Dhrumil Savalia
****** Surat, India ****************@*****.*** 701-***-**** Indian
linkedin.com/in/dhrumil-savalia-3657b4164/ github.com/dhrumilsavalia/Python-data-analysis Profile
Zestful, Dynamic & Passionate to explore new concepts and their real life applications. Wishing to serve for Oil & Gas sector company to showcase my problem-solving, learning & comprehensive skills.
M tech Petroleum Engineering (Pursuing)
IIT-ISM, Dhanbad
2021 – present
Btech. petroleum engineering
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar 2017 – 2021
School Education
J. H. Ambani, Surat
2005 – 2017
Energy Accolade
Institute of Petroleum Engineers & UPES SPE SC
Won 3rd prize at national level, Quiz was based on testing knowledge of petroleum engineering at a basic level IPE-GATE-21 days challenge
Institute of Petroleum Engineers
1st prize, 21problems solved in 21days
Catechize-International Quiz Competition
1st prize, SPE PDPU fest-2019
Crash course on python
Oil and gas industry operation market
CO2 sequestration using GEM
Computer modelling group ltd.
Upstream CMG Python Q-rod Excel
Professional Experience
Summer intern, Project Coordinator
ONGC, Ahmedabad Asset
2020 Ahmedabad
Led team of 5 members. Successfully completed virtual internship project on sucker rod pump production optimization in one month with assistance of an executive production engineer.
Vocational Trainee
Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar Mfg. Div.
Analyzed the workflow of the processes of aromatics plant, DTA refinery as well as equipment of
Tatoray, ParexI & Parex II. Had an ecstatic experience in learning new things and interact with new people
Geological Field Work
2019 Kutch
The field work included collecting rock samples, analyzing sedimentary structures, strike-slip study, paleo current analysis, structural & stratigraphic studies etc
Rural Intern
Khamir NGO
2018 Kutch
Interacted with maldhaaris from different rural areas of Naliya district to gather information about no.of sheeps & goats along with their contact no. so that Khamir NGO can approach them in future in need of wool.
ECBM production optimization
Worked in a group project to obtain langmuir isotherm and critical desorption pressure of 11.32 psia of the reservoir with given parameters. Obtained breakthrough of CO2 gas after 57 days through eclipse simulator.
Sucker rod pump production optimization
Used Q-rod software to predict downhole movement of the pump by generating dynagraphs. Optimized production of 6 wells of Sanand field which resulted in liquid gain of 5m3/D Publications
Artificial intelligence:The digital frontier for energy revolution
SPT mirror
Technical article including artificial intelligence & its various disciplines as well as its application in oil & gas industry