I have shift supervisor experience at CVS Pharmacy
Customer service
Counting drawers
I have food experience working with my moms catering and baking bussiness
I have had to defuse customer situations
I have worked with vendors
I worked at cubbys for a short time my youngest son got mirsa and got deathly ill qnd ended up losing my position there because of my son's illness
He did beat it and is a overly energetic one yr old.
So I also have experience working in a truck stop dealing with and helping truckers.
I know how to do gas and vouchers for truckers I'm sure your business does it a little different but I am a fast learner
I have two boys a one and three year old.
I am working hard to find a job that will let me grow with them
I have only held two jobs cubbys as explained above
And Cvs pharmacy where I recently quit my manager had a home bussiness on the side and kept throwing it at me and I kept saying no thank you my schdule starting changing and I wasn't being told so I would be late and the stress finally got to me and I left.
I deserve to be treated better then that and want to show my boys that sometimes in life you have to stand up for yourself I hope that you can see something in me that you want in your company as much as I want to be a part of the Love family