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Petroleum Drilling

Ernakulam, Kerala, India
February 10, 2022

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Mohamed Shibin

AGE: **

DOB: **-**-****





PIN :680519

PHONE: 0091-963-***-****

EMAIL ID: *************@*******.***

Career Objective:

A skilled Petroleum Engineering graduate with introductive experience in advanced drilling solutions, petroleum refinery operations, and implementation of procedures and best practices following knowledge management processes. Seeking a graduate engineering role in the oil and gas industry to develop engineering and management skills and apply new ideas to real-life industry problems. Core Competencies:

• Petroleum Exploration • Petroleum Reservoir Engg.

• Natural Gas Engg.

• Drilling Technology

• Surface Production Operations

• Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

• Well logging & Formation evaluation


(09/2012 - 06/2017) B. Tech in Petroleum Engineering College: Aditya Engineering College

University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada Andhra Pradesh, India. Digree has focused on the study of Structural Geology, Petroleum Refinery Operations, Petroleum Reservoir Thermodynamics and Fluid Properties, Reservoir and Drilling Engineering, Petroleum Production Engineering and Basic Science Engineering. Experience:

Entry level Petroleum Engineering graduate with IWCF level one certification and STCW 2010(Pre Sea Training) & NEBOSH IGC accredited by British Safety Council 1. Assam Petroleum (Job location: Mehsana :Gujarat-India)



Client: ONGC Rig

name : CW- 50

Capacity : 180 ton Power

:1000HP Work


*Tripping operation safely

*Performing man riding operations as directed by the Driller

*Assisting in BOP installation and removal operations

*Maintain the Rig floor as clean and hazard free condition

*Cleaning and lubrication all the drilling and associated equipment

*Recording the mud properties and reporting to the Driller on regular basis

*The operation of drill floor equipment utilized in drilling and ancillary operations. Worked 2 year 1 month as Floorman in a Drilling Rig Onshore 2. Jindal Drilling and Industries Ltd. ( Job location: Silchar& Agartala asset: Assam- India) Mud logger

( 11-May-2019) – ( 20-April-2021)

Worked 1year &11 months as Mud logger in Jindal drilling & industries Ltd. Work Responsibilities:

*Monitoring the real time main and graph in very rig operations.

*Preparing the master log on daily drilling basis.

*Preparing the composite log when the logging completed.

* Submitting the drilling data’s to Geologist on daily basis.

*Checking all the sensors and accessories in unit is working properly.

*Lithological description of cutting samples.

*Cutting sample collecting from shale shaker and packing accordingly on regular depth interval. Additional Qualifications & Information:

Qualified NEBOSH Safety training accredited by British Council

Able to work under unsupervised conditions and a quick learner with a good team player’s mentality.

Member of SPE

Effective inter-personal skills

Conducted Rig visit to ONGC onshore field in Krishna-Godawari Basin

Attended Workshop on well logging from IIT kharagpur conducted by Prithvi in the year 2013 Attended cementation session at Halliburton, Andhra Pradesh. Strengths:

Good listener

Hard Worker



Situation awareness


Awards & Extra Curricular Activities:

Achieved first in state level PCM exam (talent search) conducted in primary classes

Member of Eco-Mitra & Science club

Passion for travelling in order to learn about history, culture and lifestyle of different countries Academic Project:

Produced water treatment system and their disposal techniques

• Produced water instantaneous production may leads to the hazardous impacts over the habitats and environment

• It may result in the prioritization of controlling the toxicity and disposing it in a less harmful way or controlling its toxicity for reuse.

• In this project we had gone through a case study of an ONGC rig situated onshore at Krishna Godawari Basin and learned their practical disposal techniques used before disposal these produced water had to be processed and intoxicated.

• The entire project was based on recycling methods and burial techniques of the produced water in which myself as a crewmember became familiar with certain equipment used for processing and the amount of toxicity present in produced water and their extent in which they have to be intoxicated before burial techniques.


Can be provided up on request

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