Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. Do you feel an
invisible barrier that's blocking your prayers, your healing, your finances. My guest says you can be free. Next.
Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural.
SID: I'll tell you what, I'm here with Dr. Francis Myles and I am overwhelmed with the revelation you brought forth, that your brand-new book, it's called Dangerous Prayers. Why did you write this book?
FRANCIS: I wrote this book Sid because I wanted to address the cancer of unanswered prayers in the body of Christ. I think the most frustrating thing about prayer is that everybody needs it, but not everybody gets answers from it. And it can be very frustrating to tell people simply pray. And so looking at my own journey of having to fight this issue of answered prayer and then finding the solutions, it was amazing for me to be able to write it, because I know that there are thousands of people out there who are like me 30 years ago when I was fighting through this. SID: And now why do you call it dangerous?
FRANCIS: I call it dangerous Sid, because any prayer that is guaranteed to be answered is dangerous to the devil.
SID: I would say so. But what would you say to those that have prayed and prayed and they almost stopped going through the motions to pray, now. They've given up, what would you say to them? Because God hasn't answered their prayers. FRANCIS: Yes. Jesus says, addressing this issue. In the book of Luke 11, he talks about, whosoever asks and keeps on asking, who so ever seeks and keeps on seeking, and who so ever knocks and keeps knocking, the door is going to be open. Jesus was literally dealing with the issue of unanswered prayer. He was showing us that any unanswered prayer is not an unwillingness on the part of God. We are just missing something. And eventually, if you keep seeking, the holy spirit will allow you to find something. And for some people watching this show that something is this book, Dangerous Prayers From The Courts Of Heaven That Destroy Evil Altars because I believe that the mystery of unanswered prayer is this invisible, evil altars that most people don't even know about.
SID: It's like, there's something in the invisible world. You're saying it's working for everyone else, but it's not working for me now. The word of God is for everyone. So therefore there's something separating. You felt this I believe. And you're going to get your answers for the first time in your life. Tell us about the law of dominion. FRANCIS: The law of dominion is really, really powerful. It'll explain again, the myths of unanswered prayer and also the drama we have in the world we live in today, with all the demonic stuff we are seeing today. So God did something on the day of creation that was interesting. God said, God spoke to himself. He said, let us make man in our own image, after likeness. And then he says, let them have dominion. Those two words Sid, are probably in my opinion, the most consequential words to ever come out of the mouth of the creator, because those two words change the relationship between God and man, and man and God. Let them, is God literally taking himself and every celestial being out of interfering in the world of men without asking for permission.
SID: So it's almost like there's a strategic partnership between God himself, the creator of the universe. And man, and if man does not do his part, does it limit God? FRANCIS: Yes. It limits God. Jesus put it this way in Matthew 18:18, he said, whatever you bind it is whatever God binds. He wants to explain. He says, God is sovereign, peoples say oh God is sovereign, he can do anything. Yeah, God is so sovereign, he chose to give us authority. That's how sovereign he is. And so if we don't use it, if you don't use it, you cannot blame God because God has to honor his own word. So God knowing that he wanted to work with us, just because he gave us authority over the planet did not mean God was excusing himself from being involved. So God, in his genius, divide illegal entry point, an invisible legal entry point into the world of men. So that if you find a spirit in the world of men, look for the man who allow that spirit, whether it's God or the devil to come into the world of men. SID: So you're saying that just as God realizes, he needs a strategic partnership with man, demons realized they need a strategic partnership with a human? FRANCIS: Well, because the devil is a, see, the devil does something Christians should do more often. The devil is good at copying God.
SID: Copying him.
FRANCIS: I always tell people there's nothing wrong with being a copycat provided you copy the right cat. And I'm telling you, the devil knows if you copy God, you're going to succeed. So Satan saw how God was entering the world of men legally by partnering with men that wanted him to move. So Satan realized if I can get men to also agree with me, like they are agreeing with God, I can also bring my spirits into the world of men. And so that entry point is what the Bible calls an altar. And you find it in every book of the Bible. No man has ever been used by God without an altar. And the devil has never used a man without an altar. It's an invisible entry point that connects the world of men to the world of spirit. And I believe that is the mystery of unanswered prayer, is this invisible entry points that are in the bloodlines of people they don't even know about. But every time they want to have a breakthrough, something happens to steal the breakthrough.
SID: Now you said that spirits need our permission, whether it's the spirit of God or whether it's the spirit of the devil.
FRANCIS: That's right.
SID: They literally need our permission. Is that why you say prayer is critical, because we are either giving permission to angels or unbeknownst us giving permission to demons with our mouth?
FRANCIS: Yes, because prayer becomes our way of calling out. Is how we now communicate with the realm of spirit to inform the realm of spirit of our consent, for that spirit to come into our life. So that's how you find, even people in the satanic world, they pray, but they just pray to the wrong God.
SID: Okay. This is where I'm headed. And I want you to hear and hear very carefully. You call it in the book, God's magnificent plan. What is it?
FRANCIS: God's magnificent plan is when he showed Adam and Eve how to build this power station, that would always connect him to the word of spirit. Because remember, it's very interesting how God, what God did. God gave man authority. What he did not give men is power. So authority is in the world of men, power is in the world of spirit. So God in his genius knew that, that if you have authority over the earth, but in order to heal anybody, open the blind eye, you're going to need my power. To get my power, we have to partner. So that's the same in the occult. The devil says, you got authority over your world, but if you need to do something supernatural, you also need my power. Because power belongs to the realm of the spirit. Authority belongs to the realm of men and they interface that allows authority and power to come together is called an altar. That was God magnificent plan. SID: So it's a place of the exchange.
FRANCIS: It's a place of exchange. Sid, 1989, I was a sinner, but I heard the gospel and the preacher said, come to the altar as you are and the Lord Jesus wash away your sin. Jesus was not in the room. I didn't even see him. I just saw the preacher, but he told me come to this place called the altar and I walked there and I've never been the same. There was an exchange. My sins remained at that altar, I got his righteousness. Altars are places of exchange. SID: Define evil altar?
FRANCIS: An evil alter is essentially an invisible gate where an agreement that has been made between Satan and a human being, who has been either deceived or maybe consciously coming through to that place, because they're looking for something from the devil. That entry point, that invisible entry point creates a demonic altar that allows the devil to do with men, the same thing God would do with men if there was a revivalist who allowed God to partner with them and calm could miracles, signs and wonders. Now the devil has an entry point. SID: Okay. The Bible speaks about repairing the altar. FRANCIS: Yes.
SID: Explain.
FRANCIS: Repairing the altar simply means that you give attendance to the altar of the Lord in your life. Because without an altar, God can't interfere in the world of men legally, and God is on a bound to his own words. So if you want God to move, you have to repair the platform that he needs to come into. The case in point is Elijah. Elijah knows that Israel needs God. They are worshiping Baal. They have walked away from the God of Abraham. So at Mount Carmel he challenges the prophets of Baal and Jezebel.
FRANCIS: And then at the end of it, he says, the God who answers by fire without us putting any fire on this altar, the God who answers by supernatural fire, let him be God. But how does he do it? When the prophets of Baal have failed to bring fire on their altar, he now calls all of Israel. And the Bible says he repaired the altar of the Lord that Jezebel had destroyed, that belong to the Lord. He repaired it according to the number of the tribes of Israel. And as soon as he did that, the fire of God was released showing us again, God was waiting for the altar to be repaired before the fire could be released.
SID: Or it's time for you to repair your altar, your entry system. The least understood and the most powerful weapon we have is about to be revealed. Be right back. We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Now this is very important, at the end of this program, we have a very special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then he's going to lead us in communion. Just log onto, soon as this program is over, just log onto SidRoth.org/7places. It is literally life changing, so don't miss it. You are known for teaching on the courts of heaven, but you call the courts of heaven, the highest realm of prayer. Why?
FRANCIS: I call the courts of heaven the highest realm of prayer because Jesus presented the court of heaven as the last place of appeal for prayers that have not been answered. We find this in the book of Luke chapter 18, when Jesus is encouraging us not to lose heart and give in and throw in the towel. He says, do not do not lose heart. And then he begins to, he says, men ought always to pray. That's just saying, don't give up on prayer just because it's not being answered. I have a final place of appeal, we live in America, in America we know that if a lower court hasn't done you right, there's still hope-
SID: There's higher court.
FRANCIS: That there's a higher court called the Supreme court where there could be a remedy of a mistake made in the lower courts. And so Jesus is saying, listen, heaven has a Supreme court.
SID: It's the final word.
FRANCIS: Yeah. It has a final word. And so you don't let discouragements have the final word. He said, there is a place where you can go. Then he goes into talking about a widow who needed help from an adversary. The word adversary simply means anti de course, one who is against your rights. Anti against, de course rights. He said, she went to a judge and she began to pester the judge for deliverance from the adversary. And the Bible says that she kept going. FRANCIS: Then after the while he said, you know what, I don't believe in God, I don't even care about men, but I do care about my peace of mind. And this woman's nuisance value is rising and I want to deliver myself of this, so he gave her justice and protection from the adversary. Jesus then says, what about your heavenly father? How much more shall we avenge his own elect? So Jesus is telling us that unless something has been dealt with in the court of heaven, you can't give up on it. That's where anything else you couldn't get answered in prayer is answered because the judge now gets to rule on it.
SID: Now, when you're in court, the person coming against you or suing you, if they don't show up, the court case is dismissed. How's this work in the heavenly court? FRANCIS: The Lord spoke to me, he said, Francis, my children, he said to me, the devil keeps getting default judgments in the court of heaven because my people don't show up for court. It's so important for us to show up in the court of heaven so we can silence the accusations of the enemy, because accusations is what gives the enemy legal right to even enter the court of heaven in the first place. Just like in the world of men, unless you are accused, the court system does not begin until there's an accusation. So that's why it's important for believers to show up in the court of heaven and the most, another thing, why it's important for them to show up is because the court of heaven, unlike natural court is biased in our favor because Jesus already paid the price. SID: Oh, I like that. What are some of the areas that we have, the evil altars we have to deal with, many people in their lives?
FRANCIS: Well, some of the evil altars we address in the book on dangerous prayers is the altar of premature death, where you see in certain families, the perversity of people dying early before their time. Life is a gift of God and dying before your time is a murder of your purpose because it's not yet been worked out. And then we deal with pornography, that people are busy with pornography, people are addicted to prescription drugs, we've got people that are affirmity, cancer is always reappearing in the family. And so we've got rage, people that are, just can control themselves and we've you've got depression, my God, that's a big one where people are go through cycles of depression, they try all different type of drugs and we're seeing them get delivered when we dealt with those issues from the point of addressing and breaking the power of the evil altar.
FRANCIS: So the book is really loaded with many, many areas, including poverty. Poverty can be an altar in somebody's life. You want to walk in prosperity, but every time we try to walk in prosperity, you just end up in more debt. You don't know where the money is going. This invisible thing, and ultra poverty could be in your bloodline, that needs to be destroyed. We've seen that destroyed and people begin to prosper. So this book is really loaded with real life situations that people are dealing with. I can guarantee you probably for 99% of your viewers, they are going to find one prayer that locates them in the spirit. FRANCIS: And just everything is going to change. Say the accuser in the court of, knows his case weak, that's why he hopes and prays that we don't show up for court. Because once we show up, the finished work kicks in, and then not only is that, the finish work in the court of heaven is supported by the advocate who died for us to get it in the first place. Now, what I love about the book, The Dangerous Prayers From The Courts Of Heaven That Destroy Evil Altars. I help people show up in the court of heaven with prayers that are guaranteed to work for them. SID: Do you have something you want to appeal to the court of heaven. And you make it even easier for us, you give us the prayer, the ammunition, so to speak. You called the bloody Jesus, the most powerful weapon in the court of heaven.
FRANCIS: Yes, because the Bible tells us in Hebrews 12, that the blood has a voice. It's a voice, more powerful than the voice of the blood of Abel. Now here's the thing. If the blood of Abel had such a voice that the God of heaven could not rest until we judged the situation. What about when the blood of his son who never sinned, who obeyed God to the end. When that blood begins to speak, both God and the devil have to listen to it. That's why it is the most powerful weapon any believer has in the court of heaven. And in the way I designed the prayers, the dangerous prayers in this book Sid, I made sure every one of them, there was an appeal to the blood, he built in all of them because it is a powerful voice in the court of heaven, it reminds God of everything Yeshua did.
SID: The cross was an altar.
FRANCIS: The cross is an altar because an altar is, you see altars in the old covenant, God showed them, they are places of death, they are place of sacrifice and Jesus sacrificed himself for us on the cross and making the cross an altar. That's why when you go to the cross, no` matter what it is, sinners can get delivered, people can get healed because the cross is an altar where we can exchange our unrighteousness for his righteousness, our sicknesses for his healing. SID: So whether the evil altar occurred several generations ago or even today. FRANCIS: Yes.
SID: It can be dealt with in the courts of heaven? FRANCIS: It can completely be destroyed and I even have a biblical example, in first Kings 13, where God sends a man of God to bring the judgment of the Lord, the judgment of the court of heaven, to an evil altar that was attended to by the king himself in Bethel. And when the prophet was done with it, the altar was destroyed by God and his ashes were poured out. That's what's going to happen Sid, when people pray these dangerous prayers. SID: Are you finding many people praying these dangerous prayers and getting set free? FRANCIS: Oh my God, people getting supernatural miracles. I was just in Alabama Sid, and a woman came on a wheelchair, a motorized wheelchair, and then she came, she looked back, she had a miracle. So I was getting ready to pray for her to get healed. And when she gets there, she's really more concerned about her husband who was at home dying in stage four cancer. And so I said, you know what, why don't we do a double healing? We've broken the power of this evil altars. Why don't we do a double healing? So I prayed for her and then I released the light beams of Jesus to her husband. And I said, I see the light beams of Jesus going to your husbands right now, Sid, instantly, she got healed.
FRANCIS: And she left the wheelchair at the altar and began to walk around and people were screaming and shouting, and then it gets better. She gets home at 10:30. Normally because of the stage four cancer pain the husband was in, he would be asleep at 07:30. She went at 10:30, he was waiting for her. She says, what are you doing? Why are you up? He says, I got healed. I was live-streaming the event and when that preacher said, the light beams are coming, light beams entered my room and Sid the very following day, both the wife and the husband were in church. Healed by the power of God.
It is so amazing, the number of people once they get this revelation, because you see how God handpicked him by teaching him revelation on the courts of heaven and then revelation on the evil altars and then making it simple for us with the prayers to pray in the courts of heaven. I have to tell you though, before any of that, you must make sure that Jesus is your Lord and savior. You must make sure that you have your own experiential knowledge of God. I want to lead you in a prayer. And I'm going to tell you, if you believe it to the best of your ability, you will be a child of God. You will live in the spirit, in this life. And when you leave your earth suit, you'll spend eternity in heaven.
Repeat after me. Dear God, I'm a sinner, I'm so sorry. I believe your blood washed away everything bad I ever did and I'm clean. It's so good to be clean. I boldly say, you have saved me from my sins and you are my Lord, and I am hungry to walk in experiential knowledge of you. Amen. Now remember, as soon as this program ends, you can watch a special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then leading us in communion. Just log onto SidRoth.org/7places, and be sure to get your communion elements ready.
Next week on It's Supernatural!
Max Davis: Hi, I'm Max Davis, join me on the next It's Supernatural with Sid Roth to hear how God used a non-verbal autistic boy to reach out to me. That same God is reaching out to you right now and wants you to encounter him every day.