys for clients such as Pfizer, Mars, Intuit and Bose to be deployed on their portals.
Application Domain: SAAS product – Online survey hosting solutions and infrastructure
Product Team Lead – Savvion India Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India Apr’04 – May’04
Analysis, design, development and documentation.
Interface with internal customer.
Application Domain: BPM Product
Senior Developer – Mindbahn Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India
Client: Consonum Inc, Redwood City, CA
Dec’03 – Mar’04
Analyse, Design and Develop software solutions.
Remotely interfaced with client via telephone, email and Instant Messaging (IM).
Application Domain: Configuration Workbench – GUI Interface to Consonum Situation Based Engine
Senior Developer, GTECH, RI, USA – Multivision Incorporated
Jan’03 – Oct’03
Analysis, design, development and documentation
Database Design
Application Domain: Project GRAce – Lottery Validation and Verification System
Senior Developer – Consultants
Client: Sequoia Broadband, Encino, CA
Nov’99 – Dec’02
Analysis, Design, Development
Database Design
Interviewing candidates (technical roles)
Application Domains: SAAS product Sequoia Media Manager
Senior Developer – IBM Global Broadcast Solutions, Santa Monica, CA
Analysis, Design, Development & Documentation
Database Design
Interview candidates' for technical knowhow
Configuration Management
Application Domains: Digital Media Delivery (DMD) system for Warner Brothers, Wal-Mart, VYVX, DMX, SkyMedia and Azteca
Senior Software Engineer – Mahindra-British Telecom, Mumbai, India
Jul’95 – Nov’99
Wrote response to RFPs for buyers including AT&T & OCC (Oil Coordination Committee). Invited to bid on project based on submitted response.
Analysis, Design, Development & Documentation
Project Management, Customer Interface, Configuration Management, Recruitment (Interviewing)
On-site consultant at British Telecom, London
Application Domains: Multimedia Curriculum Vitae System, BT's OLTP Customer Service System (CSS), SMART (BT London), Field Resource Planning & Scheduling (FRPS) (BT Labs, Martlesham).
Member of Bombay Toastmasters, Aug’14 – Aug’15. Awarded Blue Ribbon for most improved speech evaluator.
Successfully served on the PMI Mumbai Chapter Nomination Committee for Board of Directors annual elections, Jan’15 – Feb’15.
Updating technology and management knowledge by reading books and browsing articles online.