Address For Communicat ion
T . Naga venu babu
**/*** ******* *****,************ street manaparai taluk, tiruchy district
Mob : +91-801-***-****
E- MAIL : ***********@*****.***
Career Object ive : -
To obt ain a challenging posit ion in a reputed company wher e I can
and enhance my skills and cont r ibute tothe gr owt h of the company .
Educat ional Qualif icat ions
Cour se Diploma Electrical Communicat ion
Inst itution Inf ant Jesus Polyt echnic College Trichy
period of st udy 2010
Per centage 65
Cour se SSLC
inst itution Thiyahesar Alai Hr . Sce school,Manappar ai
period of st udy 2007
Per centage 54
Personal Details
Father' s Name C . K . Thiyagarajan
Date of Birth 06/ 02/ 1990
Age 29
Gender Male
Nationalit y Indian
Mar ital Status Single
Language Known Tamil,Telungu and English
Exper ience working in Bharath bpo 7 months Ienergizer in 2 years
•I have 3 years experience of Production management .
Designat ion Junior Associat e
Locat ion Trichy
Company Name : Jot hi Micr o Cast Pvt . Ltd .
•I have 5 Years Exper ience of Mot or skilled Wor k and have bpo 1year 6month work bpo inbound
I have
posit ive Attitude Quick Learner
Declarat ion
I hereby declar e that the above particular sgiven by me are cor rect and t rue tothe best of my knowledge and belief .
Your s
Place : Date :