Pratik Joshi
Mobile: +91-983*******
Email address: **************@****.***
Career Obkectiie
Seeking an entry level positon in a leading dental hospital or clinic in order to improve my dental career.
Educational Qualiications
Course Instiiuie Uniiersiiy Percenia@e Year of
BDS MGM Dental
college and
61.51 % 2017
HSC RLT College of
80.76% 2013
SCC GS Convent State
88.55 % 2011
Worked as intern from Sep 2017 to at Sep 2018 at MGM dental college & hospital. Responsibilities:
-Counsel the patents.
-Prepare & submit Syllabus- oriented Charts & Models for Sessions
-Assist senior professors for various surgeries.
-Partcipate in various dental health screening and treatment. Experience
Diagnoses dental problems in adult and pediatric patents
Performs dental prophylaxis
Performs tooth extractons
Does cavity flling and applied sealants as needed
Root canal in anterior and posterior teeth
Prescribes medicatons for patents.
Sets a follow-up appointment
Organised feed visits in rurae as weee as urban areas during the INTERNSHI P and diagnosed various dentae cases.
Organized the Coeeege event ‘Magnum 2018’.
P articipate in Dentae check up Campus arranged by IDA under “Orae Cancer Awareness Campaign”.
P articipate in Woreds Largest free Generae Medicae Camp at Santacruz
P articipated in Heaethy smiees Camps arranged by the Coegate.
Successfueey compeeting the eevee 1 training Course of “LifeFirst Tobacco Cessation Training P rogramme”.
Successfueey Compeeted the Training course of “Basic Life Support”. Skill Seis
Positve Approach
Strong Will Power
Passion to learn new things
Sound Knowledge of Dentstry
Exquisite inter-personal skills
Expertse in handling the dental tools.
In-depth Knowledge of analyzing the problems.
Polite, courteous, and professional with all patents and colleagues.
Good Decision maker.
Discipline and Obedient about my work.
Professionalism and work ethics.
Personal Details
Date of Birth:. : 5 Nov 1994
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Single
Natonality : Indian
Languages Know : English, Hindi, and Marathi.
Hobbies : Football & Bike riding
Address. : Kalamboli near dmart neelsiddi amarante Pin code 410218
Mobile No. : 983-***-****
“I hereby declare that the above informatonns are true to best of my knowledge.” Place:Navi Mumbai
Date Pratik Joshi