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C C++ Python SQL
Data Structures Algorithms OOPS Networks OS DBMS
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# +91-819******* _ *************@*****.*** + Hospet, India EDUCATION
BE - Computer Science and Engineering
KLE Technological University, Hubli
7.11 10
Class XII
National Composite College, Hospet
79% 100
Class X
Prasiddhi English Medium High School, HBHalli
83% 100
Plot Based Movie Recommendation System - 2020
Designed and developed an algorithm that predicts the plot nature of the movies using sentimental analysis and recommends the movies of the same plot category based on the user interest by considering cosine similarity of word tokenization by NLP framework. As a result, we got positive response from the survey where we compared our system with others. Ablation Study on Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques - 2019 Studied various underwater image enhancement techniques by adding the ablative factors like noise, color cast and other factors on the image data set and evaluated the performance of diffrent image filter like Gaussian filter, CLAHE, Fusion with OpenCV frameworks. As a result, Fusion technique is performing better than other enhancement techniques. TECHNICAL SKILLS
Coding Languages
IT Constructs
AWS Fundamentals Coursera- 2020 ID - 6K3CJ8JEZZ7J
Under this course i have studied fundamental architecture of cloud computing and different services offered by AWS. Technical Support Fundamentals Coursera- 2020 ID - HTMCP2SZKMD Gain insights in the fundamentals of Operating systems, Networking, Linux, Database and Memory management. ACTIVITIES
> Problem solving in GFG.
> Won CEO Award In Esummit, KLETU, 2018.
> Mentored students for Projects.