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Sante at Ces Niecy Cn & Dense EO) 4ClearMedi
MatispociaityCinic& Diagnostic Centro
ICMR ID: 435121444 SRF ID: 295********** (aif Chaka tarps LL
RTPCR Test Report
[Date and Time of reporting [os-08-2001 17:49:56
(Address of the Referring Facility/Hospital
Date of onset of illness
Date & Time of Sample Collection {03-08-2021 10:33:28
[Date & Time of Receipt of Specimen at Lab (03-08-2021 12:00:59
[Date of Sample Testing [03-08-2021 13:35:59
(Condition of Specimen Received / Quality on Arrival [Good
‘Report ID [CMMSCDC64082
1 T Result of
Ipatient 1D [Patient Name Age/Gender Sample 1D ‘Specimen Type _ SARS-
JemMfscocs1082 TING Re ot _femmascocesosa sentaynge © [Negative
seks by: ‘Checked and Approved by
Interpretation guidance:
referral received from / through State Surveillance Officer (SSO) of
-rned.State Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)/any
ther health care facility affirming requirements of the caxe definition/s.
+ H single negative tet result, particularly if this is from an upper respiratory . fal
it specimen, does not exclude infection*
‘© A positive test result is only tentative, and will be reconfirmed by retesting.
+= Repeat sampling and testing of lower respiratory specimen is strongly recommended in severe or
vogressive disease, The repeat specimens may be considered after a gap of 2-4 days after the
lection of the first specimen for additional testing if required. *
© {positive alternate pathogen does not necessarily rule out either, as litle is yet known about the role
«# Please note that these results are not to be used for any thesis or presentations or for Publication in
fany Journal without the prior permission of the Director General, ICMR
. pes of referred clinical specimens was considered on the basis ofrequest
res] Pe ue Ca uy
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