Dr. Missal Juliyas Augustine Prince
E-mail: *********@*****.***
To secure a challenging position in your organization, where I can explore and apply my skills, capabilities and creativity effectively for the organizational uplift and Personal satisfaction too. WORK EXPERIENCE 10+ YEARS
Currently working as Assistant professor in Department of Petroleum Engineering AMET University from 05-01-2011 to now.
Worked has lab in charge for reservoir engineering and core analysis for 6 years (2014 to 2020).
Worked as HR Executive in HCM Technologies for a period of 1.6 years from 06/08/2006 to 03/02/2008.
1. PhD in Petroleum Engineering: Successfully completed in the Department of Petroleum Engineering at AMET University with the topic: “A Chemical Evaluation of enhanced oil recovery surfactants on limestone reservoirs”, during the period 2014-2019. 2. M.Tech in Petroleum Exploration: Successfully completed in the discipline of “Petroleum Exploration” with first class distinction and my project was on “Evaluation of Surfactants used in Chemical EOR processes and their Applications” from Andhra University during year 2008-2010. 3. MBA in HR & IT at Shubarti University, Meerut during 2015-2018 with project topic: “SWOT Analysis on Indian educational institutes” case study on Himalayan University. 4. B.Tech in Chemical engineering: Successfully completed in the discipline of “Chemical Engineering” with second class and my project was on “Production of Biogas” at Jagannath Institute ., Parlakhemundi, Orissa during 2006 from Biju Patnaik University during year 2002-2006. PUBLICATION STATUS
7 4 6 5
Scopus:******** Google Scholar: LAB EXPERIENCE
- Stability Test
- Redwood & Ostwald viscometer
- Spinning drop tensiometer
- Ring tensiometer
- Fire and flash point
- Conductivity meter
- pH meter
- Ruska porometer
- Core flooding
- Gas and liquid permeameter
- Core property investigation
- Polymer flooding
- Surfactant and alkaline applications
- Core flood design
- Capillary pressure
- De-emulsification
Worked as research scholar in the department of petroleum engineering. AMET University for 4.8 years from (2014 September - 2019 March February).
Worked Under The Topic Of “Evaluation Of Surfactants Used In Chemical Eor Processes And Their Applications”, at Institute Of Reservoir Studies, R&D Lab, ONGC Ahmedabad For 8 Months (August 2009 – March 2010) as a Project Intern. PROJECT WORKS
Seed money project on the title “Optimal recovery on carbonate reservoirs by application EOR surfactants” of sanctioned 40,000 Rs From AMET University for 6 months (January 2020 – July 2020).
During the tenure of MBA completed project titled: “SWOT Analysis on Indian educational institutes” case study on Himalayan University
During M.Tech on topic “Evaluation of Surfactants used in Chemical EOR processes and their Applications”, at Institute of Reservoir Studies(IRS), ONGC Ahmedabad for 8 months (August 2009 – March 2010)
During B.Tech on topic “Production of Bio-Gas”, at Gobber gas plant for 3 months (August 2009 – november 2009)
During the tenure, handled all the batches of under graduate and post graduate projects which fall in the branch of reservoir engineering and EOR.
Guided course work classes on Reservoir engineering and EOR for PhD research scholars.
Apart from regular classes, mentoring at least 30 students per semester has been a part of job, handled successfully.
Gained experience in maintaining NAAC and ISO audit files.
Worked as External Examiner for practical examinations for deemed Universities.
External auditor for department of petroleum and naval architecture for a deemed university.
External Question paper setter for ANNA University, Chennai and JNTU Kakinada from 2015 to till date.
Experience in Coordinating and organizing internal conferences and workshops.
Worked as Alumni coordinator for the last 5 years. SOFTWARE
- Python
- Fkete (RTA)
- MS Excel (Advanced)
- C
- VB.Net, ASP and C#
Title: “Oil and Gas Exploration and Management” published by Sahara Publications., Authors: M.J.A.Prince and S.Govindan in 2015.
1. Title: “Emerging technologies and innovative research in science, engineering and management” published by Raja Rammohun Roy Agency., Authors: V.T Adhithya and M.J.A.Prince in 2021. ISBN: 978-93-90956-62-3.
2. Title: “A study on optimizing recovery by application of enhanced oil recovery methods on carbonate reservoirs” published by Raja Rammohun Roy Agency., Authors: M.J.A.Prince in 2021. ISBN: 978-93-90956-62-3
1. Certified by MOOC (NPTEL) course “waste to energy conversion” during 2019. 2. GIAN Certification course received “O” grade (topper), conducted by IIT Madras on topic
“Petroleum Reservoir Characterization” during 2016. 3. Participated in “Instructional design and delivery” a Faculty Development Program conducted National institute of Technical Teachers during Feb. 2019. 4. Participated in National Education Summit 2014. “Towards Educating Young INDIA” at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
5. Participated in “National program on Technology Enhancing Learning” workshop by MOOC
(NPTEL) at IIT madras.
6. Participated in “e- Learning solutions for instructional design and delivery” a Faculty Development Program conducted National institute of Technical Teachers during May 2013 7. Certified in “Employable Education” a Faculty Development Program conducted at Amet University during May 2013
8. Participated in Petrovision 11, a National Level Seminar during 2011 Feb. At Anna University. Chennai
9. Participated in National workshop on Tools and Technologies for the scientific and technical writing. Faculty Development Program conducted by IQAC Amet University during May 2017. 10. Participated in National Information system for climate and environment studies. Faculty Development Program conducted by Anna University during Feb 2018. INVITED TALK
1. Delivered an invited Lecture in Petramet- 2015 on “Reduction in Adsorption of surfactants onto surfaces at Amet University.
2. Best Teacher award in Dept. Of Petroleum Engineering., Amet university during 2015. 3. Won Staff cricket tournament during 2013 at Amet University. INDUSTRIAL VISITS
Visited ONGC Rajahmundry during 2009 for Seven days. Observed three drilling Rigs at Krishna- Godavari Basin ONGC Rajamundry and collected rock samples shale form extended tirupati formation.
Three days visiting ONGC Rigs near Karaikal and Refinary.,Tamil nadu.
One month industrial training on “Dry Dock and Ship Repairs” at Hindustan Shipyard Ltd., Visakhapatnam.
DOB 22-08-1984
Nationality INDIAN
Languages Known English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil (B) Religion Christian
Marital Status Married
Passport S9542496
1. Dr.Jitendra sangwai ., Associate professor ., IIT madras Email: ***************@****.**.**
Mob: 988-***-****
2. Dr.Nagalakshmi ., Professor at AMET University
Email: ***********.*@********.**.**
Mob: 996-***-****
3. Dr.P.N.Ananthanarayana., Rtd. DGM, ONGC.
Email: ***@**********.***
Mob: 984*******
I hereby declare that all the data and information provided above are true to the best of my knowledge and I hold responsible for any regulate if found. M J A Prince
1. M.J.A. Princea, Venkata Ramana Avulab, Vamsi Krishna Kudapac., “Investigation of anionic in place of cationic surfactants onto oil wet carbonate surfaces for improving recovery”. MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS., DOI:10.1016/J.MATPR.2021.10.213., Issn No : 0130- 7673., Vol.5, Issue 5. 2020, Pp. 66-73
2. M.J.A.Prince1, Venkata Ramana2 And Abhinav Gupta3., “A Comparative Study Of Non Ionic Surfactant In Place Of Akali As Improved Asp Process”. NOVYI MIR RESEARCH JOURNAL., Issn No : 0130-7673., Vol.5, Issue 5. 2020, Pp. 66-73.
3. M.J.A.Prince., Mithilesh Kumar Rajak, Venkata Ramana Avula., “ Advancing Recovery by Refining Surfactant Proportion As a Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Application”., International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering., ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3,2019, Pp. 7740-7742.
4. Mithilesh Kumar Rajak, M. J. A. Prince, G.K Pradhan,, “ Assessment of Blasting Quality of an Opencast Mine”., International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering., ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, 2019, Pp. 4396-4400. 5. Mithilesh Kumar Rajak, G.K Pradhan, M.J.A.Prince, “ Assessment of the Susceptibility of Coals to Spontaneous Heating using Wet Oxidation Potential Difference Technique”., International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology., ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019, 6431-6437
6. Mithilesh and M J A Prince., “ A Brief Overview On Rock Blasting For Mining”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2019, Volume 5, Issue 7., 7. Prince J A., “Analysis Of L-Histidinium Maleate (Lhm) Characterization And Identification Of Structural Arrangement”., International Journal Of Mechanical And Production Engineering Research And Development., ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb 2018, Pp: 799-802.
8. Prince J A., “Utilizing High Weight Cooling States To Examine The Machining Execution Of Inconel 718”., International Journal Of Mechanical And Production Engineering Research And Development., ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb 2018, Pp: 869-872. 9. M J A Prince. “The Impact Of Swot Analysis As A Strategic Plan On Educational Institutions”. Research Review International Journal Of Multidisciplinary ., Volume-03 2018., ISSN: 2455- 3085 (Online) Issue-09.
10. M J A Prince., “ The Imperative effect of Swot Analysis on Academic Institutions”., International Journal of Research in Advent Technology., Vol.6, No.8, August 2018 E-ISSN: Pp: 2321-9637.
11. M J A Prince and Abhinav Gupta., “A Case Study On Gamij Field using Coiled Tubing Intervention”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.
12. M J A Prince and Abhinav Gupta., “Wettability alteration on Limestone core as a chemical EOR applivation”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.
13. M J A Prince and Abhinav Gupta., “Recovery Modification Through Surfactant Adsorption Altering Hydrophilic To Lipophilic Balance On A Chalky Core”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7. 14. M J A Prince and Abhinav Gupta., “Review properties on reservoir rock for effective production”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.
15. Abhinav Gupta and M J A Prince., “A Case Study On Gamij Field using Coiled Tubing Intervention”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.,
16. Abhinav Gupta and M J A Prince., “Recent developments in Coil Tubing inventionsnand design considerations” ., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.
17. Mithilesh and M J A Prince., “Evaluation Of Blast Fragmentation Of An Opencast Mine”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7. 18. Mithilesh and M J A Prince., “The Effects Of Air-Decking Technique Of Blasting In Surface Mine- A Brief Review”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7.
19. M J A Prince., “Review properties on reservoir rock for effective production”., Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7., 20. M J A Prince., “A Review on Interfacial and Phase Behavior Applications on an Oil Wet Cores”., International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ., ISSN: 2321- 9653; IC Value: 45.98;, July., 2017., V.olume 5 Issue VIII 21. M J A Prince., “Optimizing Recovery through EOR Surfactants on Matured Fields”., International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ., ISSN: 2321- 9653; IC Value: 45.98; 2017., Volume 5 Issue VIII
22. M J A Prince., “Alteration of IFT by Phase Inversion Emulsification to Enhance Recovery of Oil Wet Limestone”., International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ., ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; 2017., Volume 5 Issue X. 23. M J A Prince., “A Review on Tubing Performance Relationship by Hagedorn & Brown Model”., International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ., ISSN: 2321- 9653; IC Value: 45.98; 2017., Volume 5 Issue VIII., 24. M J A Prince., “A Review on Planning for An Exploratory Well”., International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ., ISSN: 2321-9653; 2017. Volume 5 Issue VI.
25. M J A Prince., “A Improving Recovery Through Surfactant Desorption on An Oil Wet Limestone Reservoir”., Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology., ISSN: 2321- 9653; IC Value: 45.98; 2017. Volume 5 Issue VIII, July. 26. Prince Julius1, P. N. Ananthanarayanan1 and D. Mohanakumar2., “ Alteration of Wettability by Cationic Gemini and Conventional Surfactants for Carbonate Reservoirs”.,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8 (11), 2015.
27. Prince Julius1*, P. N. Ananthanarayanan1 and G. Anbazhagan2 “Analysis on Capillary Pressure Curves by Wettability Modification through Surfactants” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(14), July 2015 .,ISSN : 0974-6846. 28. Prince Julius1*, P. N. Ananthanarayanan1 and Sri Devi2 “Investigation of Cationic Nonionic Blend to Alter Wettability for Carbonate Reservoirs”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(12), July 2015 .,ISSN : 0974-6846. 29. Prince Julius1
, P. N. Ananthanarayanan and V. Srinivasan “Investigation of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Surfactants on Clay Mixed Sandstone Reservoirs for Adsorption”., Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(14), July 2015 .,ISSN : 0974-6846. 30. Prince Julius1*, P. N. Ananthanarayanan1, M. Gopikrishnan1 and M. Thirumavalavan2 Improving Recovery by Altering Wettability from Oil Wet to Surfactant Wet., Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(11), July 2015 .,ISSN : 0974-6846. 31. V.Amritavalli, M.Juliyas Augustine prince and B.Antony Fayaz “Petroleum Engineering learning provocation” ., International journal of production technology and management., Vol
(6) Dec 2015., ISSN : 0976-6383.
32. M J A Prince., “Optimizing Ultralow Interfacial Tension by altering Surfactant Concentration through Emulsion Test” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 7(S7), 10–12, November 2014 ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 097*-****-**. M J A Prince “Experimental study on Nonionic Surfactants for minimizing Surface Adsorption as an Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) process”. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 7(S6), 78–81, October 2014 ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645. 34. M J A Prince “Experimental Study on Core Analysis for Determination of Sand Stone Resistivity” in the journal BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA, October 2014. Vol. 11(Spl. Edn. 1), p. 239-242.
35. M J A Prince “Study of Hard Formation Drilling by Multiple Control Micro Detonation” in the journal BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA, October 2014. Vol. 11(Spl. Edn. 1), p. 239-242 “Experimental, p. 291-295.
36. M J A Prince “Water Control Analysis on Production Enhancement along with Permeability Modification by Polymers” in the journal BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA, October 2014. Vol. 11(Spl. Edn. 1), p. 129-133.
37. Balachandran, G., Prince M.J. “Energy efficiency and cost saving economy(pre and post war) in Libyan oil refineries” in the journal of AIChE Spring Meeting and 8th Global Congress on Process Safety., 2012.
1. Paper proceeded on title “Investigation of nonionic surfactants as a catalyst for biogas production” at Recent trends on chemical and environmental biotechnology., ANNAMALAI University national conference 2020,.by M.J.A.Prince 2. Paper proceeded on title “Energy Efficiency and Cost Saving Economy(Pre and Post War) In Libyan Oil Refineries” at AICHE 2012,. Govindaswamy Balasubramayam, M.J.A.Prince. 3. Presented a Paper on “Application of surfactants in EOR processes” with quantitative analysis. at PETRO FEST 2010.,DELTA STUDIES INSTITUE., VISAKHAPATNAM. As main Author M.J.A.Prince, Venkata Ramana.
4. Title “Optimizing Recovery through EOR Surfactants on Matured fields” at ICPST 2014,. IIT MADRAS. As main Author M.J.A.Prince. ISBN: 978-93-80689-21-0, page no: 355-359. 5. Title “‘Hard formation drilling by multiple control micro detonation’” at ICPST 2014,. IIT MADRAS. Vishnu.K, M.J.A.Prince ISBN: 978-93-80689-21-0, page no: 415-422. CONFERENCE PARTICIPATED DETAILS
1. Participated in International Conference for the topic “Integrated Pore Pressure, fracture gradient analysis and Rock Physics in Deepwater Exploration” conducted by Society of Petroleum Geophysicists on 2010 at Hyderabad.
2. Attended an International Conference for the topic “INDIA Drilling & Exploration Conference” conducted by ONGC at Mumbai on 2014 as a delegate. 3. Participated in International Conference for the topic “Hydro-fracturing with no water” conducted by ONGC at Chennai 2014.
4. Participated in ONGC Conference for the topic “Seismic interpretation on Cross-well Technology” at Chennai 2013.